The Political Impact Of The Supreme Court’s Health Care Ruling

Who benefits from the Supreme Court’s ObamaCare ruling?

Taxing vs Regulating

Chief Justice Roberts: “Although the breadth of Congress’s power to tax is greater than its power to regulate commerce, the taxing power does not give Congress the same degree of control over individual behavior.”

Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act In Its Entirety

Thanks to a surprising decision by Chief Justice Roberts, the Affordable Care Act has survived the Constitutional challenges against it.

Obama Leading In Three Swing State Polls

Three swing state poll results should be raising some real concerns among Team Romney today.

Supreme Court Rejects Montana Law, Rules That Citizens United Applies To States

An unsurprising decision from the Supreme Court.

Mohammed Morsi Declared Winner Of Egyptian Presidential Election

The candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood is the next President of Egypt, but the political future of Egypt itself remains quite murky.

Charlie Cook: Change In Control Of House Unlikely

Absent something extraordinary, it’s unlikely that the GOP will lose control of the House.

Gas Prices Are Falling, But That’s Not Necessarily Good News

Gas prices are falling nationwide but that’s mostly because the economy kind of stinks.

Do The Veepstakes Matter? Not Really

The Veepstakes doesn’t matter nearly as much as the media tells you it does.

Crunch Time For The Supreme Court

With two weeks left in June, the Supreme Court is likely to be in the news quite a lot.

George Will’s Less Than Lapidary Column

The 1976 Pulitizer prize winner is phoning it in.

Egypt’s “Stupid” Transition

Sequencing matters.

Egyptian Protesters Contemplate What Went Wrong

The heady days of revolution in Egypt have been replaced with the cold light of political reality.

Egypt’s Highest Court Dissolves Parliament, Is Another Round Of Chaos Coming?

A new ruling from Egypt’s highest court has set in motion a chain of events that could end very badly.

Obama Losing Support Among New York Jews? Or, More Statistical Noise?

Several conservatives are touting a poll that purports to show a 22 point drop in support for Obama by Jewish voters in New York. Is it believable?

Problems For Obama Among Blacks In North Carolina? Don’t Believe The Poll

A new poll purports to show the President losing 20% of North Carolina’s African-American vote to Mitt Romney. Don’t Believe It.

Jeb Bush: Reagan And My Father Have No Place In the Modern GOP

How would modern Republicans treat Ronald Reagan and his Vice-President?

Who’s On The Democratic Bench For 2016?

If not Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, who might the Democrats have to choose from in 2016?

How Much Did Money Matter In The Wisconsin Recall?

Was money the reason Scott Walker won on Tuesday? The available evidence says no.

Wisconsin Post-Mortem: Winners, Losers, And What Comes Next

What lessons can we draw from the Wisconsin Recall?

Scott Walker Survives Recall Election In Wisconsin

A contentious political battle that has lasted a year has come to an end.

Recall Elections Are Disruptive And Unnecessary

In an ideal world, today’s Recall Election in Wisconsin would not even be legally possible.

Scott Walker Continues To Lead Wisconsin Recall Polling

Barring an upset, Scott Walker looks likely to survive his recall election tomorrow.

Obama Donor Dropoff

87% of those who gave at least $200 to Barack Obama in 2008 have not yet done so in 2012.

Russia And Syria: More Than Meets The Eye

The factors influencing Russian policy in Syria are many, and some of them are quite ancient.

Is It Anyone’s Business If You Don’t Vote?

Should it be anyone’s business if you vote?

The Euro Zone: Join, Or Die

There may be only one solution to saving the Euro.

Alan Simpson Calls Out His Fellow Republicans

Alan Simpson is imparting wisdom to his fellow Republicans. I doubt they will listen.

Does It Matter If A Presidential Candidate Never Served In The Military?

For the first time in 68 years, neither major party candidate for President has served in the military. Does this matter?

Swing State Polls Make Clear Romney’s Narrow Path To Victory

Mitt Romney gained some ground in Swing State polling, but that just makes clear how narrow his path to 270 Electoral Votes actually is.

Romney Trailing Obama Among Hispanics By Wide Margin

The GOP has a serious problem with the Latino vote, and it may too late to fix it.

Presidential Race Still Incredibly Close, And Likely To Stay That Way

The margin between Barack Obama and Mitt Romeny is razor-thin, and it’s likely to stay that way for quite some time.

Birtherism and the Electoral College

States actually have constitutional authority over the selection of electors, not of the president.

Explaining The GOP’s Relative Silence On Same-Sex Marriage

Republican politicians have largely avoided the topic of same-sex marriage since President Obama’s announcement. Why?

The Unsurprising Death Of Americans Elect

Americans Elect is dead. This should surprise nobody.

The Death Of Occupy Wall Street? It Sure Seems Like It

All the available evidence suggest that the Occupy movement has fizzled away into virtual nothingness.

Whites Now Minority of American Births: So What?

White babies now constitute slightly less than half of American births.