Adam Schiff Wins, Shouted Down By Protestors

California’s next Senator had his night spoiled.

California’s Weird Election Laws

The Top Two system has created perverse incentives.

California Senate Sinkhole

A race a Democrat will definitely win will be the most expensive in US history.

McCarthy Won’t Run For Speaker. Now What?

We won’t have Kevin to kick around anymore.

California’s Next Senator Lives in Maryland!

A mere technicality?

Laphonza Butler Tapped to Replace Feinstein

The Emily’s list leader will be the first Black lesbian in the Senate.

Feinstein’s Seat

The rules are a bit complicated.

Dianne Feinstein, 1933-2023

A trailblazer is gone at 90.

Is Mitch McConnell Still Fit to Lead?

It’s time for transparency on the Republican Leader’s health.

Harris Breaks Tiebreaker Record

A milestone that should never have been approached.

Age Limits? (not Term Limits)

It is something we need to think about.

Age, Illness, and American Politics

The controversies over our geriatric Congress continue.

Feinstein Steps Down from Judiciary

The inevitable next shoe has dropped.

Dianne Feinstein is MIA

It’s time for her to step down.

Biden Not Vetoing Popular Bill!

Some Democrats are angry!

Katie Porter Running for Feinstein’s Seat While She’s Still in It

The race is on before the 89-year-old has announced her intentions.

Feinstein is Declining But What About Tuberville

A twist on an evergreen debate.

Congressional Insider Trading Still Widespread

At least 40 Members violated the law on reporting stock transactions.

Dianne Feinstein’s Declining Mental Health

A sad and disturbing report from a reliable source.

Feinstein Stepping Down

The 87-year-old former San Francisco mayor isn’t woke enough.

Judiciary Approves Barrett Despite Democratic Boycott

Chuck Schumer and company sent a signal to their base against a fait accompli.

DOJ Closes Senate Insider Trading Probes, Still Investigating Burr

Likely the right outcome but I wish I political motivation weren’t the default presumption.

Feinstein and Three Democratic Moderates Leaning Toward Acquittal?

Surprising news from an unsurprising process.

Some Democrats Still Upset About Biden’s Vote In Favor Of Iraq War AUMF

A new poll indicates that at least some Democrats continue to hold Biden’s 2002 vote in favor of the Iraq War.

10 of 12 Congressional Leaders Offered Access to Less-Redacted Mueller Report Haven’t Bothered to Read It

Six Democrats are boycotting on principle. Four Republicans don’t care.

The Backlash Against the Biden Backlash

After a flood of stories saying the former Vice President is unsuitable for the modern era, the inevitable pushback is happening.

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ And The Law

President Trump’s impending decision to declare a national emergency to get funding for his border wall will quickly face serious legal challenges. It may be more vulnerable than the White House suspects.

Are Female Politicians’ Sex Lives Off Limits?

Is benefitting politically from romantic liaisons different than other relationships?

Chuck Grassley Tries To Explain The Lack Of Republican Women On The Judiciary Committee

Open mouth, insert foot. Chuck Grassley didn’t exactly help his party when he was asked to explain the lack of Republican women on the Judiciary Committee.

Kavanaugh Nomination Passes Procedural Test, Final Outcome Still Uncertain

The Senate voted to proceed to an expected floor vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court tomorrow, but the final outcome is still uncertain.

Senate Set For Key Vote On Kavanaugh Nomination

As the Senate prepares for a key procedural vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh this morning, the Judge’s fate remains up in the air. However, signs are pointing to reasons for Republican optimism.

Kavanaugh Fight Having An Impact On The Midterms?

At least for the moment, the fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court appears to be helping Republicans rally their base for November. The question is whether it will last after the fight is over.

Is The F.B.I’s Reopened Investigation Real, Or Just A Political Sham?

Is the reopened investigation of Brett Kavanaugh a real investigation of the charges made against him by three separate women, or is it a political sham? It’s beginning to look much more like the latter than the former.

Ford/Kavanaugh Hearing Takes Over SNL Cold Open

Saturday Night Live inevitably mocked the Ford/Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday in their cold open.

Kavanaugh and Gorsuch Yearbooks

A telling contrast of two Georgetown Prep schoolmates.

Ford/Kavanaugh Hearing Ends With Questions, Doubts, And Only One Option

After eight hours of testimony, the only impression a non-partisan mind could be left with from the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is that we need a full investigation of the charges against the Supreme Court nominee. Unfortunately, we’re not going to get that.

Republicans Intent On ‘Plowing Right Through’ Kavanuagh Nomination

Republicans have set a Judiciary Committee vote for less than a day after hearing from Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

New Allegations Begin A Crucial Week For Brett Kavanaugh

New allegations of sexual misconduct mark the start of a crucial week for the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Hearing On Charges Against Brett Kavanaugh Set For Thursday

Some details still need to be worked out, but it looks as though Dr. Christine Blasey Ford will be testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

The Problem Of Octogenarians In The Presidential Line Of Succession

Regardless of who wins control of the Senate in November, the person who will stand third in the line of succession will either be over, or very close to, eighty years old. That doesn’t make sense.

Status Of Kavanaugh Hearings Still Up In The Air

The status of a potential hearing in the Brett Kavanaugh nomination regarding the charges made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford remain unclear, but the likelihood is that she will testify in the end.

Trump Attacks Christine Blasey Ford In Latest Twitter Rant

This morning, President Trump took to Twitter to attack Dr. Christine Blasey Ford over her allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh Accuser Wants F.B.I. Investigation Before Testifying

Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford want the F.B.I. to investigate the charges she has made against Judge Kavanaugh before she testifies, but it’s entirely unclear what such an investigation would accomplish.

Judiciary Committee To Hold Hearing On Accusations Against Judge Kavanaugh

After a day of political pressure, Senate Republicans have agreed to hold a hearing regarding the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh next week.

California Woman Accusing Brett Kavanaugh Of Sexual Assault Comes Forward

A woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of having assaulted her when he was 17 and she was 15 has come forward. What happens next is anyone’s guess.

Dianne Feinstein Refers ‘Secret’ Letter About Kavanaugh To F.B.I.

Some last minute dramatics in the Kavanaugh nomination fight, but it seems unlikely to impact the outcome of the nomination fight.

Kavanaugh Hearings End With Little Doubt On The Outcome Of The Fight

After four days of hearings, the fate of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court seems assured.

Kavanaugh’s Second Day Of Questioning Was Bumpy, But Won’t Derail His Nomination

The second day of questioning for Judge Brett Kavanaugh was a bit rockier than the first, but nothing happened that seriously threatens his eventual confirmation.