Reports Of Shots Fired At U.S. Capitol

A tense afternoon on Capitol Hill.

Starbucks CEO: No Guns In Our Stores, Please

Starbucks is kindly asking customers not to bring guns to their stores.

Pro-Gun Control Legislators Voted Out In Colorado Recall Elections

A gun rights victory at the ballot box in Colorado.

Big Money Republicans Not Giving To Ken Cuccinelli

Potential trouble for Virginia’s Republican nominee for Governor.

Gun Control Has Faded From The Newscycle And The Political Conversation

Low voter priorities and the natural tendency of the media to move on to the next big story meant that gun control was not going to be a top political issue for long.

Ten Years After McCain-Feingold, More Money In Politics Than Ever

The 10th anniversary of McCain-Feingold teaches a lesson we should already have learned.

Nearly 1/5th Of Congress Getting Both Pension And Salary

Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Obama Waging Psychological Warfare on Americans, Says Crazy Doctor

Dr. Keith Ablow lays out the case that President Obama is conducting psychological warfare on us.

Boy Scouts Of America Votes To Admit Openly Gay Members

A major change in policy by the Boy Scouts.

Gun Crime Down, But Americans Think It’s Up

The reality of gun violence in the United States is far different from the story the media is telling us.

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Pivotal 2nd Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has ducked an opportunity to expand the holdings in D.C. v. Heller

Rise of the Megacommuter

About 8.1 percent of U.S. workers have commutes of 60 minutes or longer and nearly 600,000 have “megacommutes” of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.

Political Momentum For Gun Control Measures Appears To Be Stalling

The post-Newtown momentum for gun control has slowed significantly.

No, Madison was not an Advocate of the Original Design of the Senate (17th Amendment Repeal Edition)

If one is going to worship at the alter of original intent, it might be useful to know a bit of history.

Paid Sick Leave and Epidemics

Government-mandated paid sick leave might improve both public health and the American economy.

Chris Christie Slams House Republicans Over Sandy Relief Failure

Hell hath no fury like a Christie scorned.

The N.R.A.’s Bizarre Response To The Sandy Hook Shootings

The NRA’s response to the Sandy Hook shootings was bizarre to say the least.

Tapper Asks Where Obama’s Been on Guns

On rare instances in Washington, reporters do their job and ask tough questions of political leaders. Rarer still, the leaders give good answers.

Boehner Puts Tax Rate Increases On The Table

The latest offer from John Boehner includes a significant concession.

Meaningful Action To Prevent More Tragedies Like This

Will the massacre of twenty children in a Connecticut elementary school mark a turning point in America’s gun culture? Don’t count on it.

America’s Deadliest School Massacre And The New Media World

Is it good to live in a world where news of a massacre can travel around the world in an instant?

Shots Fired At Connecticut Elementary School, Multiple Deaths Reported

Apparent tragedy at a Connecticut Elementary School.

Reagan Won The Tax Debate. Now What?

Ronald Reagan won the tax fight. The debate now centers on whether to continue cutting taxes or slightly reverse the trend.

2012 Congressional Election Predictions

OTB bloggers give their best guesses on the House and Senate races.

Hurricane Sandy Open Thread

Were you impacted by Hurricane Sandy? If so, how did you fare?

Are Republicans Going To Sacrifice The Senate To Rally Around Todd Akin?

Now that he is on the ballot for good, Republicans seem to be giving Todd Akin a second look. That seems unwise.

Prospects For GOP Senate Takeover Appear To Be Slipping Away

It’s looking less likely that the GOP will be able to gain control of the Senate.

Three States Challenge DOMA on Estate Taxes

The Defense of Marriage Act is under challenge through a unique angle: estate taxes.

Who Owns Your iTunes Library When You Die?

Technically, you don’t own your digital music files. That means you can’t transfer them to your heirs after you die.