George Shultz, 1920-2021

The longtime public servant has died, aged 100.

The Pendulum Is Broken, Not Swinging

Historical precedents fall apart when we’re in a truly unprecedented time.

All Lies Are Not Created Equal

President Biden told a little fib.

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

Trump’s Final Meltdown

The President of the United States is an existential threat to the Republic.

The Flynn Pardon

Perhaps the most normal thing President Trump has done.

Biden to Name Blinken for State and Sullivan for NSC

The 46th President’s foreign policy team is taking shape.

Al Qaeda Deputy Killed in Iran

The man behind the 1998 embassy attacks is dead.

The Line That Divides

Either democracy is sacred, or it’s not.

What’s a Republic?

What meanings might the Founders have had? How should we understand the term?

DNI Refusing to Brief Congress on Election Security

Yet more flouting of the rule of law by the Trump administration.

Foreign Interference in the 2020 Elections

The Russians are at it again, with the cooperation of the Trump administration and its enablers.

Larry Hogan 2024

Could a blue state governor be the future of the Republican Party?

Trump Commutes Roger Stone’s Sentence

A shocking and yet completely unsurprising development.

Israeli Bomb Sets Back Iranian Nuclear Program

The Natanz fuel enrichment site has been seriously damaged.

Bolton: Trump Asked China to Help Re-Election

Some explosive charges in the former National Security Advisor’s book.

Undercounting COVID Deaths

The counting methodology is flawed and that’s assuming honest reporting.

Eleven 9/11s

Another grim milestone

US Retaliates for Iranian Retaliation

A proportional response.

Iranian Attack Kills Americans

If a global pandemic and economic crisis weren’t enough excitement . . . .

SXSW Latest Victim of Coronavirus

Conferences, sporting events, and even school has been canceled to avoid spreading the pandemic.

American Gerontocracy

Is being ruled by the elderly a bad thing?

No, Mr. President, COVID-19 isn’t a Democratic Hoax

Donald Trump is once again trying to deflect reality.

South Carolina Debate Was Terrible

CBS did a lousy job.

Anonymous Intel Officials Say On-Record Briefer Overstated Russian Interference

Moscow helped Trump in 2016. Do they want him back?

The Problematic Acting DNI

Only the best people.

Pompeo on Iran and Ukraine

The chief diplomat of the United States isn’t very diplomatic (nor informative).

11 US Troops Injured in Attack Where No US Troops Were Injured

Claims by the President and Defense Department about the Iranian response to the Soleimani raid were untrue.

More on NATOME

More on presidential nonsense with a brief diversion into blogging philosophy.

The Childlike Foreign Policy Stylings of Donald J. Trump

A bold new plan for security in the Middle East.

What Now with Iran?

President Trump has a huge decision to make.

Democratic Primary Reset?

The 2016 frontrunners at this stage won their nominations easily. But that’s often not the case.

Mike Pompeo Decides Against Running For Senate

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has decided against running for Senator Kansas, decision that could force the GOP to defend an otherwise safe seat.

Trump’s Threat To Sanction Iraq Is Ridiculous And Stupid

President Trump is making ridiculous threats against the regime in Iraq that are likely to draw it closer to Iran.

Trump’s Threat To Attack Iranian Cultural Sites Would Probably Be A War Crime

President Trump’s threat to attack Iranian cultural sites would most likely constitute a war crime if he actually carried it out.

Iran Announces End Of Restrictions Imposed By Nuclear Deal

In response to the American assassination of a top General, Iran has announced the end of yet more restrictions imposed by the 2015 nuclear deal.

In Attacking Iran, Trump Is Losing Iraq (Again)

The assassination of a top Iranian official on a visit to Baghdad is having the expected negative impact on our relationship with Iraq and the fight against ISIS.

Actions have Consequences

Despite Pompeo’s assurances, we are already seeing consequences for the Suleimani killing.

Citing 9/11 in Regards to Suleimani

If your case needs a 9/11 boost, perhaps your case is weak.

U.S. Drone Strike Hits Head Of Iranian Revolutionary Guard

An American drone strike has taken out the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a move likely to significantly increase tensions across the Middle East.

More on Trump’s Foreign Policy

Policies towards Iran and NK are both a mess.

Iraqi Protesters Storm U.S. Embassy

Amid protests over American airstrikes, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has become a target.

Netanyahu Survives Likud Leadership Challenge

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu easily survived a challenge for leadership of the Likud Party.

New Year Likely To Bring A “Gift” From North Korea

The DPRK is promising a “gift” to the United States. The only question seems to be what form it will take.

Israel Headed To Third Election In A Year

Having failed to form governments after two successive elections, Israel is headed for a third election inside of a year.

White House Rejects Invitation To Participate In Impeachment Hearings

After arguing for a month about an “unfair” impeachment process, the WHite House is saying ‘no thanks’ to an invitation to participate in the next round of impeachment hearings.

Donald Trump’s Supporters Are Living In #Cult45

The Republican Party is a cult with Donald Trump at the center and his ardent supporters are brainwashed cult members.

About Biden’s Gaffes

A new article puts Joe Biden’s gaffes and malapropisms in a new light.

Benjamin Netanyahu Indicted On Multiple Charges

After a year of controversy and investigation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicated on charges of fraud and bribery.