Get Ready For Another Debt Ceiling Showdown

The battle lines are being drawn for another showdown over the debt ceiling.

House Republicans Gut Defense Sequestration Cuts

Another example of Republican foreign policy taking precedence over fiscal conservatism.

Does It Matter Who Wins In November?

In reality, it probably doesn’t,

Another Debt Ceiling Debacle Before The Election?

We may have to deal with the debt ceiling again before the November elections.

Republican Senators Leading Effort To Halt Automatic Pentagon Cuts

Not surprisingly, Republicans are trying to reverse the automatic cuts to defense spending agreed to in August.

CBO Forecast: Trillion Dollar Deficits, Slow Growth, And High Unemployment

The latest projections from Congressional Budget Office are sobering to say the least.

Congress More Futile And Unproductive Than Ever

The first year of the 112th Congress has set a new record for futility.

Andrew Sullivan: What Obama’s Critics On The Left And Right Are Missing

Conservatives are rejecting Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek essay out of hand, but they ought to pay attention to what he’s saying.

How The Tea Party Lost The 2012 Republican Primaries

After having so much influence in 2010, the Tea Party is finding itself adrift in the search for a Republican nominee in 2012.

Jim DeMint Demonstrates What’s Wrong With Washington

Senator Jim DeMint demonstrated clearly today what is wrong with Washington.

Michele Bachmann’s Epic Collapse

Executive summary: She’s a kook unfit to serve as dog catcher, much less leader of the free world.

The House Republicans Lost Because They Deserved To Lose

Thanks to their own ineptitude, House Republicans suffered a big defeat this week. They totally deserved it.

Mitch McConnell Pulls The Rug Out From Under The House GOP On Payroll Tax Cut

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has set the House GOP adrift.

American Voters Still Schizophrenic When It Comes To Congress

Once again, Americans hate Congress but seem to love their Congressperson.

Barack Obama Tries To Channel Teddy Roosevelt

Barack Obama now looks to the Rough Rider himself for inspiration. Can’t he find it himself?

Blaming Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist has become the target of blame for problems that are far more deep than just one man.

Supercommittee Failure and ‘Both Sides’

Are Republicans mostly to blame for the supercommittee failure?

With Super Committee Dead, Showdown Likely Over Defense Cuts

With the Super Committee dead, 2012 is likely to see a fight over the defense cuts set to take place starting in 2013.

What Went Wrong With The GOP

How did Republicans get in this mess?

Conservative Media Destroying Conservative Movement?

Treating entertainment as entertainment is one thing. Treating it as news and education is another.

Supercommittee Headed For Unsurprising Failure

Not surprisingly, the Supercommittee is a Super Failure.

The Key Question for Republicans Regarding November 2012

Is public dissatisfaction with Obama also a cry for a conservative revolution?

Greece’s Dangerous Gamble

The Greek referendum could be a disaster for the global economy. And might be the right thing to do.

The Truth About All Those Plans From Presidential Candidates

For the most part, all those plans the candidates release are barely worth the paper they’re written on.

When It Comes To Foreign Policy, Herman Cain Is Dangerously Clueless

Herman Cain’s foreign policy consists of little more than deliberate ignorance.

Super Committee Super Deadlocked

Not surprisingly, the “Super Committee” to deal with the deficit isn’t making much progress.

Are our Problems Based in Leadership or Institutions?

Where should we look to understand the failings of the government?

What’s Wrong With Our Government

When the old rules don’t apply anymore, the system breaks down.

Experts and Cable News

Why talk to boring experts when you can, instead, air some more bickering?

Obama Threatens Veto If Deficit Plan Doesn’t Include Tax Increases

The second half of the President’s political strategy is in place. Don’t mistake it for a serious legislative effort.

Everybody Still Hates Congress

Public disapproval of Congress continues to fall.

CNN/Tea Party Debate: Rick Perry Gets Hit From All Sides

The Texas Governor was taking it from all sides at last night’s Tea Party Debate.

Is Social Security A Ponzi Scheme?

Whether it’s a “Ponzi Scheme” or not, Social Security has serious systemic problems that must be addressed.

Obama Jobs Speech Tough On Rhetoric, Light On Substance

Not surprisingly, there was very little about the President’s jobs speech to write home about.

Can A President Become Irrelevant?

No matter how weak he becomes, no President will ever be completely irrelevant to the political process.

The Great Speech Kerfuffle Of 2011 Reveals The Weakness Of The Obama Presidency

How a six hour long dispute over scheduling demonstrates yet again that Barack Obama isn’t up for the fight.

Voter Confidence Historically Low, Anger Historically High

The debt ceiling debate may turn out to be Obama’s Katrina.

Rick Perry: The Candidate of Hope and Change?

Ricky Perry is running on “hope and change” (but what else is new?)

Romney’s Plan Of Attack On Perry

The Romney campaign may be finally starting to pay attention to Rick Perry.

Would America Be Better Off With A Parliamentary Government?

Is America’s political system to blame for our current problems?

Third Party in 2012?

It’s a shame that Duverger’s Law doesn’t come with criminal penalties.

Jon Huntsman Goes On The Attack

Jon Huntsman is not going to be the Republican nominee in 2012, but he seems ready to carve out a niche for himself.

Fears of Another Global Recession

The signs are not good.