The GOP Has Lost The Argument Over The HHS Birth Control Mandate

The argument over contraceptive coverage mandates has not gone well for conservatives.

Alphabet Soup Collision: PR at the UN by the NAACP over Voter ID

The voter ID issue goes on the road.

Santorum Admits He Cannot Win The Nomination Without A Brokered Convention

Rick Santorum’s campaign is starting to tilt at windmills.

Gas Prices Hurting Obama In The Polls, But Will It Matter In November?

Rising fuel prices are starting to hurt the President in the polls, but it’s unclear what that means for November.

Pundits Making The GOP Race Seem Closer Than It Is

If you listen to the punditocracy, you’d think that there’s actually a doubt as to who the GOP nominee will be.

Santorum 2016?

Would Rick Santorum be the frontrunner for the 2016 GOP nomination? Not necessarily.

Voter ID Laws Won’t Work If Problems Like This Aren’t Dealt With

Voter ID laws are a good idea, but we have to be careful in how we implement them.

Are Republican Politicians Afraid Of Rush Limbaugh?

The GOP has sold its soul.

Pressing The Santorum Button

Nominating Rick Santorum may be the best things Republicans could do to save their party, but not for the reasons Santorum thinks.

George Will Wants Four More Years of Gridlock

The conservative columnist argues Republicans should concentrate on winning back the Senate and stopping Obama through 2016.

Citizens United Not The Problem

Billionaires have been free to donate as much money as they want to activist groups since the dawn of the Republic.

No, Republicans Wouldn’t Eliminate The Filibuster

Worried the GOP might eliminate the filibuster if they gain control of the Senate? Don’t be.

Money, Bombs, and Jesus

A discussion in the comments thread of my “Time Running Out For GOP?” post led me to a post from four-plus years ago by frequent commenter and erstwhile blogger* Michael Reynolds titled “Money, Bombs and Jesus.”

Time Running Out For GOP?

2012 may be the last chance for the current Republican Party to win the White House.

Maine’s Really, Really Screwed Up Caucus

So, you thought the people running the Iowa Caucuses, who had to count something like seven votes and yet declared the wrong winner, had egg on their face. Well, their buddies in Maine have upped the ante.

Rick Santorum: Let’s Talk About Sex

Meet Rick Santorum, who’s apparently running for Moralist In Chief.

Rising Gas Prices And The 2012 Elections

Rising prices at the pump could lead to problems at the voting booth.

Another Debt Ceiling Debacle Before The Election?

We may have to deal with the debt ceiling again before the November elections.

Maybe The GOP Should Just Go Ahead And Nominate Rick Santorum

At the very least, nominating Santorum would let the GOP test a hypothesis that’s been debated for years.

A Path To A Brokered Convention?

One analyst sees a way that the current GOP race could indeed lead to a brokered convention.

Unsurprisingly, Obama Re-Elect Will Accept SuperPAC Aid

The Obama Campaign is being criticized for agreeing to play the SuperPAC game like everyone else does.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg To Egypt: Don’t Use Our Constitution As A Guide

Ruth Bader Ginsburg had some advice on Constitution drafting for Egyptians

Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Joke’s On Him

Virtually everything Stephen Colbert is doing was legal before Citizens United.

The Republican Civil War Of 2013-2015?

If Romney loses in November, it could be the start of a bitter fight insider the Republican Party.

A Final Florida Preview

Voting has started in the biggest primary to date.

Obama Presidency Still Polarizing, Bipartisanship Still Dead

American politics is as polarized as ever, and it shows no signs of changing regardless of who wins in November.

The Impeachment Crisis Of 2015?

Could things possibly get worse on Capitol Hill? Grover Norquist seems to relish the possibility.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio Warn Republicans On Losing Hispanic Voters

Two prominent Florida Republicans are warning their party about losing the support of the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group.

Egypt’s Unfinished Revolution

One year later, Egypt’s revolution remains unfinished.

Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns: Much Ado About Very Little

The reaction to the release of Mitt Romney’s tax returns is about what you’d expect.

Gingrich Leads In Two New Florida Polls

It’s Day One of the Battle For Florida.

Did US Choices Lead Egypt to its Current Situation?

We, as a country, need to remember that do not hold levers that allow us to move events this way or that

Citizens United And The SOPA/PIPA Blackout: Why The First Amendment Matters

Some questions for opponents of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United.

Time For Real Campaign Finance Reform

Mitt Romney made a suggestion about how to fix our campaign finance system. It’s a good idea.

Arguing the Unemployment Rate

If you are going to talk about the unemployment rate, at least talk about the whole picture.

$4.00 Per Gallon Gas By Spring? Bye Bye Economic Recovery?

Higher gas prices in the spring could have an impact on the economy, and the election.

Federal Judge Rejects Rick Perry’s Ballot Access Lawsuit

Not surprisingly, Rick Perry’s effort to get on Virginia’s primary ballot via litigation has failed