Time To Reassess George W. Bush?

There seems to be an effort underway to reassess the legacy of our 43rd President.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Is That Your Minkey? Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

The GOP’s Ongoing Bush Problem

Pretending like the Bush administration never happened is a problem for the GOP.

Fake Space Monkey?

Hagel Hearing Farce

My latest for The National Interest, “Ignoring the Hagel Hearing Farce,” has posted.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Slippery Slope Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Guns and Preventing Tyranny

The notion that guns prevent tyranny is based on fantasy and movies, not reality.

Does Decapitating Terrorist Leaderships Work?

Killing their leaders doesn’t seem to be impacting the ability of jihadi groups to recruit and motivate more terrorists.

Heading Off the Stupidest War

Would a formal guarantee of Israel’s security deter Iran from whatever nuclear weapons development program it has?

Judging The 2012 Preditions

Last January 1, some of us made a series of predictions. Here’s how we did.

Cornyn To Oppose Hagel Nomination, If It Ever Comes

John Cornyn tells Jennifer Rubin that he’ll oppose the confirmation of his former colleague, Chuck Hagel, for Secretary of Defense.

Obama’s New National Security Team?

While no official announcements have been made, President Obama’s second term national security team appears to be taking shape.

Richard Lugar’s Valedictory Remarks

Richard Lugar puts in a word for compromise and good governance on his way out of the Senate.

Americans Shut Out Of Intrade

Thanks to the CFTC, Americans will no longer be able to participate in Intrade’s predictions markets.

“I am not a Crook”

Thinking about scandal in a comparative historic context.

The Petraeus Scandal And The Surveillance State

If nothing else, the Petraeus affair is teaching us a valuable lesson in just how extensive the Surveillance State has become.

What do I Mean by “Benghazi Conspiracy Theories”?

An attempt to lay down some basic groundwork for discussing this story.

Why Romney?

Why I supported Mitt Romney despite his constant flip-flopping, fibbing, and fecklessness.

Presidents Do Foreign Policy, Too?

In a posting for New Atlanticist titled “Status Quo Election,” I note the near total absence of foreign affairs from a presidential campaign that’s mercifully coming to an end.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Middle East

First in a series of posts looking at the substance of the final presidential debate, ostensibly about foreign policy.

Previewing Tonight’s Foreign Policy Debate

The candidate’s meet for one last time tonight to talk about some of the most important issues in the world.

Intervening In Syria Would Be Suicidal

President Obama is keeping the conflict in Syria at arms length. That’s a good idea.

No, We Should Not Arm The Syrian Rebels

The argument that the United States should start assisting the rebellion in Syria has many flaws.

Even After Big Speech, Romney’s Foreign Policy Remains Vague

Mitt Romney’s speech at VMI today was billed as a major foreign policy address, but it was incredibly light on substance.

Afghanistan Eleven Years And 2,000 American Deaths Later

The Afghanistan War is officially eleven years old today.

Iran’s Currency Has Collapsed. A Sign The Sanctions Are Working?

Iran’s currency has collapsed and there are riot police in the streets of Teheran. It appears the sanctions may just be working after all.

Romney’s Middle East Policy Op-Ed

Where’s the beef?