Obama Walks Out of Talks Saying ‘Don’t Call My Bluff’

President Obama has walked out of negotiations on the debt ceiling with an agreement is nowhere in sight.

Business, the GOP, and the Debt Ceiling

The GOP’s debt ceiling stance appears to be making some in business uneasy.

McConnell Solves Debt Ceiling Standoff?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has proposed a simple deal to break the impasse on the debt ceiling: Cede power to raise the ceiling to the president, with a few minor caveats.

Even If There’s No Default, There Will Still Be Pain

The idea that we can avoid the consequences of failing to raise the debt ceiling is patently absurd.

Where Are The Rational People In The Debt Ceiling Debate?

The participants in the debt negotiations are being led by constituencies that have little interest in compromise.

Why Do We Even Have A Debt Ceiling Law?

Based on its history, the debt ceiling law may be the most pointless statute in the entire U.S. Code.

Obama Still Trying To Sell GOP On “Grand Bargain” Debt Deal

It was a largely fruitless weekend in the debt negotiations.

Evidence of the Consequence of Default

A study shows how a brief blip in payments in 1979 had negative consequences.

Chances Of Long Term Debt Deal Collapse Amid Mutual Recrimination

It’s still politics as usual in Washington.

Should We Be More Like China?

I’m continually shocked when demonstrably bright and accomplished people fall in love with authoritarian states.

Is Washington Fighting The Wrong Economic War?

While unemployment remains stubbornly high, Washington is spending its time fighting over the budget deficit

White House Rejects “14th Amendment Option” On Debt Ceiling

The White House has apparently rejected using a tortured interpretation of the 14th Amendment to deal with the debt ceiling debate.

The GOP Is Now Controlled By Its Conservative Base

More than any other time in the past, the GOP is now firmly under the control of its most conservative members.

Congressman: Lower the Debt Ceiling

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun has a radical suggestion: While we’re playing chicken with the nation’s debt, let’s cut $1.3 trillion from the debt ceiling!

The “14th Amendment Option” And The Imperial Presidency

The so-called “14th Amendment option” to fix the debt ceiling crisis is really just a prescription for an even more powerful Presidency.

Responsible Governing v. Ideological Purity

What exactly is the GOP trying to accomplish in the debt ceiling negotiations?

In Today’s GOP, Reagan Is A RINO

The Ronald Reagan that Republicans lionize is very different from the one who actually served as 40th President of the United States.

Geither: Defaulting on Debt Unconstitutional

The Obama administration is arguing the 14th Amendment renders the debt ceiling moot.

The Balanced Budget Amendment Is A Bad Idea

House and Senate Republicans are pushing a Balanced Budget Amendment. It sounds like a good idea, but it isn’t.

If the U.S. Defaults, Eric Cantor Makes Money

If the U.S. defaults, Eric Cantor will make some money.

Is The Debt Ceiling Unconstitutional?

Does a little known provision in the 14th Amendment make the entire debt ceiling debate irrelevant?

Eric Cantor, Jon Kyl Drop Out Of Biden Deficit Talks

Talks about a deal to raise the debt ceiling seem pretty close to collapse now that there are no Republicans involved.

U.S. in Worse Shape than Greece

We might be looking at a potential fiscal crisis.

Should We Care About Anthony Weiner’s Wiener?

So, Anthony Weiner is a lying dick. Does it matter?

Mitch McConnell: No Deal On Debt Ceiling Without Medicare Cuts

As Congress left town for the long weekend, the Senate Minority Leader threw a grenade into the budget negotiations.

Will Republicans Get Sane On The Debt Ceiling?

Wall Street says raise the debt ceiling. The Tea Party says no. What will the GOP do?

It’s Time To Eliminate The “Debt Ceiling”

The “debt ceiling” is phony, contrived, and needs to be eliminated.

Trying (Again) to Explain the Debt Ceiling Vote

What are the options regarding the debt ceiling?

Happy Debt Limit Monday!

As of today, the United States is legally barred from borrowing money to finance its operations. Thanks for nothing, Congress.