William Barr Is Exactly The Kind Of Attorney General Trump Always Wanted

Late last week, Attorney General William Barr demonstrated quite aptly the extent to which he has become just another Trump loyalist.

Public Impeachment Hearings To Begin Next Week

Get the popcorn and your favorite beverage ready.

Government in the Private Interest

A current defense of Trump raises an ancient political question.

Republicans Grow Increasingly Desperate In Defense Of Trump

The GOP’s efforts to defend the President are becoming more desperate and pathetic by the day.

Elizabeth Warren And The Commander In Chief Test

So far at least, Elizabeth Warren is not doing a good job of articulating her foreign policy positions. That needs to change if she’s going to be a serious candidate.

Pence And Pompeo ‘Ceasefire’ Benefits Turks, Syria, And Russia, Screws Kurds

American negotiators are claiming a ceasefire in northern Syria. The Turks, Syrians, and Russians are the winners, the Kurds are the losers, and we look like schmucks.

Senate Report Details Russian Interference In 2016 Election, Warns About 2020

A new Senate Intelligence Committee report adds to the evidence regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Turkey, Syria, And Russia Win, U.S. Loses As Syrian Crisis Widens

Turkish forces advance, American forces retreat, the Kurds seek new allies, and Syria and Russia come out the winners.

Impeachment is not a Coup

A public service announcement.

Trump’s Syria Moves Face Heavy Criticism

President Trump’s latest Syria move is coming under heavy criticism even from fellow Republicans.

Trump Promised Xi That The U.S. Would Remain Silent About Hong Kong

President Trump has reportedly pledged to Chinese President Xi Jinping that the United States would not speak out against Chinese actions in Hong Kong.

Trump Pulls U.S. Forces From Northern Syria, Leaving Kurds Vulnerable

The United States is withdrawing its small force from Northern Syria, clearing the way for a Turkish invasion that will likely
aim to wipeout the Kurdish forces in the region.

The Post-Trump GOP Will Not Go Back To ‘Normal’

Contrary to the hopes of some, getting rid of Trump isn’t going to purge the GOP of Trumpism.

One Year Later, Mohammed bin Salman Still Getting Off Scot-Free In Khashoggi Murder

It’s been one year since Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, never to be seen in public again. We are no closer to justice in his case than we were a year ago.

Hugh Hewitt Hackery

An empty column with a seed of one good point buried in a bunch of nothing.

Netanyahu Gets First Crack At Forming New Israeli Government

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is getting the first shot at forming a new government. Whether he’ll succeed or not is another story.

Netanyahu Joins Chief Rival In Call For Unity Government

With election results showing his Likud Party falling short of a majority, Benjamin Netanyahu is joining his chief rival in vallsfor a unity government. Getting there would be complicated, though,

Trump Tones Down Anti-Iran Rhetoric In Wake Of Saudi Attack

As the Saudis continue to evaluate the impact of the weekend attack on a major oil facility, the Trump Administration tones down the anti-Iran rhetoric just a bit.

U.S. Points At Iran In Saudi Oil Facility Attack And Trump Hints At Military Action

While the world continues to evaluate the impact of Saturday’s attack on a Saudi oil facility, tensions in the Persian Gulf are increasing.

Major Drone Strike Hits Large Saudi Oil Facility

Houthi rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility for a massive attack on an important Saudi oil facility.

Netanyahu Throws Peace Process Out The Window

Faced with an election next week, Israel’s Prime Minister is pushing a settlement plan that would be an utter disaster.

Bolton Was A Bad Consigliere, But Trump Is A Bad Don

John Bolton was not a good National Security Adviser, but the real problem with Trump Administration foreign policy comes from the man at the top.

President Trump Fires John Bolton

President Trump took to Twitter late this morning to fire his third National Security Adviser.

Trump Goes Full Dictator

Donald Trump isn’t just admiring dictators now, he’s acting like one.

Pressure Continues On Mike Pompeo To Run For Senate In Kansas

Republicans from around the country want Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to run for Senate in Kansas. Because they’re afraid they can’t win without him.

Alliance Between Netanyahu And Trump Making Support For Israel A Partisan Issue

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions toward two Democratic Congresswomen,seemingly at the bidding of President Trump, is the latest example of the growing partisan divide over policy toward Israel.

The Trump Administration Has Killed Human Rights Diplomacy

Under the Trump Administration, the American commitment to human rights around the world is basically dead.

John Ratcliffe Is Not Qualified To Be Director Of National Intelligence

President Trump’s nominee to be the next Director of National Intelligence is quite simply not qualified for the position he has been nominated to.

Mueller And The Reality Of Russian Election Interference

While much of the talk about Robert Mueller’s testimony has focused on the Trump campaign, there was another part to his testimony that brings attention to a far more serious threat.

Mark Esper Confirmed As 27th Secretary Of Defense

Mark Esper has been confirmed and sworn in as the next Secretary of Defense, ending a period of nearly 100 days during which the Pentagon was headed by a succession of Acting Secretaries.

It’s Mueller Time

Starting at 8:30 a.m. this morning, the eyes and ears of Washington and much of the nation will be focus on one thing, the testimony of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Congress And The Country Prepare For Mueller Time

On Wednesday, much of official Washington, and likely a good part of the country itself, will pause to watch what are likely to biggest hearings since the late 1980s.

Tensions Increasing Again In The Persian Gulf

Tensions are increasing in the Persian Gulf thanks to a collection of actions by Iran, the United States, and United Kingdom.

House Passes Defense Spending Bill That Seeks To Limit Trump’s War Powers

The House of Representatives passed a defense spending bill that seeks to limit Presidential authority when it comes to striking Iran and aideing the Saudi war on Yemen.

On Foreign Policy, Biden Is The Anti-Trump

Joe Biden delivered his first major foreign policy address of the campaign. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than what we have right now.

Mueller Testimony Delayed One Week

Delay of game.

Trump Caves On Citizenship Question

After a year of fighting, the Administration has given up on its effort to get a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Ross Perot, Presidential Spoiler, Dead at 89

The independent who upended the 1992 Presidential race has passed.

Iran Surpasses Another JCPOA Limit

Iran announced that it was exceeding another limitation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, upping the already tense situation in the Persian Gulf

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Britain’s Ambassador To The U.S.: Trump “Inept,” “Dysfunctional”

In memos to his superiors, the British Ambassador to the United States had an exceedingly frank, and negative, assessment of the current occupant of the White House.

Iran Passes Limits On Uranium Enrichment Set By JCPOA

Just over a year after the United States repudiated the JCPOA, Iran has surpassed a limit on uranium enrichment set by the JCPOA

Trump Has Few Options In Latest Iran Crisis

Realistically, President Trump has very few options when it comes to dealing with Iran and its nuclear program.

U.S. Ready To Give Up ‘Denuclearization’ In North Korea Talks?

Is the United States finally ready to give up on the fantasy that North Korea will surrender its nuclear weapons?

Senate Declines to Rein in Trump’s War Power

The Kaine-Udall amendment has met its predictable end.

Robert Mueller To Testify Before Congress

Robert Mueller has agreed to testify before Congress in public. Testimony that is likely to be the big story of the summer.

Six Months Without a SECDEF

The Pentagon has been headed by Acting Secretaries for an unprecedented period. Does it really matter?

Trump Still Won’t Acknowledge The Truth About The Murder Of Jamal Khashoggi

Eight months later, the President and his Administration continue to refuse to acknowledge the truth about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

Trump Imposes New Sanctions On Iran. They Won’t Work.

The Trump Administration unveiled new sanctions against Iran yesterday. They’re unlikely to accomplish the entirely unrealistic goals the President claims to have in mind.

Revisiting the JCPOA

A possible way forward?