Sarah Palin: Now That I Think About It, Katie Couric’s Questions Were Fair After All

Sarah Palin To The ‘Lamestream Media’: Never Mind

The GOP Candidates And The Attacks In Paris

The initial responses of the Republican candidates for President to the attacks in Paris are about what you’d expect, but it’s far too early to tell what impact the events of the weekend will have on the race for President here in the United States.

Another Trump Speech Leads To Another Round Of ‘Is Trump Imploding?’ Speculation

Donald Trump’s latest tirade has led to another round of speculation as to whether or not he’s ‘gone too far’ and reached the beginning of the end of his campaign. Don’t count on it.

Fox Business Network Debate Draws Roughly 13 Million Viewers, The Fewest Of Any Debate So Far

Ratings slipped for last night’s debate, but the numbers were still very respectable.

Polls Are Imperfect Criteria For Determining Debate Eligibility, But They’re The Best We Have

Candidates who have been excluded from tomorrow’s Fox Business Network are complaining, but their complaints ignore the fact that polling is the best objective criteria we have to determine debate eligibility.

You Shouldn’t Pay Much Attention To Head-To-Head General Election Polling Right Now

Hillary’s leading potential Republican candidates, but so is Bernie! Rand Paul does better against Hillary than other Republicans! Those are the headlines you get from head-to-head match-up polls, but it’s all largely meaningless.

No, Ben Carson Is Not Being Subjected To ‘Unfair’ Scrutiny

Ben Carson and his supporters would have you believe that he is being subjected to unprecedented and unfair scrutiny. That assertion is completely false.

‘War On Christmas’ Apparently Now Being Fought With Coffee Cups

You may not be aware, but your local Starbucks is the new front in the ‘War On Christmas.’

Christie, Huckabee Relegated To Undercard In November 10th Republican Debate

The debate stages for both the undercard and main debate next Tuesday will look different from what we’ve become used to.

Trump And Carson Lead, Bush Sinking, Christie In Debate Trouble In Latest GOP Polls

Fluctuations continue, but the Republican Presidential field appears to be sorting itself out as we near the beginning of a new phase of the campaign.

Donald Trump Goes Rogue, Refuses To Sign On To Group Effort To Work Out Debate Details

Donald Trump is refusing to sign a joint letter to debate organizers drafted by representatives of all the GOP campaigns. Instead, he wants to negotiate with the networks himself.

Republican Campaigns Meet In Effort To “Fix” Debates, But They Won’t Do What’s Necessary

Representatives from most of the Republican Presidential campaigns met to discuss reforms to the debate process, but none of their ideas will actually improve the quality of debates.

GOP Suspends Debate Partnership With NBC News And Telemundo In Wake Of CNBC Debate

In the wake of Wednesday’s debate, the Republican National Committee has suspended its partnership in a planned February debate with NBC News and Spanish language network Telemundo.

Fixing the Debates

Everyone is sick of the current approach. The candidates are looking for a new one.

There’s Only One Way To Improve The GOP Primary Debates, Fewer People On Stage

Several Republican candidates for President want to “fix” the debates, but they wouldn’t like the one thing that would definitely fix them.

CNBC Debate Had Fewer Viewers Than Any Debate So Far, Which Is Good For CNBC

While it did draw 14 million viewers, last night’s CNBC debate had the smallest audience of any Presidential debate so far. That was probably a good thing for CNBC considering how bad the debate was.

House Benghazi Committee Takes Repeated Swings At Hillary Clinton, Mostly Ends Up Hitting Itself

After an eleven hour day on Capitol Hill, it was Hillary Clinton 1 House Benghazi Committee 0.

Ben Carson Wants To Turn The Department Of Education Into Thought Police

Instead of eliminating the Department of Education, Ben Carson wants to give it a new, bizarre, and dangerous mission.

Republicans May End Up Being Stuck With Trump Whether They Like It Or Not

Whether they like it or not, it’s becoming quite apparent that Republicans may have to get used to the idea that Donald Trump really could be their nominee next year.

Paul Ryan Willing To Be Speaker, If All His Conditions Are Met

Paul Ryan has never really wanted to be Speaker Of The House, but he’s take the job if House Republicans meet the conditions he’s set out.

Trump Still Leads The GOP Field, Anti-Trump Wave Still Not Manifesting Itself

A pair of new polls confirms that Republican hopes that Donald Trump would fade are failing to come true.

Jim Webb May Turn Pathetic Democratic Primary Campaign Into Pathetic Independent Candidacy

Jim Webb’s campaign for the Democratic nomination has been largely forgettable, so now he’s apparently threatening to run as an Independent.

Waiting For Joe Biden

According to reports, Vice-President Biden may or may not be close to a decision about running for President, and he may or may not be running.

Donald Trump Threatens To Boycott Next GOP Debate Over Format Disputes

Donald Trump is threatening to boycott the next Republican debate if there aren’t format changes. The GOP should call his bluff.

Ben Carson Stops Campaigning To Go On A Book Tour

Ben Carson will spend most of October on a book tour rather than campaigning for President. Further proof that he is not a serious candidate despite his standing in the polls.

Trump & Carson Remain At The Top, Christie & Kasich In Danger Of Missing Main Debate Stage

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are still the top two candidates in the GOP race, while Chris Christie and John Kasich appear to be in danger of being relegated to the “KIds Table” debate at the end of the month.

Hillary Clinton Gets Some Good Polling News Ahead Of First Democratic Debate

With the first Democratic Presidential Debate just hours away, Hillary Clinton got some good polling news from Fox News Channel.

Conservative Groups Opposing Paul Ryan For Speaker Before He Even Announces

Paul Ryan has yet to say if he will run for Speaker of the House, but that hasn’t stopped the opposition on the hard right from forming already.

Kevin McCarthy Drops Out Of Race For Speaker, House Republicans In Chaos

Another political earthquake in Washington as Kevin McCarthy drops out of the race for Speaker, and the House GOP doesn’t seem to know which way to go.

John Boehner’s Parting Words For His Critics Are Spot-On

John Boehner let loose on the “false prophets” on the right yesterday, and he’s absolutely right.

Donald Trump Continues To Lead GOP Field In Post-Debate Polling

One week after the second Republican debate, Donald Trump is still at the top of the GOP field, and that doesn’t seem likely to change any time soon.

Of Course the Pope is Political

When did “politics” become a dirty word?

Second Republican Debate Garners Record-Setting Ratings For CNN

More than 23 million people watched the debate Wednesday night.

Donald Trump’s Demagoguery Comes Home To Roost

At a town hall last night in New Hampshire, it became clear just what kind of supporters Donald Trump’s demagoguery is attracting.

Republicans Clash In Second Debate That Seemed To Last Forever

The Republican candidates for President took to the stage last night for a debate that seemed to last forever and accomplished nothing.

Cable News Is Basically Now Just The Donald Trump Show

Even taking the fact that he is the Republican frontrunner into account, Donald Trump is getting a disproportionate amount of attention from the political media.

Rick Perry Drops Out Of The Race For President

We won’t have Rick Perry to kick around anymore.

Donald Trump Unleashes Another Insult That His Supporters Most Likely Won’t Care About

Donald Trump is back to hurling insults at his opponents, but it’s unlikely his supporters are going to care.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Much About Foreign Policy

In an interview, Donald Trump reveals that when it comes to foreign policy he has no idea what he’s talking about.

CNN Revises Debate Criteria, Fiorina Now Likely To Make The Cut For The Main Debate

CNN has revised its criteria for the main September 16th debate such that Carly Fiorina will now most likely make the cut.

Carly Fiorina’s Campaign Is Complaining About CNN’s Debate Rules

Carly Fiorina will most likely be excluded from CNN’s prime time debate in September, so of course her campaign is complaining about rules that were established months ago.

Should Political Debates Be on Pay TV?

Susan Crawford claims that “Cable-Only Presidential Debates are the New Poll Tax.”

Trump Continues To Lead A Fluid GOP Field

Donald Trump is still in the lead of the Republican circus, but the rest of the field remains uncertain in the wake of the first debate.

Republican Race Shaken Up After First Debate, But Trump Still Leads

There have been some changes in the race for the Republican nomination.