The Costs Of Attacking Iran

An attack against Iran’s nuclear weapons research facility won’t be an easy thing.

Wars and Rumors Of Wars

It’s time for another round of speculation about Iran and its nuclear program.

Presidential Debates: Neither Debates Nor Presidential

Do we place too much importance on performance in presidential debates?

Iraq Withdrawal Debate

President Obama’s surprise announcement Friday that all U.S. forces would leave Iraq in time to be home for the holidays has been roundly condemned. While there are real concerns about what happens next, there was no better alternative.

Republicans Bash Obama For Doing What Bush Wanted To Do In Iraq

President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.

When It Comes To Foreign Policy, Herman Cain Is Dangerously Clueless

Herman Cain’s foreign policy consists of little more than deliberate ignorance.

What Is Iran Up To, If They’re Up To Anything?

What’s the logic behind Iran’s alleged plot to commit terrorist attacks inside the United States?

Iranian Terror Plot in US Foiled

The Justice Department claims to have disrupted a major Iranian-backed terrorist attack in the United States.

Romney’s Realism Redux

The key to my understanding of Mitt Romney’s foreign policy rollout is the assumption “this is fundamentally a campaign document rather than a governing platform.”

There Really Is A Death Panel

We’re learning more about the Obama Administration’s decision to kill Anwar al-Awlaki

Herman Cain Rising: New Frontrunner, Or Flash In The Pan?

Is Herman Cain for real, or is this rise int he polls just another boomlet destined to fade away?

Obama Answers Reagan’s Question

In an interview, President Obama says that Americans are worse off than they were four years ago.

Koch Brothers Under the Microscope

A major backer of Republican and Libertarian causes is under fire.

What’s Wrong With Our Government

When the old rules don’t apply anymore, the system breaks down.

Palestinians Present Statehood Application To United Nations

We may have entered a new and dangerous phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Fact Checking Mitt Romney’s Claim That the President Has “Apologized For America”

During last night’s debate, Mitt Romney repeated a charge that has become part of the conservative zeitgeist. But is it true?

Chicago Tribune Editorial Board Member Calls On Obama To Forgo A Second Term

Yes, Barack Obama is running for a second term.

Blair Calls for Regime Change in Iran and Syria

For a peace envoy, Blair has some nonpeaceful ideas.

Political Fantasy World

It never ceases to amaze me how many smart people manage to believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that their political philosophy has massive support.

Ron Paul: American Foreign Policy Is The Primary Motivation For Terrorism

Ron Paul is again making the argument that American foreign policy has contributed to terrorism. He’s more right than wrong.

U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Until 2024?

The U.S may be on the verge of committing the next decade to the future of Afghanistan.

Success In Libya Does Not Justify An Unnecessary, Improper Decision By President Obama

Success in Libya does not make the American mission any less unjustified than it was on the day President Obama announced it.

U.S. Calls For Assad To Step Down In Syria, But Options Are Limited

The U.S. and its allies are calling on Bashar Assad to step down, but there’s little we can do when he says no.

Rick Perry: We Need President Military Respects

Rick Perry declared, “One of the reasons that I’m running for president is I want to make sure that every young man and woman who puts on the uniform of the United States respects highly the president of the United States.”

Iraq Is Backing Syria’s Dictator. Why The Heck Did We Go To War Again?

Iraq has become so dependent on Iran for its survival that it is endorsing the brutal tactics of Bashar Assad.

Republicans Clash In Most Energetic, Combative Debate So Far

Last night’s debate was definitely more combative than previous renditions.

“The Most Pivotal Time In American History,” Or The Least?

Examining the impact of current events requires stepping back from them just a little bit.

Fight Brewing Over Defense Cuts

The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.

Syrian Troops Continue Crackdown Amid International Pressure

The world is starting to denounce the crackdown in Syria, but the reaction seems unlikely to go much beyond strongly worded statements.

Debt Deal Reveals GOP Split On Defense Spending

The cuts to Pentagon spending in the new debt deal are further revealing a split in the GOP over foreign policy and military spending.

How did we get to Trillion Dollar Deficits?

It is always useful to go inside the numbers.

Obama Approval Still In Danger Zone

President Obama is polling at 46.8 percent, below the level needed to win re-election.

Tim Pawlenty’s Foreign Policy Speech And The Neocon Distortion Of Ronald Reagan’s Legacy

Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speech shows him siding with the hawks, and joining in the neocon distortion of Reagan’s legacy.

The Beginning Of The End Of America’s Longest War

Last night, the President basically announced that America’s longest war had entered it’s end game.

Plurality Of Americans Say They’re Worse Off Since Obama Took Office

Are you better off than you were three years ago? 44% of Americans say no.

Reagan’s Question Looms For Obama

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

The Odd American Obsession With Political Sex Scandals

The Anthony Weiner reveals once again the odd American obsession with the intersection of sex and politics.