A Rebooted Race

We’re back to Square 1.

Repeat After Me: US Parties are Weak

Weak and presidentialized.

Dianne Feinstein, 1933-2023

A trailblazer is gone at 90.

Boxer’s Electoral Rebellion

A look back at the last time there was a challenge to a slate of electors.

The Pending Electoral Vote Challenge

It will be symbolic, but the symbol will be an anti-democratic one.

Let’s Look At Potential Democratic Candidates For 2020!

Just 1,436 days until Election Day 2020!

Should The Media Ignore The Fact That Hillary Clinton Will Clinch The Nomination Tomorrow?

One media critic is arguing that news organizations should ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton will become the Presumptive Democratic Nominee tomorrow. This is utterly ridiculous.

Ted Cruz To Name Carly Fiorina As “Running Mate”

In an unprecedented move that reeks of desperation, Ted Cruz is naming Carly Fiorina as his running mate before the primary process has even ended.

Republican Re-Runs Faring Poorly

None of the top eight candidates in current polls have made a previous bid for the nomination.

Chuck Schumer Comes Out Against The Iran Nuclear Deal

The Iran nuclear deal will probably survive it’s test in Congress in the end, but Chuck Schumer just made the Administration’s job a little more difficult.

Networks to Limit Republican Debate Field

With 14 candidates vying for the Republican nomination, TV execs are scrambling to make the debates watchable.

Failed Executive and Politician Carly Fiorina Running for President

Carly Fiorina, who flopped at Hewlett-Packard and in her lone previous political campaign, wants to be the leader of the free world.

Carly Fiorina To Enter Race For President On May 4th

Former Hewlett Packard CEO, and failed Senate candidate, Carly Fiorina will be running for President for some reason.

Carly Fiorina “90% Certain” She Will Run For President

Carly Fiorina seems to be inching close to a Presidential run for some reason.

Senate GOP’s Letter To Iran Likely To Achieve Exactly The Opposite Of What It Intends

Senate Republicans have done more harm to the goal of stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons than they have done good.

Senate Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline For Now, Effectively Ends Mary Landrieu’s Political Career

The Keystone XL pipeline bill is dead until the next Senate. Mary Landrieu’s political career, on the other hand, is basically dead for the foreseeable future.

News Media Mostly Ignoring Iraq War Critics

When it comes to Iraq, the media only seems to be giving Americans one side of the story.

Why Rand Paul’s Filibuster Mattered

Rand Paul’s filibuster is one that all American’s should thank him for that.

The N.R.A.’s Bizarre Response To The Sandy Hook Shootings

The NRA’s response to the Sandy Hook shootings was bizarre to say the least.

Gary Johnson Wins Libertarian Party Nomination For President

The Libertarian Party has chosen another former Republican politician as their Presidential nominee.

Barbara Boxer Channels The Daily Show

Barbara Boxer takes the Daily Show’s “The Vagina Ideologues” bit out of context and deconstructs it during the Senate’s Blunt amendment debate.

Herman Cain Goes For the “Nuts Or Sluts” Defense

Herman Cain response to the latest round of allegations against him leaves much to be desired.

Reid Triggers Nuclear Option Lite

Harry Reid is playing hardball, invoking a tactic that he himself decried being threatened when Republicans were in charge.

“Extremism” In Defense Of Bloated Budgets Is Apparently No Vice

Nor, it would seem, are really tired clichés.

Could Republicans Win the Senate?

Polls show the Republicans easily retaking the House but falling short in the Senate. But 2006 showed us that wave elections can produce shocking outcomes.

Republican Rout in November?

Even with some key seats trending Democrat, Republicans are primed to take over both Houses of Congress come November 2.

Is This The End Of The GOP’s California Dreamin’ ?

Despite hopes that they could help reverse a 20 year trend, both Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman are beginning to lose ground in their races for statewide office in California.

Marijuana Legalization Initiative Leading In California Polls

This November, California could become the first state in the nation to completely legalize the possession and sale of marijuana. And the battle over the ballot initiative is having an impact on other statewide races.

Odds Of GOP Senate Takeover Less Likely After Delaware Primary

Christine O’Donnell’s victory in Delaware Tuesday has made it less likely that the GOP will be able to take control of the Senate, but they still have an excellent shot of making substantial gains that will transform Congress’s Upper House.

Charlie Cook: The Senate Is In Play

For most of the year, a GOP takeover in the Senate seemed beyond the realm of possibility. That’s no longer the case.

Barbara Boxer Compares Veterans, Congressmen

Barbara Boxer has offended some veterans again. This time, she’s right and they’re wrong.

Republicans and Likely Voter Polls

Nate Silver provides yet more bad news for Democrats: When screening for “likely voters,” Republican numbers look even better.