Will the GOP Ever Win Another Presidential Election?

It’s hard for a party to win four straight presidential elections. The Democrats may pull it off.

Ukraine Is A Test For Europe. Does It Have The Will To Even Make The Effort To Pass?

What the West does in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine is largely up to Europe, not the United States.

Yes, We Do Negotiate With Terrorists

Contrary to the oft-repeated slogan, the United States has negotiated with terrorists before. And we will do it again.

Does The World Really Think Less Of The U.S. Due To Obama’s Foreign Policy?

There’s little evidence for the conservative contention that the President has damaged America’s position in the world.

Far Right’s Rise In Europe Lays Largely In The Failures Of Mainstream Parties

Far right parties are succeeding in Europe because the mainstream parties aren’t offering an alternative.

Aegis Jammed?

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

We spend more per capita than any other country in the world and yet we are outperformed on a key metric, life expectancy, by a large number of countries

Euro Zone Jobless Rate Remains At 12.5%, Solutions Seem Out Of Reach

The economy of the Euro Zone remains in quiet dire straits, unless you’re lucky enough to live in Germany.

NSA Chief Apparently Finds Free Press To Be Very Inconvenient

NSA Director General Keith Alexander really doesn’t like the idea of a free press.

Obama Handing Out Ambassadorships To Top Donors And Friends, Just Like His Predecessors

President Obama has appointed a lot of donor’s and supporters to plumb Ambassadorial slots. That’s not at all unusual.

Did SCOTUS Just Legalize Gay Marriage in All 50 States?

Absent DOMA, the Full Faith and Credit Clause would seem to make gay marriage legal across the land.

French Dip

The French economy has drifted into recession for the second time in four years.

The Youth Unemployment Problem

Large numbers of younger workers are having trouble finding work in many parts of the developed world.

Understanding History: The Argentine Military Regime

Providing a little context for Pope Francis’ background+Erick Erickson needs to learn a little history.

No, It’s Not Fascism

Guns and Preventing Tyranny

The notion that guns prevent tyranny is based on fantasy and movies, not reality.

Green Eyeshade War

Will a disagreement over accounting rules increase the bad feelings between China and the U. S.?

Losing Our Religion

America’s Protestants are dying off and being replaced by non-believers.

Obama Crushing Romney Among Latino Voters

Mitt Romney continues to trail the President very badly among Latino voters. That could be a big problem in November.

Spanish Bonds

Spanish Artist Facing Prison For “Insulting” The Catholic Church

There is a disturbing trend in Western nations toward enforcement of laws against “insulting” religions.

The Euro Zone: Join, Or Die

There may be only one solution to saving the Euro.

Are Today’s College Students Dumber and Lazier?

The Wall Street Journal publishes a screed aimed at those about to graduate college.

Old European Resentments and Prejudices Resurfacing

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti admits that the fight over the eurozone crisis is opening some old wounds.