California’s Weird Election Laws

The Top Two system has created perverse incentives.

McCarthy Won’t Run For Speaker. Now What?

We won’t have Kevin to kick around anymore.

Republican Crazies Forcing Government Shutdown

The House is in recess as the exasperated GOP leadership tries to figure a way out.

On Winners, Losers, and the Debt Ceiling

Horse race coverage in all the things.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Black History Month reception, Monday, February 27, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Black History Month reception, Monday, February 27, 2023, in the East Room of the White House.

Biden the Adult in the Room

There’s been a load of compromising.

Debt Ceiling Bill Passes House

On to the Senate.

Manchin Won the Debt Ceiling Fight

Neither Republicans nor Democrats are happy. But one man is.

Debt Ceiling Deal Reached ‘in Principle’

We almost wrecked the economy . . . for this?

Putin’s Failed Gambit

He’s turned Russia from a G-8 member to an international pariah.

When Does Politics Stop Being Politics?

When we do it, it’s negotiation. When they do it, it’s hostage taking—and terrorism.

Yellen Again Rejects Trillion Dollar Coin

A silly workaround to an infuriating problem that won’t go away.

A Thought or Two on Negotiating the Debt Limit

The Biden administration has a point.

Debt Limit Will Be Reached Today!

The infuriating fight to authorize spending already-allocated money is back.

Matt Yglesias’ Return to His Roots

The one-time Juiceboxer is still annoying the mainstream media.

In Revolutions, The Worst Often Rise To The Top

The Robespierres in the House of Representatives are driving American politics in a predictably horrible direction.

GOP Clown Show Continues

After two days of futility, a deal is coming together to make futility permanent.

Biden’s Debt Ceiling Gaffe?

The President flubbed a softball question. Oh noes!

Irrelevant Republicans Being Ignored!

The liberal media is giving all their attention to the tax and spend Democrats!

Debt Ceiling Thoughts

American exceptionalism at its worst. (Plus some history!).

The Power of Mythology

It does not create better deliberation.

Congress Seeks to Stop Congress From Shutting Down Government

A recurring farce that does real damage.

Dems in Disarray, Deal Doubtful

The internecine fight over the budget is coming to a head.

Democrats to Swerve in Game of Debt Chicken

This is no way to run a railroad.

Republicans Playing Chicken with Debt Ceiling. Again.

They shall not submit to blackmail!

Welcome Back To The World Of Trillion-Dollar Deficits

As predicted, the Federal Budget Deficit has crossed the threshold back into the world of trillion-dollar deficits. This is all due to the hypocrisy of Republicans and so-called conservatives.

Budget Deficit Sets Another Record Under Trump, Heads Toward $1 Trillion

The Federal Budget Deficit rose 27% in July, putting it on course for the $1 trillion by the end of September.

Trump And Congress Reach Deal On Budget-Busting Debt Deal

President Trump and the Congressional leadership have reached agreement on a multi-year budget deal that that busts through all remaining controls on spending.

Raise The Debt Ceiling? Let’s Eliminate It Instead

The Trump Administration is warning Congress that we will need to raise the debt ceiling by September. Congress should take this as an opportunity to eliminate it entirely.

Federal Budget Deficit Near $750 Billion For First Three-Fourths Of Fiscal Year

The Federal Budget Deficit passed the $700 Billion mark with three months still to go in the Fiscal Year.

Governing? What’s That?

There isn’t a lot of legislating going on.

Donald Trump And The Triumph Of The Conservative Grifters

At least some conservatives appear to finally be recognizing that their movement has been taken over by grifters and frauds. The only question is, what took them so long?

Congress And White House Headed For Another Shutdown Showdown?

There are several months to go before a budget must be passed but there are already signs that the White House and Congress could be headed for an impasse.

Democrats’ Progessive Wing Less Powerful Than Thought?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other firebrands aren’t steering the ship. Yet.

Republicans In Congress Have Never Really Supported Trump’s Border Wall

Despite their rhetoric, Republicans in Congress have shown through their own inaction that they don’t really support the President’s border wall.

Shutdown Drags On With No End In Sight As Trump Refuses To Relent

After twenty-five days, there’s no end in sight to the Federal Government shutdown. You can thank the President for that.

No Progress In Talks To End Shutdown

As the shutdown continues, there’s little sign of progress on either end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Heading Into Border Wall Showdown, Trump And The GOP Are Losing The Battle

As Washington heads into the final days of a budget shutdown, Republicans find themselves on the losing end of a public relations battle.

Trump Shrugs Off Reports Of An Approaching Debt Crisis

Trump has reportedly told aides that he doesn’t really care about reports of an approaching crisis of the budget deficit and national debt because he’ll be out of office before it becomes a problem.

Could Losing Congress Actually Help Trump?

The GOP is likely to lose control of the House of Representatives tomorrow, but could this actually help Trump?

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

It’s Not ‘Misleading,’ It’s A Lie

When a President lies with the ease and regularity of Donald Trump, it’s the responsibility of all of us to call it what it is and not hide behind weasel words like “misleading.”

Welcome To The Era Of Trump’s Trillion Dollar Budget Deficits

We’re set to return to the era of trillion dollar budget deficits, and Republicans won’t do a thing about it.

Government Shutdown Likely Avoided Through September

This is no way to run a railroad.

Hyperpartisanship Continues To Ruin Our Political Culture And Our Country, And We’re Letting It Happen

The tragedy in Florida last week revealed once again how hyperpartisanship is destroying our politics and harming the country.

Congress Approves Budget Deal, Ends Overnight Shutdown

While most of America slept, the government was shutdown thanks to some faux theatrics by a single Senator.

Senate Reaches Budget Deal That Busts Budget Caps And Massively Increases Spending

Congress seems likely to pass a budget deal today that will massively increase spending, putting to rest once and for all the rank hypocrisy of Republicans when it comes to claims that they are “fiscally conservative.”

U.S. Will Hit Debt Ceiling Earlier Than Expected

In addition to deadlines on the Federal Budget and DACA, Congress also has to deal with the debt ceiling at some point in the next month.

The Case For Bringing Back Earmarks

It’s been seven years since Congress eliminated earmarking, and what we’ve seen has provided good evidence for the argument that it should never have been eliminated.

Who Suffers the Most from Government Shutdowns?

My latest for The National Interest has posted.

Government Shutdown Enters Second Day With Few Signs Of Quick Resolution

It’s Day Two of the Federal Government shutdown and there are few signs of a quick resolution.