U.S. Freezes A Portion Of Military Aid To Egypt

The U.S. sends a mostly weak signal to the Egyptian military.

Obama Won’t Go To Congress, Because History Has Taught Him He Doesn’t Have To

Presidents have gotten away with ignoring Congress when it comes to foreign military adventures for a very long time.

Syria Intervention Looks Inevitable

Western military action in the Syrian civil war now appears likely.

Obama’s Failed Middle East Strategy

Walter Russell Mead explains why a well intentioned, carefully crafted and consistently pursued grand strategy failed.

Is Egypt Irrelevant?

Does interest in Egypt make the same sense it did 30 years ago?

State Department: Avoid Planet Earth, There Be Terrorists There

Al Qaeda may be up to something, so take no chances.

Yemen’s al Qaeda No. 2 Still Dead

Abu Sufyan al-Azdi, al Qaeda’s number two man in Yemen, is still dead. Or dead again. Or finally dead.

U.S. Says That Syria Has Used Chemical Weapons, Will Reportedly Start Arming Rebels

The U.S. is now confirming that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons. What’s next?

Iran The Big Winner In Syria’s Civil War?

Has the West inadvertently handed Iran a victory in Syria?

Susan Rice, Samantha Power, And Syria

How would the addition of Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the President’s foreign policy team affect policy toward Syria’s civil war?

Syria’s Civil War Inspiring Sectarian Violence Outside Syria

Syria’s violence is slipping across it’s borders.That’s not good news at all.

China And The Future Of World Oil Markets

The world oil markets aren’t too far away from being hit by the shock of massively increased demand from China. Somehow, we’ll have to adapt.

Shooting Sprees vs Organized Terrorist Attacks

We treat violence by lone individuals differently than organized violence. Race, religion, and national origin have nothing to do with that.

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

Guns and Preventing Tyranny

The notion that guns prevent tyranny is based on fantasy and movies, not reality.

Heading Off the Stupidest War

Would a formal guarantee of Israel’s security deter Iran from whatever nuclear weapons development program it has?

In 2012, Democrats Had The Advantage On Foreign Policy

Without question, Barack Obama won the foreign policy debate in the 2012 campaign.

Why Pick On China?

Jihadists Getting Most Of The Weapons Going To Syrian Rebels

The worst elements among the Syrian rebels seem to be the ones getting the arms.

Report: U.S. Knew Benghazi Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours

The Administration’s decision to stick with the meme that the Benghazi attack was about a movie becomes more puzzling.

Romney’s Critique of Obama’s Foreign Policy Record Is Incredibly Weak

The Romney campaign’s critique of the President’s foreign policy record is weak, and based on bad history.

The U.S. And Egypt. Allies? Enemies? Frenemies? Well, It’s Complicated

If the United States and Egypt were Facebook friends, their relationship status would be “It’s Complicated.”

Wars, And Rumors Of Wars: Is An Israeli Strike On Iran More Likely Than Ever?

A new IAEA report may make an Israeli strike on Iran in the near future more likely than it has ever been.

Olympic Sexism

While women are more visible at the 2012 Olympics than any past games, there are still cries of “sexism.”

Saudi Crown Prince Nayef Dies

Saudi Arabia’s monarchy has suffered the loss of Crown Prince Nayef, the successor 88-year-old King Abdullah.

Army Medal Fatigue

Andrew Exum believes the Army should “get rid of all medals not related to valor or campaign-specific service.”

America’s Top Geostrategic Threat?

Russia is the most significant geopolitical player actively opposing significant American interests.

Alphabet Soup Collision: PR at the UN by the NAACP over Voter ID

The voter ID issue goes on the road.

Iraq Disintegrating As US Withdraws

For years, analysts have worried that Iraq’s tenuous hold on stability would collapse upon the withdrawal of US forces. We’re now watching it happen.

How To Worry

A list of international contingencies to worry about in the coming year. Handy as a stocking stuffer!

The Ridiculous “Who Lost Egypt?” Argument

There’s a little historical revisionism going on on the right.

What Is Iran Up To, If They’re Up To Anything?

What’s the logic behind Iran’s alleged plot to commit terrorist attacks inside the United States?

Iranian Terror Plot in US Foiled

The Justice Department claims to have disrupted a major Iranian-backed terrorist attack in the United States.

Know Thine Enemy

Understanding why your enemy hates you seems to be an important thing, but some people would rather believe in caricatures.