No, We Should Not Arm The Syrian Rebels

The argument that the United States should start assisting the rebellion in Syria has many flaws.

Rand Paul Criticizes Romney’s Foreign Policy Speech

One of Mitt Romney’s own supporters didn’t like his foreign policy speech very much.

Even After Big Speech, Romney’s Foreign Policy Remains Vague

Mitt Romney’s speech at VMI today was billed as a major foreign policy address, but it was incredibly light on substance.

Turkish-Syrian Tensions Increase After Syria Shells Turkish Village

Turkey’s military has attacked Syria several times since Syrian forces shelled a Turkish village.

Iran’s Currency Has Collapsed. A Sign The Sanctions Are Working?

Iran’s currency has collapsed and there are riot police in the streets of Teheran. It appears the sanctions may just be working after all.

German Unification Anniversary

22 years ago today, I was battalion duty officer for the 1/27 Field Artillery in Babenhausen in what, a few hours earlier, was West Germany.

Romney’s Middle East Policy Op-Ed

Where’s the beef?

Is ‘Benghazigate’ Hurting Obama?

Questions about why the Obama administration pretended the attacks on our Embassy in Libya were a spontaneous reaction to a video rather than a coordinated terrorist attack are gaining steam.

Iran v. the US: Who is the Rational Actor on the Nuclear Question?

Because some things are worth reinforcing.

Drone War Discussion Absent from Campaign

My latest for The New Republic, “America’s Scandalous Drone War Goes Unmentioned in the Campaign,” is out.

Report: U.S. Knew Benghazi Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours

The Administration’s decision to stick with the meme that the Benghazi attack was about a movie becomes more puzzling.

Bipartisan Insanity on Iran

My latest for The National Interest, “Insanity on the Iran Question,” posted last evening.

President Obama Capitulates On Freedom Of Speech Before The United Nations

President Obama’s remarks before the United Nations were, at least in one particular part, disappointing.

Egyptians Say They Want Changes To Camp David Accords

Thirty four years later, Egyptians are hinting they want to make changes to the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab nation.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Operation Dumbo Climb Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Obama’s Timidity In The Face Of Extremism

The Obama Administration’s response to the protests in the Muslim world has been entirely wrongheaded.

The Convention Bounce Is Apparently Over, But Obama Still Leads

The President’s poll lead has shrunk, but there are still signs of trouble for Mitt Romney.

A Foreign Policy Of Self-Interested Non-Interventionism

With Mitt Romney and Barack Obama basically saying the same things about foreign policy, it’s time to take a look at an alternative.

Romney Campaign Refocusing By Focusing On, Well, Everything Apparently

The reported Romney “reboot” doesn’t look very impressive.

Turmoil On Team Romney

The Romney campaign infighting is becoming public.

Romney’s Critique of Obama’s Foreign Policy Record Is Incredibly Weak

The Romney campaign’s critique of the President’s foreign policy record is weak, and based on bad history.

Protests At Western Embassies Spread Across Muslim World

For the fourth day, American and other embassies became the focus of mass protests in many Muslim nations.

Romney Campaign: Embassy Protests Wouldn’t Be Happening If Mitt Was President

The Romney campaign is doubling down on bizarre foreign policy pronouncements.

Obama Leads In Three Crucial Swing States

Three new state polls show that Mitt Romney’s path to victory continues to narrow.

The U.S. And Egypt. Allies? Enemies? Frenemies? Well, It’s Complicated

If the United States and Egypt were Facebook friends, their relationship status would be “It’s Complicated.”

Obama Walks Back Egypt ‘Not Ally’ Answer

President Obama gave an honest, nuanced answer to a complex question. So, of course, he’s taking it back.

University Of Pennsylvania Professor: Arrest The Makers Of That Anti-Muslim Movie

One Professor suggests we sacrifice yet more of our freedom in the wake of the embassy protests in the Middle East.

Under the Bus

The career of Larry Schwartz, who is the Counselor for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Cairo, is over.

Cairo Embassy Statement Work of Rogue PAO

A PAO named Larry Schwartz issued yesterday’s infamous statement against the explicit orders of his superiors.

Romney Campaign Fumbles Initial Response To Attacks In Egypt And Libya

Mitt Romney’s initial response to the attacks in Egypt and Libya displayed a tendency to jump the gun rather than wait for the facts.