Trump Backs Down On Mass Deportation Threat

With hours to go before they were set to start. the President delayed the mass deportation raids that were supposed to begin this morning.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Art of the Threat

The latest is about deportations

Trump To Nominate Mark Esper For Defense Secretary

Just days after being named the next Acting Secretary of Defense, the President is appointing Mark Esper to be full Secretary of Defense.

Roy Moore Is Running For Senate Again

Much to the chagrin of Republicans hoping to win back a Senate seat they never should have lost, Roy Moore is running for Senate again in Alabama.

Boris Johnson To Face Jeremy Hunt In Tory Leadership Fight

The fight to determine the leader of the Conservative Party, and the next British Prime Minister, is down to two candidates, but there’s one clear favorite.

U.S. Was Poised To Strike Iran Last Night, Then Trump Pulled Back

The planes were apparently in the air, and the ships in position, for an American attack on Iran last night. Then the order to pull back came in.

Iran Downs American Reconnaissance Drone As Tensions Continue To Increase

As if the situation in the Persian Gulf weren’t already tense enough, the Iranians shot down an American reconnaissance drone late yesterday

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House Votes to Repeal 9/11 AUMF

Democrats are trying to rein in President Trump. It won’t work.

Boris Johnson Is One Step Closer To No. 10 Downing Street

As Conservative MP’s continue winnowing down the list of candidates for party leader, Boris Johnson remains the overwhelming leader. However, a surprise challenger may be on his heels.

Patrick Shanahan Withdraws As Defense Secretary Pick

Patrick Shanahan is out as nominee to be Secretary of Defense after questions were raised during his background investigation.

Ahead Of Potential Crisis With Iran, Trump’s Lack Of Credibility Comes Home To Roost

As we head toward a potential crisis in the Persian Gulf, the consequences of the President’s lies are coming home to roost.

Tensions Increasing Amid Talk Of Military Action Against Iran

Tensions are increasing in the Persian Gulf as the Iran war hawks seem to be winning the battle for the President’s support.

U.S. Cyber War Against Russia Without The President’s Knowledge?

A new report in The New York Times raises both national security and Constitutional concerns.

Let’s Take a Breath on Iran

Bret Stephens (and others) are overreacting.

Pete Buttigieg Lays Out An Encouraging Foreign Policy Platform

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg laid out his foreign policy platform in a speech this week. It’s certainly an improvement over the current President.

Graham is Wrong

This time on Venezuela

Oil Tankers Attacked Near Entrance To Persian Gulf, Escalating Tensions

Expanding on events that have been going on for months, two oil tankers were attacked today near the entrance to the Persian Gulf

Everything Trump Touches Dies: French Tree Edition

The tree that President Trump and French President Macron planted last year has died.

Meanwhile, In Russia….

While the American media was paying attention to President travels and travails in Europe, there was another meeting taking place.

Donald Trump And The Legacy Of D-Day

Donald Trump has betrayed the legacy and the sacrifices of the soldiers who fought their way onto the beaches of Normandy.

Jared Kushner’s Middle East Peace Plan Likely Dead On Arrival

Jared Kushner’s long-awaited Middle East peace plan is still awaiting release, but it already appears to be dead on arrival.

thinker statue facepalm thinker statue facepalm

More Hackery: This Time from Hugh Hewitt

His colum in WaPo isn’t very good.

There’s Too Much Money In Politics Because There’s Too Much Politics In Money

Do you want to get money out of politics? You need to get politics out of money.

While In Japan, Trump Dismisses Missile Tests That Threaten Japan

President Trump is in Japan, and while there is is dismissing the seriousness of new North Korean missile tests that threaten Japan.

Julian Assange Indicted On Additional Counts Alleging Violations Of Espionage Act

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been indicted on seventeen counts under the Espionage Act arising out of his role in the Chelsea Manning affair.

Jimmy Carter’s Rennaissance?

Some 2020 Democratic hopefuls are turning to a surprising source for counsel.

Taiwan Becomes First Asian Nation To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

Taiwan has become the first nation in Asia to legally recognize same-sex marriage.

Trump’s Phony Call For Negotiations With Iran

The White House claims to want to talk to Iran but the President’s actions make clear that negotiation is the furthest thing from his mind.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Is A Failure

President Trump’s foreign policy has largely been a failure, and there are specific reasons why.

Trump Abandons Restraint In Foreign Policy In Favor Of Interventionism

While he campaigned on a message of restraint, Donald Trump has largely adopted the interventionist foreign policies of his predecessors.

Trump Taking Ill-Advised Militaristic Position Regarding Iran

The Trump Administration is taking an unnecessarily militaristic approach toward Iran, and that poses real dangers for the country and for the Middle East.

Trump Selects Kentucky Coal Executive Kelly Knight Craft As Ambassador To U.N.

The former Kentucky coal executive, Republican fundraiser, and Ambassador to Canada would replace Nikki Haley in what used to be a position dominated by more experienced diplomats.

Biden Calls For End To U.S. Support For War On Yemen

Former Vice-President Joe Biden is calling for an end to American support for the Saudi war on Yemen.

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t Working Because It Isn’t Supposed To Work

The Trump Administration’s policies toward Iran aren’t going to work, but that’s because they aren’t supposed to work.

The War On Yemen, Congress, And The Constitution

The Wall Street Journal tries, and fails, to defend President Trump’s indefensible veto of the Congressional resolution regarding the war on Yemen.

Trump Vetoes Measure To Curtail U.S. Support For War On Yemen

President Trump has not surprisingly vetoed a Congressional resolution to limit American support for the Saudi war on Yemen. His defense for doing so is utterly absurd.

Netanyahu Wins Yet Another Term

Both major parties have claimed victory but it certainly looks like Likud will hang on.

Post-Mueller Recriminations

The mea culpas and I-told-you-so’s are rather premature.

Pelosi Demands Open Release of Mueller Report

The Speaker says she will reject any attempt to deliver it in a “highly classified” manner.

Maduro Holds on in Venezuela

The key remains the military.

The Saudis Tortured An American Citizen, Trump Looked The Other Way

The Saudis tortured an American citizen, but the Trump Administration doesn’t care.

The Hanoi Summit Failed Because Trump Is Pursuing The Wrong Goal

In the end, the reason the Hanoi Summit failed is because the Trump Administration is pursuing an unattainable goal.

Benjamin Netanyahu To Be Charged In Criminal Corruption Case

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being charged with three charges of corruption even as he faces an election in just over a month.

Congress Needs To Fix The National Emergencies Act

Instead of merely seeking to block the President’s declaration of an “emergency” at the southern border, Congress should instead significantly amend the National Emergencies Act.

Tensions Flare Between India And Pakistan

While the rest of the world looks at other events, tensions are flaring in a long-standing global hot spot.

America’s Allies Refuse Trump’s Request To ‘Fill The Gap’ In Syria

After two years of spitting in their faces, President Trump is finding it hard to get America’s European allies to come to his aid.

Speaking of Elliott Abrams

And if you don’t know, now you know.

U.S. Leaving Behind A Token Force In Syria

Rather than pulling completely out of Syria the United States will be leaving behind a token force of about 200 troops. This is a mistake.