OTB Caption Contest Winners

The ACME Corporation Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

A Parade For Iraq War Vets?

As they did four years, ago the New York Giants will get a parade in New York City today. Some are wondering when Iraq War vets will get theirs.

The Drumbeat to War With Iran: Take a Stand

We need to have opinions on a subject as serious as war with Iran.

Good News All Around In January Jobs Report

The January jobs report was the best we’ve seen in more than three years.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The GOP Balloon Release Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mitt Romney’s Bizarre View Of The U.S-Israeli Relationship

Mitt Romney’s view of the ideal relationship between the United States and Israel is, at the very least. quite odd, and, potentially, dangerous.

New Twitter Policy Leads To Misguided Cries Of Censorship

Censorship or sound business practice?

Obama’s Second Term Would Be Neither Groundbreaking Nor A Calamity

The truth about a Second Obama Term is that it likely wouldn’t be all that remarkable.

$4.00 Per Gallon Gas By Spring? Bye Bye Economic Recovery?

Higher gas prices in the spring could have an impact on the economy, and the election.

Reporters as Truth Arbiters

How far should the press go in challenging assertions by politicians?

Ron Paul’s Phony “Chickenhawk” Attack On Newt Gingrich

Last night, Ron Paul decided it was a good idea to bring back the ghosts of the Vietnam War era.

UK Defense Secretary Tough on Iran, Tougher on Europe

Philip Hammond addressed the Atlantic Council this morning in advance of a meeting with Leon Panetta.

Rick Santorum’s Disturbing Foreign Policy Vision

Rick Santorum’s foreign policy positions are troubling in many respects.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Unsafe At Any Speed Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

The GOP’s Ridiculous Appeasement Argument

To Republicans, even thinking about engaging in diplomacy is enough to accuse the President of appeasement.

Winning the Iran Debate

Bernard Finel argues that those of us arguing against war in Iran are doing it wrong. He’s right.

A Glance Into The Crystal Ball For 2012

So, what’s next?

Hey, Is Anyone Out There?

If there’s anyone out there, why haven’t we heard from them yet?

Republican Candidates Love The Imperial Presidency

Not surprisingly, most of the Republican candidates for President aren’t too keen on reducing the excessive growth in Executive Branch power.

Vote Moderate Republican: Vote Obama

Understanding the state of the GOP field requires recognizing that President Obama is actually pretty moderate.

Iraq Disintegrating As US Withdraws

For years, analysts have worried that Iraq’s tenuous hold on stability would collapse upon the withdrawal of US forces. We’re now watching it happen.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

Republicans Clash At The (Thankfully) Final Debate Of 2011

The final candidate clash of 2011 didn’t lead to the sparring that some expected.

Time’s 2011 Person Of The Year: “The Protester”

Time Magazine has chosen “The Protester” as its Person Of The Year. Let the outrage ensue.

Huntsman, Gingrich, And The Not-Really Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Yesterday’s encounter between Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich was less than it could have been.

Does It Really Matter That Iran Captured One Of Our Drones? Maybe Not

While unfortunate, the loss of an RQ-170 drone over Iran may not be the intelligence disaster some make it out to be.

Bad Economic News Spelling Bad News For POTUS

There aren’t many glad tidings at the White House these days.

Newt Gingrich’s Foreign Policy Judgment, Or Lack Thereof

Newt Gingrich’s foreign policy vision leaves much to be desired.

A Reminder of Turkey’s Disposition

Just a reminder: Turkey is a NATO ally.

Russia on Combat Alert over NATO Missile Defense

We’re hearing the howls of a wounded bear.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate Post-Mortem

I liveblogged and tweeted my instant, mostly snarky, reaction to the CNN foreign policy debate. Here are some more fully formed thoughts.

GOP National Security Debate Live Blog

I’ll be liveblogging tonight’s Republican national security debate over at RealClearWorld along with a solid team of foreign policy analyst

Syria and the Responsibility to Protect

We’re running out of excuses.

Republicans For Waterboarding

The most disturbing part of Saturday’s debate came when most of the GOP candidates endorsed torture.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate: Winners and Losers

Huntsman will gain little if any traction and none of the frontrunners really helped or hurt themselves.

Panetta Warns Of Unintended Consequences Of Striking Iran

The Secretary of Defense has some words of warning for those advocating military action against Iran.