Monuments to Wasteful Spending in Afghanistan

The US military’s lavish new headquarters in Afghanistan has been completed just in time for our exit.

Pentagon’s Broken Payroll System

The military’s finance and accounting system has been dysfunctional for decades and is getting worse.

Harry Reid To Make Another Attempt At Filibuster Reform?

Harry Reid is supposedly making another run at filibuster reform.

Frustration With Karzai Pushing Obama Toward “Zero Option” In Afghanistan

Frustrations with the mercurial leader of Afghanistan may increase the pace of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Due Process When Everything Is A Crime

Glenn Reynolds has an interesting piece out today in the Columbia Law Review.

Legal Fight Against Same-Sex Marriage Moves To The States

The marriage equality battle is entering its next phase.

Some Basic Political Science Regarding Egypt

Some thoughts on the ongoing situation in Egypt.

U. S. Aid to Egypt Is Complicated

The complicated issues surrounding U.S. aid to Egypt.

Can Rick Perry Be A Viable Candidate In 2016?

Could Rick Perry recover from his disastrous 2012 campaign to become a viable candidate?

Jay Rosen Retires From Criticizing CNN

The prominent media critic will no longer bother criticizing CNN for not living up to the standards of the profession.

Rise of the Warrior Cop

The paramilitarization of American law enforcement has had deadly consequences.

Privacy Group Petitions Supreme Court Over FISA Court

A privacy rights group has filed a Petition with the Supreme Court regarding recent actions by the FISA Court.

Female Inmates Wrongfully Sterilized In California Prisons

Shocking news out of California.

Rick Perry Won’t Run For Re-Election

We won’t have Rick Perry to kick around any more.

The Tiger or the Tiger: What’s Ahead for Egypt?

There is either a military government or an Islamist one in Egypt’s future.

We Don’t Have a Secretary of the Air Force

Michael Donley announced he was stepping down as Secretary of the Air force in April and did so in June. No replacement has been named.

Dempsey: Snowden Harmed Relations with Allies

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says revealing that the United States is spying on its allies has undermined their trust.

Eliot Spitzer Plots Return To Politics With Run For NYC Comptroller

Is 2013 the year of second acts in American politics? Eliot Spitzer seems to be the latest disgraced politician to hope that it is.

OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Flying On A Plane Is Safer Than It Has Ever Been

Despite yesterday’s tragic events in San Francisco, flying by plane remains the safest way to travel.

When Is A Coup Not A Coup?

Words don’t always mean what you think they mean.

Who’s In Charge Of The FISA Court? John Roberts, And Apparently Just John Roberts

Chief Justice Roberts is the only person who gets to say who sits on the FISA Court.

Man Arrested For Refusing to Turn Off Electronic Equipment

Richard Calderoni was arrested after acting like a jerk on an airplane.

FISA Court Does Job Congress Assigned It

Don’t blame “secret courts” for the government’s expanded spying on American citizens and allies.

Americans Getting Fatter But Still Hate Fat People

Two thirds of us are overweight but we still think fat people are pigs.

Joyner Unfair to Krugman

A decade ago. a certain New York Times columnist was more right than your humble host.

On The Coup In Egypt And The Future Of Democracy

The events of the last week in Egypt raise a whole host of questions.

Soccer Referee Beheaded After Stabbing Player

A Brazilian soccer referee was tortured and beheaded after fatally stabbing a player.

RIAA Takedown Strategy Backfires

The recording industry has sent its 25 millionth Google takedown notice, trying to kill links that sprung up because of earlier takedown notices.

John Kerry Boating During Egypt Coup

While the military was ousting Egypt’s democratically elected president, the US Secretary of State was on his yacht.

Tea Party Apparently Now Considers Stopping Immigration Reform Most Important Issue

Forget about the budget deficit and spending. The Tea Party apparently now considers stopping immigration reform to be its most important task.

French Decry U.S. Surveillance Programs, Are Discovered To Have Their Own Surveillance Program

The French were indignant about reports of the NSA’s surveillance programs. Now we know they have own of their own.