Senate GOP Delays Vote On Health Care Reform

A big setback for Republican efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare.

CBO Score Casts Even More Doubt On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

Once again, a bad CBO score is casting doubt on a Republican health care reform bill.

Senate GOP Health Care Bill Faces Crucial Week, And Many Doubts

The Senate GOP health care reform care bill faces a crucial week, and things aren’t looking good.

Senate Republicans Release Health Care Plan That Could Already Be Dead On Arrival

Senate Republicans released their proposed health care plan this morning, but it could already be doomed.

Trump’s Absurdly Obsequious Cabinet Meeting

Donald Trump’s first Cabinet Meeting looked like something out of a Maoist propaganda video.

It’s Looking More And More Like Congress Will Fail To “Repeal And Replace” Obamacare

Congress is running out of time in its effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act.

Congressional Budget Office Score Of Health Care Bill Is More Bad News For GOP

The latest CBO score for the American Health Care Act is bad news for Republicans.

Was The Russia Investigation The Real Reason For Comey’s Firing? It Sure Seems Like It

There seems to be no question that the decision to fire James Comey was motivated largely by the President’s frustrations over the fact that his campaign is under investigation.

Momentum On GOP Health Care Reform Bill Set To Slow Down Significantly In The Senate

The American Health Care Act may have sailed through the House, but the Senate is another story.

Trump Administration Introduces Tax Plan, But Comes Up Short On Details

The Trump Administration is out with a tax plan, but it’s seriously lacking in details.

Trump Drops Demand For Border Wall Funding As Congress Tries To Avoid Government Shutdown

With a government shutdown looming at the end of the week, the Administration has appeared to back away from a demand that a government funding bill include money allocated for the President’s promised border wall.

Democrats Are More Out Of Step Than Republicans, Poll Says

Polling indicates that voters find the Democratic Party to be even more out of step than the Republican Party.

White House Pushing Congress To Revisit Failed Effort To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

Faced with the fact that it has little to show for its first 100 days in office, the Trump Administration is pressuring Congress to come up with a new health care reform bill before the end of next week.

On the History of the Filibuster

Stop romanticizing the filibuster (and don’t appeal to the intent of the Founders).

Neil Gorsuch Confirmed As 113th Justice Of The Supreme Court

After a prolonged vacancy and a bitterly partisan confirmation process, Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed to succeed Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Mitt Romney Reportedly Considering Bid For Senate In 2018

Mitt Romney is reportedly considering running for Senate in Utah if Orrin Hatch decides to retire.

Senate Invokes ‘Nuclear Option’ As Gorsuch Nomination Heads To Final Vote

As expected, Senate Republicans invoked the so-called ‘nuclear option’ to move the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch forward to a final vote on Friday.

Senate Committee Advances Gorsuch Nomination As ‘Nuclear Option’ Becomes Inevitable

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch even as it became inevitable that Republicans would be forced to invoke the ‘nuclear option’ to confirm him to the Supreme Court.

The Politics of Gorsuch

The ordinary and the extraordinary with the latest SCOTUS nomination.

Republicans Claim That Obamacare Repeal Is Still On The Table, Don’t Believe Them

Republicans are saying that repealing the PPACA isn’t off the table, but practically speaking it probably is.

Senate Headed For ‘Nuclear Option’ Showdown Over Gorsuch Nomination

Next week’s big news is likely to be the Senate’s vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, which could mean invocation of the so-called ‘nuclear option’ by Senate Republicans.

Gorsuch Has Another Good Day In Front Of Senate Judiciary Committee

More fireworks on the second day of the questioning of Neil Gorsuch, but his confirmation nonetheless seems assured.

With Gorsuch Hearings Set To Begin, It’s Democrats Who Are In The Hot Seat

Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings begin Monday morning, but it’s Senate Democrats who are in the hot seat.

Senate Democrats Split On Strategy For Gorsuch Nomination

Senate Democrats are divided on how to approach the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, making it likely that he’ll be confirmed.

Jeff Sessions Failed To Disclose Contacts With Russian Officials

Attorney General Jeff Sessions apparently misled Senators when asked about his contact with Russian officials.

Trump Campaign Reportedly In Contact With Russian Intelligence During Campaign

The story about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia didn’t start with Michael Flynn, and it isn’t going to end with his resignation.

Signs Of An Anti-Trump ‘Tea Party’ At Congressional Town Halls

At Congressional town halls across the country, there are signs of what could turn into a movement that would cause real headaches for the GOP in future elections.

Senator Elizabeth Warren Silenced By Senate During Debate On Sessions Nomination

There were fireworks on the floor of the Senate last night, but it was really just politics as usual.

Trump Names Judge Neil Gorsuch To Supreme Court

With a relatively smooth announcement, Donald Trump has named a solid and qualified conservative who will likely be confirmed to the nation’s highest court.

Firing Sally Yates Was Not A “Monday Night Massacre”

The Acting Attorney General was fired last night after announcing that she would refuse to defend President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. As a result she was fired. Contrary to some arguments, this was not improper.

Trump’s First Supreme Court Pick Could Be Days Away

President Trump hinted today that he’s likely to name his Supreme Court choice next week, and the list to appears have narrowed to three men.

Key Republicans Pushing To Have Obamacare Replacement In Place Before Voting On Repeal

With repeal of the Affordable Care Act now likely sooner rather than later, key Republicans are urging the party to have a replacement in place before repeal is voted on.

Term Limits Only A Partial Solution To The Problems Plaguing Congress

Congressional term limits are a good idea, but they are only a partial solution at best and may not be the best solution to the problems facing our political system.

CIA Report: Russia Acted To Help Trump Win The Election

New information raises serious questions about the integrity of the 2016 elections, and about Donald Trump and his supporters.

Donald Trump Opposes Flag Burning, Supports Burning The Constitution

Donald Trump resurrects an old debate and desecrates the Constitution in the process.

Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against Senate Over Merrick Garland Nomination

A Federal Judge has dismissed a lawsuit that tried to make an end-run around the Senate and put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court.

Key Republican Senators Come Out Against Elimination Of The Filibuster

Senior Republican Senators are throwing cold water on the idea of eliminating the filibuster.

After Election Losses, Democrats Battle For Some Top Leadership Positions

In what seems like a replay of the primary battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, some top Democratic Party leadership positions may be in jeopardy.

Republicans Maintain Control Of Senate

Defying the odds, Republicans held on in several traditionally Democratic states to keep control of the Senate.

2016 Congressional Election Predictions

My predictions for the House and Senate.

Meh Hillary

It has become necessary to destroy the party in order to save it.

Would Senate Republicans Really Block Any Supreme Court Nomination Hillary Clinton Makes?

Two Republican Senators are exchanging barbs over the idea that the GOP should block any attempt by Hillary Clinton to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court if she becomes President.

Republicans Vow To Continue Investigations Even If Hillary Clinton Wins The White House

House Republicans are vowing to continue their investigations even if Hillary Clinton wins the White House.

Republicans Starting To Cave On “No Hearings, No Votes” For Merrick Garland?

Comments from one Republican Senator are raising the possibility we could see hearings and a vote on Merrick Garland during the post-election lame duck session of Congress.

Trump Campaign Shakeup

After weeks of bleeding, the Trump campaign is undergoing a shake up, but it’s unlikely to fix what’s really wrong.

Clinton Is Crushing Trump Among Younger Voters, And The GOP Is Paying The Price

America’s largest voting bloc is heavily turned off by Donald Trump, and that is posing long-term problems for Republicans in general.