Madison, the Philadelphia Convention, and Presidentialism

The US came a lot closer to something resembling a parliamentary system than most people think.

Chris Christie: Climate Change Is Real, Human Activity Contributes To It

The climate change deniers aren’t going to like what Chris Christie has to say.

Chris Christie Reconsidering A Presidential Run?

Is Chris Christie reconsidering his previous statements about not running for President? More importantly, why are so many Republicans still dissatisfied with the field?

Wisconsin Recall: Republicans Hold 4 of 6, Senate

The second round of the rolling Wisconsin recall elections was held yesterday. The Republicans are still in charge.

White House Pressuring Geithner To Stay At Treasury

Rumors of Timothy Geithner’s departure from the Treasury Department may have been exaggerated.

In Defense Of Chris Christie And Rahm Emanuel

Chris Christie and Rahm Emanuel are being criticized for the brusque manner they handled questions about their children’s education.

Pennsylvania Family Court Orders Father To Delete Blog Critical Of Ex-Wife

Does a family court have the authority to tell a parent to delete a blog critical of his ex-wife?

Republican Governors Remarkably Unpopular

Are the new crop of GOP governors too conservative?

Obama: Big Donors and Grassroots Supporters

The Obama campaign is stressing that 98 percent of its donations were from little guys contributing $250 or less. But 40 percent of the money came from a handful of major donors.

Dead Children Make For Bad Laws: The Case Against “Caylee’s Law”

The result in the Casey Anthony case is leading, inevitably, to a host of new proposed laws.

Is College a Scam?

It’s the marketing of college as a panacea that’s a scam, not college itself.

Should Jon Huntsman Be Considered A Contender?

On paper, Jon Huntsman looks like a great General Election candidate. The problem is it seems impossible for him to win the GOP nomination.

Post-Debate, Romney Is Clear GOP Frontrunner, Bachmann Surging

The race for the GOP nomination is taking shape.

Bloggers Not Protected By Journalist Shield Law, New Jersey Court Rules

In a decision released yesterday. the New Jersey Supreme Court clarified the journalist/blogger distinction somewhat.

The EPA and Mining Jobs

In an op-ed in The Hill titled “Enviro elitists keep America unemployed,” Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government argues that one factor behind the anemic jobs picture is the onerous regulatory environment.

Tyler Cowen’s Productive Mind

A profile of George Mason economist and blogger Tyler Cowen offers this amusing description: “Cowen, 49, has round features, a hesitant posture, and an unconcerned haircut.”

Fox News Frankenstein

Fox News chairman Roger Ailes has come to regret the direction he took the network after the 2008 election.

Internet Commenters Are Us?

Amy Myers, the sophomore who challenged Michele Bachmann to a debate on the Constitution, has been the target of vile comments on the Internet.

Mitch Daniels Won’t Run in 2012

Mitch Daniels, the candidate of George Will and a host of mainstream Republicans hoping for something better in 2012, has announced he will not be running for president in 2012.

Republicans 2012: Who Else Might Run?

With the customary hand-wringing over the low quality of the presidential field well underway, the corollary pining for other candidates to join the race is starting.

Why 2012 Republican Field is So Weak

The Republican candidates of 2012 are so weak because of GOP losses in 2004 and 2006 Senate and gubernatorial races.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Down, But He Still Leads All GOP Rivals

President Obama is vulnerable, but he’s facing a GOP field that is underwhelming even for Republicans.

Study: Rising Gas Prices Don’t Impact Consumption

A new study suggests that increases in the price of gasoline have very little impact on consumer behavior. If that’s true, it has serious implications for energy policy.

Barack H. Obama Elementary School Closing

Apparently, being named after the sitting president wasn’t enough to keep Ashbury Park, New Jersey’s Barack H. Obama Elementary School open.

Mitt Romney at Daytona 500 Mitt Romney at Daytona 500

Mitt Romney, Republican Frontrunner, Cipher

Mitt Romney starts his 2012 run as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. But, in reinventing himself yet again, the “authenticity” issue that troubled many of us in 2008 looms again.

Have Republicans Lost The Public Relations War Over Public Sector Unions?

As the standoff in Wisconsin drags on, there is no sign that the public accepts the argument being made about public sector unions by Governor Scott Walker and other Republicans.

Republicans Begin To Realize That Obama Won’t Be Easy To Beat

Republicans begin to discover that defeating an incumbent President isn’t an easy task.

Real Doctors, Fake Notes

Either Andrew Breitbart controls the entire media complex or Crooks & Liars jumped the gun. “Figure it out.”

The Case Against Public Sector Unions

It’s time to end the ability of public sector labor unions to hold taxpayers hostage.

Wisconsin Teacher Showdown

Neither side is covering themselves in glory in the battle over the Badger State budget.

Unemployed? Don’t Bother Applying.

Being unemployed, especially in the long term, makes it less likely to get hired.

Obama’s Budget Proposal: Is It A Trap?

You don’t have to be Admiral Akbar to suspect that the President’s refusal to deal with entitlements in his budget proposal is a trap for the GOP.