Ron Paul Wins CPAC, Loses YAF

Ron Paul has won the CPAC straw poll for a second straight year. But YAF has voted him off its board over his opposition to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Five

Taking a dive into Mark Levin’s view of Federalism.

Unemployment Rate At Lowest Level Since 2009, Job Growth Still Anemic

The January jobs report is, in a word, disappointing.

Mortgage Interest Deduction Favors Blue States

The home mortgage interest deduction benefits Democrat-voting states most! Is the fix in?

Chris Christie Turned Down Offer To Do SOTU Response

Chris Christie turned down the chance to give the response to tomorrow’s State Of The Union Address

Mitt Romney Wins N.H. Straw Poll, Ron Paul Second, Palin Fourth

It’s straw poll season already. First up, New Hampshire where things turned out about how you’d expect them to considering Mitt Romney lives there now.

New Poll Numbers: Huckabee-Romney-Palin Top the GOP, Obama at 54%

The newest WaPo/ABC News poll numbers.

Is Rep. Giffords In Danger Of Losing Her Seat Due To Being Hospitalized?

An obscure Arizona law has raised questions over whether Congressman Gabrielle Giffords could lose her seat if she is disabled for an extended period.

Of Blizzards And Political Firestorms

Cory Booker, Michael Bloomberg, and Chris Christie have been in the news this week due to the political fallout over their handling of the East Coast blizzard.

Caption Contest Winners

The Shiite Christmas Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

2010 Census: Republicans Win

Red States should gain 10 seats while Blue States should lose eight.

Random Bag Searches Coming To D.C. Metro System

Washington D.C.’s 34 year-old Metro system is about to become the latest stage for Security Theater.

Are You Better Off Than You Were Two Years Ago?

As things stand right now, the dynamics don’t look good for President Obama in 2012

Professor Gets 200 Confessions to Cheating

Richard Quinn, a business professor at the University of Central Florida, got suspicious after a historically high grade distribution on the midterm for his capstone course and decided to scare his students.

Republican 2012 Nominee: Who It Won’t Be

While Tim Pawlenty and John Thune get high marks from insiders, they have next to no shot at winning the 2012 Republican nomination for president.

The Circular Firing Squad Takes Aim At Chris Christie

When conservatives start attacking one of their own for pointing out the obvious, you really have to wonder if they want to win.

State Level Tsunami

As impressive as Republican gains in this week’s elections were at the national level, they were even more so in state legislative races. Which means Republicans are in position to consolidate and expand upon their recent gains.

Obama’s India Trip Costing $ 200 Million A Day? Don’t Believe It

The latest story being repeated by the conservative talking heads is the claim that President Obama will be spending $ 200 million per day on his upcoming overseas trip. The problem is that it’s not true.

Election Results Are A Mixed Verdict For The Tea Party

Last night’s election results stand as a mixed verdict on the Tea party and its impact on the Republican Party.

One Polling Chart To Rule Them All

If you’re looking for a reason why the GOP is likely to do very well tomorrow, voter response to the “right track/wrong track” question is a very good guide.

Palin For President, With An Assist From Mike Bloomberg?

Political columnist John Heilemann thinks he’s come up with a scenario that would put Sarah Palin in the White House, but his assumptions don’t add up.

Chris Christie Kills Hudson Rail Project

New Jersey’s governor has killed a vital infrastructure project because of huge cost overruns. It’s penny wise and pound foolish.

Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart Is A Bigot And CNN Is Run By Jews

Once again, CNN’s Rick Sanchez discovers that opening his mouth probably wasn’t a good idea.

Palin, Romney Lead In Early GOP 2012 Gallup Poll

Once again, Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin are at the top of the field in the GOP 2012 race, but that may not last forever.

Collegiate Prank Leads To Suicide

Three lives intersected last week at Rutgers University, but one person didn’t make it out alive.

New Study Projects Big Gains For GOP From Redistricting

A new projection of Congressional reapportionment shows a dramatic shift to traditionally Republican states in the South and Southwest.

Republican Backlash Hits Tea Party Endorsee Christine O’Donnell

The nation’s 2nd smallest state is becoming the biggest battleground between the Establishment GOP and Tea Party insurgents.

Woman Upset Her Car Ruined in Failed Suicide Attempt

NY Post is apparently out to embarrass non-public figure Maria McCormack with its story “Dodge Charger owner upset vehicle crushed by suicidal fall.”

Republicans Need To Ask For A Mandate

If Republicans stick to their current (apparent) game plan and just run on not being Democrats, they will have neither a mandate to repeal Obamacare, et al, nor the will.

Public Opinion On Health Care Reform Turning Negative Again

The perfect storm of a bad economy and a new, massive, unpopular government entitlement program may be combing to cause serious damage to Democrats in November.