Would A Ron Paul Win Kill The Iowa Caucuses?

Iowa Republicans fear that a Ron Paul win on Jan. 3rd will destroy the credibility of their caucuses.

Draft Hillary? The Political Hackery Of Pat Caddell & Doug Schoen

“Democratic” Pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen are out with another wacky Op-Ed.

Newt Gingrich’s Radical, Irresponsible Attack On The Judiciary

Newt Gingrich’s ideas about the role of the judiciary are very dangerous.

Gingrich: Abolish 9th Circuit

Newt Gingrich last night declared that he would abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Republicans Clash At The (Thankfully) Final Debate Of 2011

The final candidate clash of 2011 didn’t lead to the sparring that some expected.

Ron Paul Won’t Be The Nominee, Much Less President

Ron Paul is surging in Iowa. He’s in 3rd place in the national polls and has been for most of the race. He’s not Mitt Romney.

Ads Pulled From Muslim-American Reality Show After Conservative Groups Complain

Conservative groups are upset because a new reality show depicts Muslim-Americans as, well, normal Americans.

Rick Perry Loves the Constitution

Except, of course, the parts he doesn’t like.

Rick Perry Declares War On The First Amendment

In a desperate bid to save a floundering campaign, Rick Perry is willing to sacrifice important freedoms.

Newt Gingrich’s Foreign Policy Judgment, Or Lack Thereof

Newt Gingrich’s foreign policy vision leaves much to be desired.

Republicans Shying Away From Attacking Obama Personally

GOP officials are reluctant to resurrect the personal attacks against the President used during the 2008 campaign.

Could Rick Perry Come Back?

The odds of a come back by the Texas Governor do not look good.

A Different Kind Of Presidential Forum

Last night’s Huckabee Presidential Forum was different, and surprisingly substantive.

Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Campaign

We won’t have Herman Cain to kick around anymore.

The End Of Old Fashioned Retail Politics?

Is technology making retail politics less important?

Conservative Media Destroying Conservative Movement?

Treating entertainment as entertainment is one thing. Treating it as news and education is another.

Obama’s Second Term

“Democratic” pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen argue that President Obama should decline to run for re-election.

Will Jon Huntsman Get A Second Look, Or Even A First, From Conservatives?

Jon Huntsman’s campaign has never really gotten off the ground. Will conservatives start taking him more seriously?

Herman Cain Plays The Race Card

A cynical racial play by Herman Cain.

Cain Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations But Questions Remain

Herman Cain’s response to allegations of sexual harassment 20 years ago raise as many questions as they answer.

ACORN Behind Occupy Movement, Right Wing Media Charges

Unnamed “sources” claim that ACORN is somehow behind Occupy Wall Street and its offshoots.

Mitt Romney’s Immigration Problem

Mitt Romney’s health care plan subsidized health care for illegal immigrants.

Media Coverage of the Candidates

Rick Perry has gotten the most and best coverage thus far in the campaign. President Obama has gotten mostly negative coverage.

Calling Out Pundits And Politicians When They’re Wrong

Why do pundits who are consistently wrong keep getting invited to be on television?

Computer Virus Hits Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected America’s fleet of Predator and Reaper drones.

OTB on Fox News Live

I will appearing on “Power Play with Chris Stirewalt” on Fox News Live this morning discussing America’s ten years in Afghanistan and other topics.

Further Signs Of Trouble For Rick Perry In ABC News Poll

Rick Perry continues to slip in the polls.

More Effects of Alabama’s Immigration Law

Alabama immigration law causing parents to withdraw children from schools.