Protecting Privacy in a World Without Privacy

A well-intentioned but likely doomed effort.

Israel, Hamas, and the Laws of War

It’s . . . complicated.

Bill Richardson, 1947-2023

The longtime politician and statesman is gone at 75.

Americans Don’t Live as Long as We Should

We’re falling further behind for many reasons.

Ron DeSantis’ Mushy Foreign Policy

The would-be President is floundering as he tries to position himself.

US Intelligence Fomenting Overseas Protests?

A 34-year CIA officer’s thoughts.

Bernard Shaw, 1940-2022

CNN’s original anchorman is gone at 82.

Russia’s Diplomatic Isolation

The West continues to close Moscow off.

Is Putin Predictably Irrational?

Putin is a monster, but he may also be just as irrational as the rest of us.

Ukraine: Advantage Putin? Advantage NATO?

Expert opinion on the standoff differs sharply.

Biden, the FARC, and Domestic Politics

The Biden admin is about to take a demilitarized group off the terrorist list and some people aren’t happy about it.

Is Autocracy Really Winning?

A depressing magazine piece argues it is.

Mort Sahl, 1927-2021

The first modern stand-up comedian has died at 94.

More Kook Than Coup

A shameful farce continues to unfold.

Coming to Grips with Reality

In a sane world, Joe Biden’s election win would not have come as a surprise. Alas . . . .

Latin America and Covid-19

The pandemic is having serious effects in the region, and they will persist for some time.

Kamala Harris or Susan Rice?

Joe Biden has either narrowed down his choice for running mate down to two women or he hasn’t.

Pressuring Venezuela?

In recent weeks the US has ramped-up pressure on Maduro.

Bernie Sanders’ Soviet Sister City

There’s nothing to see here, folks.

Dictatorships and the Democrats

Bloomberg waffles on China while Sanders has a soft spot for Castro.

South Carolina Debate Was Terrible

CBS did a lousy job.

The Trump Administration’s Economic War Against Venezuela Will Not Succeed

The Trump Administration has effectively declared economic warfare against the government of Nicolas Maduro. It won’t succeed, and will further victimize the already suffering Venezuelan people.

John Paul Stevens, Former Supreme Court Justice, Dies At 99

Just over nine years after retiring from the Supreme Court, former Associate Justice John Paul Stevens has passed away at the age of 99.

Graham is Wrong

This time on Venezuela

Bill de Blasio Running For President For Some Reason

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has entered the race for the Democratic nomination for President, making him the 23rd candidate in an already crowded field.

Juan Guaidó Once Again Appears To Call For American Intervention In Venezuela

With his attempt to overthrow the government clearly a failure, Juan Guaidó is back to calling for foreign military intervention in Venezuela.

Trump Abandons Restraint In Foreign Policy In Favor Of Interventionism

While he campaigned on a message of restraint, Donald Trump has largely adopted the interventionist foreign policies of his predecessors.

Trump Calls Putin To Exchange High-Fives Over End Of Mueller Probe

President Trump’s obsequious effort to please Russian President Vladimir Putin continues.

The Venezuela Coup Attempt Has Failed

Lacking any real support from the military or police, the attempted coup against Nicolas Maduro has predictably failed.

American Intervention In Venezuela Would Be Counterproductive, Unwise, And Illegal

The ongoing apparent attempted coup in Venezuela is already leading to talk of American intervention in the event of a crackdown. That would be unwise and unjustified.

Venezuela Coup Attempt Underway

Breaking News out of Latin America

Maduro Holds on in Venezuela

The key remains the military.

Bolton Cites the Monroe Doctrine Regarding Venezuela

He conjures the imperialist past with such comments (and he doesn’t even use the term correctly).

Florida Student Charged With Creating Disturbance Over Pledge Of Allegiance

A student in Florida has been charged with creating a disturbance after declining to recite the Pledge Of Allegiance in class.

Let’s Talk about Venezuela

Having two presidents sounds like a terrible sitcom idea. In reality, the situation is just plain terrible.

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro Enters Presidential Race

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro is the latest addition to the growing Democratic Presidential field.

Donald Trump The Saudi Apologist

President Trump is serving as a knowing apologist for a despotic regime.

Trump Administration met with Venezuelan Coup Plotters

Thankfully, they chose not to help.

Trump Once Again Reveals His Horrible Foreign Policy Instincts

Donald Trump had to be talked down from considering military intervention in Venezuela.

US-Canada-Mexico Win World Cup 2026 Bid

The North American delegation has won the right to lose a whole lot of money putting on a soccer tournament.

Miguel Díaz-Canel Becomes New President Of Cuba

Cuba has a new President and he isn’t named Castro, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to see significant change in the near future.

After A Year Of Unparalleled Divisiveness, Trump Tries To Sell Unity At State Of The Union

The President talked about national unity last night, but given his own rhetoric as a candidate and as a President, it’s a call that seems to be hypocritical.

Citing Nastiness In Trump Era GOP, Jeff Flake Announces He’s Retiring

One of the few Republicans willing to speak out against Donald Trump is retiring at the end of his current term.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Pleads Guilty To Desertion And Other Charges

The Bergdahl case comes to an end.

Trump And Afghanistan: New President, Same Policy

President Trump’s Afghanistan policy sounds awfully familiar, and it’s likely to lead to the same results.

Trump Reverses Parts Of Obama’s Opening To Cuba

Foolishly, President Trump is rolling back part of President Obama’s opening to Cuba.

Trump Considering Reversing Obama Policy On Cuba

President Trump is reportedly considering at least partly reversing one of the great foreign policy successes of the Obama Presidency.