Would Romney Spend The Nation Into Debt To Increase Defense Spending? Yes, He Would

Left with a choice between their hawkish foreign policy and their supposed commitment to fiscal conservatives, Republicans will, without fail, spend the nation into debt.

Foolishly, Republicans Open Attack On Obama On Foreign Policy

Today’s convention activities will include the opening salvos of an attack on the President’s foreign policy. This strikes me as a mistake.

Obama Warns Syria On Chemical Weapons Use

President Obama issued a warning to Syria today over its chemical weapons stockpiles.

Iran in the News

Some troubling, sad, and downright puzzling stories

A Presidential Election Without Veterans

For the first time in 80 years, there are no veterans on the major party Presidential tickets.

What About Afghanistan?

The war in Afghanistan has not been a topic of discussion in the Presidential campaign, but that’s largely because there’s not much left to talk about.

Israel Is America’s Greatest Espionage Threat In The Mid-East?

According to a new report, the CIA considers Israel to be an espionage threat.

Taking Romney and the GOP to Task on the UK Trip and Foreign Policy

Disseting the Romney visit to the UK and musing about the state of GOP foreign policy views.

Raul Castro Says he is Willing to Talk

The US government has an odd and unproductive view on the concept of talks.

Politics and Political Science

It would be nice if people who make authoritative decisions had some idea what they are talking about.

The Brave New World Of Cyber Warfare

Are the Stuxnet and Flame attacks the opening shots in a dangerous new era of secret war?

Gas Prices Are Falling, But That’s Not Necessarily Good News

Gas prices are falling nationwide but that’s mostly because the economy kind of stinks.

House Oversight Committee Holds Eric Holder In Contempt

The stage is set for a showdown between the Executive and Legislative Branches.

Rand Paul Rips Mitt Romney’s Statements On Presidential War Powers

Rand Paul calls Mitt Romney out over his comments about Presidential War Powers.

Romney Continues To Attack Russia

Mitt Romney’s confrontational approach to Russia makes no sense.

Mitt Romney Has Some Very Disturbing Opinions On Presidential War Powers

Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.

Should Congress Hold Eric Holder In Contempt?

If the Department of Justice does not fully comply with Congressional subpoenas, then there seems to be no alternative other than holding the Attorney General in contempt.

Stuxnet and America’s Cyber Credibility

The United States may have slowed down Iran’s nuclear program without firing a shot–not counting the one at our own foot.

Stuxnet And America’s New Cyberwarriors

The first shots have been fired in cyberspace. How will it end?

Republican Foreign Policy Establishment Worried About Romney?

The New York Times finds some infighting among old Republican foreign policy hands.

Romney and the Military

Romney comes down firmly on the guns side of guns and butter.

Stuxnet On Steroids

Meet Flame. A cyber threat that makes Stuxnet seem like child’s play.

Dissecting Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy

Is there a Romney Doctrine?

Avoiding NATO Summit Disaster

My first piece for the Christian Science Monitor, co-authored with my Atlantic Council collegue Barry Pavel, has been posted.

Fiscal Conservativism? Romney Would Raise Defense Spending $2.1 Trillion Over 10 Years

Mitt Romney is proposing one of the biggest peacetime increases in military spending in U.S. history.

Iran Nukes: Not So Fast?

Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb isn’t as easy as most think, Jacques Hymans argues in the current Foreign Policy.

How Risky Was the Osama bin Laden Raid?

We seldom blame presidents for bold actions that go wrong. We despise them for appearing weak and indecisive.

Romney Campaign Warns Of Soviet Threat To Czechoslovakia

Does the Romney campaign know the USSR doesn’t exist anymore? Of course they do, but the language they use still means something.

Iran Hasn’t Decided Whether to Build Nukes-Israel Army Chief

Lt Gen Benny Gantz says Iran “is going step by step to the place where it will be able to decide whether to manufacture a nuclear bomb. It hasn’t yet decided to go the extra mile.”

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Truck Whisperer Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Obama And Romney: A Dime’s Worth Of Difference On Foreign Policy?

Despite their rhetoric, there would be few differences between a Romney Administration and an Obama Administration when it comes to foreign policy.

Does It Matter Who Wins In November?

In reality, it probably doesn’t,

Analysts Say Gas Prices May Have Peaked

Once again, those predictions of $5.00 gas may have been much ado about nothing.

Where Have the Thoughtful Conservatives Gone?

OTB’s comment section as a microcosm of the American political landscape.

China Will Continue Buying Iranian Oil

There’s a big hole in the latest sanctions against Iran.

Former KGB Chief “Kills Himself”

The wonderfully wry British media strikes again with the BBC headline “Soviet ex-KGB chief Leonid Shebarshin ‘kills himself'”