The Debt Ceiling and the Imperial Presidency

Congress failing to raise the debt ceiling would involve abrogating an enormous amount of power to the Executive.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The DON’T PANIC Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Senate Blocks Boehner Bill, Focus Shifts To Reid Plan, McConnell Won’t Negotiate

The Senate killed the Boehner Plan but the debt ceiling crisis is still unresolved and the way out is murky.

One of these guys is outsmarting the other one One of these guys is outsmarting the other one

Parliamentary Procedure and the Debt Ceiling Debate

How the reelection incentive and parliamentary procedure are affecting the debt ceiling debate in Congress.

House Passes Boehner Debt Ceiling Bill 218-210, Senate Defeat Tonight Certain

It’s another Friday of drama in the debt ceiling crisis.

The Tea Party’s Utopianism Is Making It Irrelevant

By insisting on perfection in the debt ceiling debate, the Tea Party has made itself irrelevant to the process.

Speaking of Fidelity to the Constitution….

The constitutional purists in the Tea Party apparently do not understand either bicameralism nor separation of powers.

Boehner Bill To Be Amended To Please Tea Party, Thus Making It Totally Irrelevant

John Boehner’s debt ceiling plan is being amended. And not in a good way.

The Debt Ceiling Debate: Social Democracy v. Limited Government?

Charles Krauthammer claims we are in the midst of a great debate. I am not so sure.

Second Quarter GDP Shows Economy Slowing To Near-Recession Status

And you thought the bad economic news was over.

Can Boehner Lead House Republicans?

The failure of House Republicans to pass a bill that would have been dead on arrival in the Senate, anyway, raises questions about whether a deal is possible and whether John Boehner can lead his own coalition.

Tea Party Leader Tries to Explain Position on Debt Ceiling

He doesn’t do a very good job.

Question For The Crowd: When, If At All, Does The Deal Get Made?

The rational thing to do is the make a deal that cuts spending and raises the debt ceiling. But how do we get there from here?

With Economic News Like This, Why Would Anyone Risk Crashing The Economy?

Economic figures released today demonstrate clearly why the irresponsible talk surrounding the debt ceiling must end.

How did we get to Trillion Dollar Deficits?

It is always useful to go inside the numbers.

Pessimism Concerning the House

The main problem remains the House.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Operation Dumbo Drop Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Is It All Over But The Blame Game? Or, Why I’m Thinking We’re Hosed

I no longer have any confidence that our leaders will act responsibly before the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline.

The Impact of the U.S. Defaulting

Christine Lagarde believes the impact could be large and global.

How Obama Lost Control Of The Debt Negotiations

Barack Obama’s biggest enemy in the debt negotiations has been himself.

In Dueling Speechs Obama And Boehner Talk Past Each Other, Accomplish Little

Their mouths were moving, but nothing of substance was coming out.

Refreshing our Short Term Memories on the Debt Ceiling Crisis

Some history of the last 7+months.

POL 101 and the Debt Ceiling Debate

Yes, the President is a key actor in the debt ceiling debate. However, the actual decision is a congressional one.