Campus Crackdowns Escalate

Police have been brought at universities across the country.

Trump Has Huge Lead With Those Who Won’t Vote

Oh, the irony.

Minority Rule Isn’t a Myth

The will of the majority can prevail even in a skewed system.

Coronavirus Relief Funds Diverted to Pet Projects

Because of course it was.

Justice Stephen Breyer Justice Stephen Breyer

The Breyer Patch

The 83-year-old Justice is playing a dangerous game.

SCOTUS Denies Emergency Injunction Against Maine Vaccine Mandate

There will be no religious exemptions. For now, at least.

Yes, Florida’s Numbers are Better; No, that is not a Vindication of DeSantis’ Policies

Let’s look at the numbers and the clear effects of policy choices.

Women Likely to be Included in Draft

A long-overdue change appears to be happening.

Quick Takes

A few notes from the beach.

Hamilton on Super-Majorities

Looking to Federalist 22.

More Census 2020 Takeaways

The trends over the last half century are really something.

Census Results Likely a Boost for GOP

The long shift of population from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt continues—with the unusual exception of California.

DC Statehood and Power Politics

More voice, more votes, more representation.

Voting is Too Hard

It’s not just Red states that put up too many barriers.

Amazon Killing Libraries?

The quasi-monopoly power of the world’s largest bookstore is problematic. Maybe.

President Trump at the Bioprocess Innovation Center at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies President Donald J. Trump listens to a reporter’s question during a press conference Monday, July 27, 2020, at the Bioprocess Innovation Center at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies in Morrisville, N.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) President Trump at the Bioprocess Innovation Center at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies President Donald J. Trump listens to a reporter’s question during a press conference Monday, July 27, 2020, at the Bioprocess Innovation Center at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies in Morrisville, N.C. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

Trump’s Free Fall Over?

The President has hit rock bottom.

Biden’s Veep Search

Every Democratic woman seems to be under consideration.

Justin Amash Running for Libertarian Nomination

The erstwhile Tea Party Republican is making a run for President.

Trump Floats National Quarantine, Backs Off

The Constitution in times of extreme crisis.

Rhode Island Cracking Down on New Yorkers

Gina Raimondo has apparently lost her copy of the Constituiton.

American Gerontocracy

Is being ruled by the elderly a bad thing?

The Framers Aren’t All They’re Cracked up to Be

The men who gathered in Philadelphia to write the Constitution were geniuses. But they couldn’t predict the future.

Democrats Growing Skeptical Of ‘Medicare For All’

Even as candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders continue to base their campaigns on it, Democrats appear to be growing skeptical of ‘Medicare For All.’

Joseph Kennedy III Enters Race Against Ed Markey For Senate

A familiar name has entered the race for the Democratic Senate nomination in Massachusetts.

One Year Later, There’s New Evidence Against Brett Kavanaugh

A new look at the allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh uncovers some new evidence.

Ed Markey Facing A Challenge From The Kennedy Clan In 2020?

The junior Senator from Massachusetts could be facing a big challenge in 2020.

Border Bill Splits Democratic Caucus

Speaker Nancy Pelosi suffered a major defeat on a signature issue.

Trump Won’t Rebuild Military Bases if He Has to Rebuild Puerto Rico, Too

A months-long standoff is stopping hurricane relief.

Democrats Trying to Block Trump from 2020 Ballot

Ballot measures across the country would deny access to those who refuse to release tax returns.

No, the Electoral College Wasn’t About Slavery

Princeton historian Sean Wilentz lays to rest a pernicious idea propagated by . . . Princeton historian Sean Wilentz.

Democratic Senators Sue Matthew Whitaker, Asserting His Appointment Is Unconstitutional

Three Democratic Senators are suing the Acting Attorney General, asserting that his appointment was unconstitutional.

Will The Last Republican In New England Please Turn Out The Lights?

Another part of the country that was once a Republican stronghold is now almost completely blue.

Women Helped Propel Democrats To Victory

Whether as candidates or as voters, Democrats can thank women for many of their victories on Tuesday.

Ronald Reagan’s Lesson For Donald Trump On Responding To Hate And Bigotry

Thirty-seven years ago, Ronald Reagan spoke out against hatred and bigotry in a way that the current President refuses to do.

Cold Civil War or Civil Cold War?

The Kavanaugh fight is just another indicator of our national divide.

Kavanaugh/Ford Hearings Begin Amid New Accusations And Questions

Just hours before hearings that will likely determine the fate of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, new accusations and revelations are coming to light.

James Mattis On The Way Out? It Sure Looks That Way

Reports about tension between Defense Secretary James Mattis and President Trump are becoming louder, and it’s being suggested that Mattis could be out of office after the midterms.

Trump Declines Request to Lower Flag for Capital Gazette Victims

What was once a rare symbol of national mourning has become so commonplace as to be meaningless.

Trump Using Children As Bargaining Chips In Immigration Battle

Children are not political bargaining chips, but that’s exactly what this President plans to turn them into.

Connecticut Joins National Popular Vote Initiative

Eleven states plus DC, who have 172 of the 270 electoral votes needed to elect a President, are now part of the compact.

National School Walkout Commemorates Florida School Shooting

Students across the country are staging 17-minute protests at 10 am in their time zones.

NSA Has Received No Orders To Act Against Russian Interference In 2018 Election

President Trump continues to deny the reality of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, and he’s failing to act to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Rhode Island Governor Orders Confiscating Guns from ‘Red Flag’ Persons

As with any such discretionary power given to police, it will surely be abused. But the Parkland shooting was yet another in a long line of situations where obvious “red flags” were ignored until it was too late.

GOP Growing Increasingly Nervous About Governor’s Races

The GOP’s potential troubles in 2018 don’t just exist at the Congressional level.

Adam West, Television’s Batman, Dies At 88

R.I.P., Caped Crusader

Joe Lieberman For F.B.I Director?

For some reason, Joe Lieberman is apparently the front-runner to replace James Comey at the F.B.I.

Do Presidential Pardons Still Make Sense?

Obama has issued more commutations than all his predecessors combined. He set the single-day record Monday.

Retired General Michael Flynn Tapped For Trump’s National Security Adviser

A controversial retired General has been tapped to be President-Elect Trump’s top White House foreign policy voice.

California, Two Other States, Legalize Recreational Marijuana

The fight for marijuana legalization advances in California.