Numbers Of Potential Future Lawyers Hits 13 Year Low

The Law School Bubble has imploded.

Why Class Warfare Succeeds

The “makers vs takers,” “the 99 percent vs. the 1 percent,” and “53 percent vs. 47 percent” memes are getting tiresome.

McConnell Not Willing to Raise Taxes to Avoid Fiscal Cliff

Obama thinks he has a mandate to raise taxes on high earners. Republicans think they have a mandate to stop him.

Modest Growth In Jobs Report Makes Its Election Impact Unclear

A mostly positive, but mixed, jobs report drops five days before Election Day

Third Quarter GDP Growth Clocks In At 2.0%

Another mostly disappointing report on the state of the economy.

Legitimate Reasons To Question September’s BLS Household Survey

While the conspiracy theory is nuts, there are legitimate reasons to be skeptical of some elements of September’s Jobs Report.

Trying to Get a Handle on the Unemployment Figures

There is nothing wrong with healthy skepticism (which is different than outright denialism).

Way Too Excited About Coffee With Pumpkin Syrup in It

So, apparently there’s a shortage of the goop that turns coffee into a $4 pumpkin-flavored milkshake. And grown ass men are upset about it.

Release Of Jobs Report Gives Birth To The Unemployment Truthers

Within minutes after today’s Jobs Report was released, the conspiracy theorists began to come forward.

Unemployment Rate Drops Below 8% Amid Weak Jobs Growth

September’s BLS Report will likely be significant but, behind the numbers, things don’t look all that great.

Obama’s Gas Prices

A sign at a local Exxon station seemingly blames high gasoline prices on Barack Obama.

How Romney Lost The Economy As A Winning Issue

The biggest surprise of the Presidential race to date is the fact that Mitt Romney has lost the edge he once had on economic issues.

GDP And Durable Goods Figures Spell Bad News For The Economy

Newly released statistics indicate that the economy is slowing down and in danger of slipping into a recession.

6 Million Americans Will Be Hit By ObamaCare Tax Penalty

A lot more people than expected are likely to be hit by the ObamaCare individual mandate tax penalty than previously thought.

Romney Losing His Edge On The Economy?

Several recent polls suggest that Mitt Romney is losing the advantage he had over the President on economic issues.

Federal Reserve Announces Another Round Of Stimulus Creating Money Out Of Thin Air

Ben Bernanke thinks doing more of the same is just what the economy needs.

Sharks With Frickin’ Legos

Spiegel has a photo gallery of novel ways to graphically illustrate the Euro crisis. My favorite:

Chicago’s Very Well Paid Teachers Go On Strike, Abandoning 400,000 Students

Largely because they are resisting efforts to hold them accountable for their performance, Chicago’s teachers are leaving 400,000 students locked out of school.

August Jobs Report Shows Continued Weakening Of Labor Market

Another bad jobs report threatens to undermine whatever good will the President had coming off the Democratic National Convention.

About Those 4.5 Million New Jobs, Mr. President

The Obama campaign’s 4.5 new private sector jobs claim is true, but only if you forget the first year of the Obama Administration.

Facebook’s Awesome IPO

Andrew Ross Sorkin says Facebook’s IPO was a debacle. Mark Cuban says this misunderstands the purpose of an IPO.

Americans Do Not Believe They Are Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago

Some unpleasant news for the Democrats in a new poll.

Most American College Students Don’t Borrow To Pay Tuition

Some surprising findings about how America’s undergraduates are paying for their education.

Who Owns Your iTunes Library When You Die?

Technically, you don’t own your digital music files. That means you can’t transfer them to your heirs after you die.

Obama Campaign Dodges Reagan’s Question

The Obama campaign clearly does not want Americans to consider whether they are better off now than they were four years ago.

Paul Ryan’s GM Plant: Fact Checking the Fact Checks

Paul Ryan pointed to a shuttered GM plant in his hometown as proof of Obama’s failed policies. The truth will make your head hurt.

Second Quarter Growth Revised Slightly Upward, Still Below 2%

Economic growth is the key to fixing many of our problems. Unfortunately, we’re not likely to see the kind of growth we need any time soon.

Misleading Chart of the Day

A graph on public debt making the rounds is being used to misdirect rather than clarify.

Romney Mine Visit Cost Miners a Day of Pay

Mitt Romney visited an Ohio coal mine to promote jobs in the industry, unwittingly showing why a job in the industry sucks.

Fixing America’s Stupid Immigration Policy

Jon Huntsman calls for an end to “unforced errors in immigration policy.”