Why the IDF Fights As It Does

A small, conscript-driven military has very different training and doctrine than ours.

US Considering Sending Banned Weapons to Ukraine

A bad idea fueled by desperation.

We’re Doomed! Doomed!

We’re all gonna die, folks.

America’s Woeful Defense Industrial Capacity

Eighteen HIMARS and what do you get? Years older and deeper in debt.

Time for a New Generation to Lead?

The Silents and Boomers have been in charge too long.

Very Quickly, Putin’s War Is Likely To Get Even Uglier

The disintegrating military situation is leading to escalating brutality.

Our Victory in Iraq

The wonders of hindsight.

Trump Saves ‘Stars and Stripes’

The venerable military newspaper lives to print another day.

Dave Dilegge, 1956-2020

The founder of Small Wars Journal passed Saturday.

West Point Why We’re Losing Wars Says West Point Prof

A book out today makes an odd case.

President George H.W. Bush Dies At 94

George H.W. Bush,, who served his nation as a warrior, Congressman, Ambassador, Vice-President, and President, has died at the age of 94.

No, The Buffalo Bills Didn’t Cause The Oklahoma City Terrorist Attack

Author Sam Anderson puts forward a rather strange hypothesis in Politico.

Trump’s Military Parade Postponed As Cost Soars

Donald Trump’s vanity-seeking military parade has been postponed amid reports that the estimated cost has increased dramatically.

We Don’t Need a Desert Storm Memorial

The Vietnam memorial helped heal a gaping wound. What purpose will this one serve?

Mike Pompeo Didn’t Serve in Gulf War (or Claim Otherwise)

In response to inquiries about frequent media mentions of the Director’s wartime service, the CIA has confirmed he did not serve in combat.

Of Course Donald Trump Wants A Military Parade

Of course Donald Trump wants a military parade, it would be consistent with his delusions of grandeur.

After 200 Days In Office, Trump’s Job Approval Continues To Slump

After 200 days, President Trump’s job approval numbers are hitting new lows.

Trump Administration Issues Revised Muslim Travel Ban

President Trump has issued a revised ban on travel from six predominantly Muslim nations.

Associated Press/Bob Daugherty, File - FILE - In this Jan. 12, 1991 file photo, Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf stands at ease with his tank troops during Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. Schwarzkopf died Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 in Tampa, Fla. He was 78. (AP Photo/Bob Daugherty, File) l Associated Press/Bob Daugherty, File - FILE - In this Jan. 12, 1991 file photo, Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf stands at ease with his tank troops during Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. Schwarzkopf died Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 in Tampa, Fla. He was 78. (AP Photo/Bob Daugherty, File) l

You’ve Thanked Us Plenty for Our Service

My latest for RealClearDefense, “The Forgotten Veterans of Desert Storm,” has posted. The headline belies the argument.

VA’s Lake Wobegon Syndrome Isn’t Unusual

My latest for The Hill, “Why all VA executives are above average,” has posted.

Is George H.W. Bush America’s Greatest Living President?

In retrospect, and in comparison with other recent Presidents, George Herbert Walker Bush’s four years in office were pretty darn good.

H.R. McMaster Gets Third Star, Charge of Army Future

A rather impressive recovery from a career that was mostly dead in 2007.

Don’t Support the Troops?

Virginia Tech English prof Steven Salaita implores us to “Stop saying ‘support the troops.'”

Norman Schwarzkopf Dead at 78

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, commander during Operation Desert Storm, has died at the age of 78.

Transgender Woman Plays College Basketball to Little Controversy

Gabrielle Ludwig played college basketball as a man 25 years ago; now, she’s playing as a woman.

White House Denies Netanyahu Request For Meeting Amid Signs of Increased U.S.-Israeli Tension

In another sign that things may not be going so well between Washington and Jerusalem, President Obama will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he’s in the United States.

An Attack On Iran Would Be A Major, Mistaken, War

An attack on Iran’s nuclear program would be far more complicated than a one-off attack.

John Nagl Next Haverford Headmaster

John Nagl, who became famous as a leading counterinsurgency theorist and practitioner, is taking on a new challenge: grooming young boys for life.

Is Government Inefficient?

A former Obama official says government should learn from business, but is private industry really more efficient?

Supreme Court Strikes Down Stolen Valor Act

The US Supreme Court has struck down the Stolen Valor Act, which made it a federal crime to lie about military honors, on free speech grounds.

Does It Matter If A Presidential Candidate Never Served In The Military?

For the first time in 68 years, neither major party candidate for President has served in the military. Does this matter?

SEALs Swift Boating Obama?

Some Navy SEALs are weighing in on the brouhaha.

Army Medal Fatigue

Andrew Exum believes the Army should “get rid of all medals not related to valor or campaign-specific service.”

Joe Biden: Bin Laden Raid Was “Most Audacious Plan” In 500 Years

Joe Biden got a little braggadocious last night.

Military’s Lock-Step Promotion System

The military promotion system does not reward top performers rapidly enough.

National Guard Gets Joint Chiefs of Staff Slot For No Apparent Reason

Despite the opposition of the SECDEF and Joint Chiefs, the latter expanded yesterday.

Second Veteran Police Brutality Victim in Occupy Oakland

If Occupy protestors getting hit by cars in two cities is the beginning of a trend, so is a second Iraq War veteran being seriously injured by police during the Occupy Oakland protestors.

Know Thine Enemy

Understanding why your enemy hates you seems to be an important thing, but some people would rather believe in caricatures.

Army Linguists: Too Few and Poorly Utilized

Why Big Army has trouble with small wars.

General John Shalikashvili Dead at 75

A legendary American soldier, General John Shalikashvili, has died.

Paralyzed Veteran Denied Home Permit

A homeowners association in Augusta, Georgia is coming under fire after denying Homes For Our Troops a permit to build a house for a paralyzed African-American veteran.

Desert Storm Syndrome

Technology has saved the lives of countless American soldiers. But it’s made going to war easier.

NATO Airstrike Kills Libyan Rebels

A NATO airstrike killed 13 rebel fighters, who were mistaken for Gaddafi’s forces. Apparently, they were shooting at NATO planes.

Psyops Against Our Own?

Did a unit in Afghanistan engage in an IO operation against U. S. senators?

Murkowski’s Sore Loser Write-In Bid

Lisa Murkowski is the worst kind of sore loser candidate, willing to screw over her party’s voters and her own donors to keep her seat

Army: More Dangerous To Ourselves Than The Enemy

A review by the Army of its alarming spike in suicides blames it on the new strain of risk-seeking recruits who join during wartime and commanders who neglect to rein them in.

America’s Energy Sacrifices

America’s energy habit is getting people killed! What should we do about it?