Trump’s Offensive Defense

Trump is doing the opposite of trying to calm things down.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Campaign Manager Charged With Assaulting Reporter

The violence that Donald Trump encourages among supporters is manifesting itself in real life.

Senate GOP Remains United On Denying Consideration To Obama SCOTUS Nominee

The President could nominate someone to fill the vacancy created by Antonin Scalia’s death as soon a next week, but Republicans in the Senate remain firmly committed to their decision to deny the as yet unnamed nominee any consideration.

The #NeverTrump Movement Is Propelling The Republican Party Toward Civil War

The effort to stop Donald Trump seems likely to set off a civil war inside the Republican Party.

Donald Trump Pulls Out Of CPAC

Donald Trump canceled his speech at CPAC, but it’s unlikely to harm his campaign at all.

Trump, Cruz, and Rubio Continue to Exchange Attacks In Eleventh Republican Debate

With time running out, the top three candidates for the Republican nomination picked up right where they left off last week.

Majority Of Americans Want The Senate To Consider An Obama Nominee To SCOTUS

Another poll shows that most Americans would prefer that the vacancy on the Supreme Court be filled by President Obama than that it be left open for the next President to fill, but other factors make it unlikely the Senate will act.

Ben Carson Won’t Attend Next GOP Debate, Admits He Has No Viable Path Forward

Ben Carson announced today that he is skipping the next GOP debate and admitted that he does not see a viable path forward for his campaign. However, he didn’t formally withdraw from the race for the Republican nomination.

Whatever Happened To That $6,000,000 Donald Trump Raised “For The Troops?”

A month after raising $6,000,000 for “the troops,,” questions are being asked about where the money Donald Trump raised for veterans causes actually is at this point.

Melissa Harris-Perry Doesn’t Understand TV

The host of a weekend show on MSNBC is angry that the network wants her to talk about the presidential race.

Is Bernie Sanders Finally Coming To Realize He Can’t Possibly Win The Nomination?

With the Democratic race headed into territory where Hillary Clinton is heavily favored, Bernie Sanders may finally be coming to realize that he can’t possibly win the Democratic nomination.

Poll: Majority Of Americans Say Senate Should Hold Hearings And Vote On SCOTUS Nominee

The American people do not seem to support the Republican position on whether President Obama’s expected Supreme Court nominee should get proper consideration by the Senate.

Conservatives Double Down On ‘No Hearing, No Votes’ For SCOTUS Nominee

Conservatives are sending a message to Senate Republicans about the vacancy on the Supreme Court, and it may require them to initiate a suicidal game plan.

Ben Carson Cuts Staff, Salaries, One Month After Raising $22 Million

Ben Carson cut his campaign staff drastically just a month after raising more than $22 million. Another sign of a dead campaign.

Clinton v. Sanders: Some Key Numbers

Despite media narratives to the contrary, I do not see this as a truly competitive contest.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Trumpless Republican Debate Garners 12.5 Million Viewers

Thursday’s debate without Donald Trump drew fewer viewers than might have been expected, but it’s unclear if that’s because Donald Trump wasn’t there.

Ted Cruz Becomes The Target At Trump-Less Debate, Trump Puts On The Donald Trump Show

Without Trump, the seventh Republican debate largely focused on Ted Cruz, who doesn’t seem to have done himself any favors. Donald Trump, meanwhile, will likely not pay any price at all for skipping the last pre-Iowa debate.

The Stage For The First Post-Iowa Republican Debate Will Be A Lot Smaller

The first debate after the Iowa Caucuses will have fewer participants than past debates, and there will be no undercard debate.

Trump Says He’ll Skip Fox News Debate

Donald Trump takes his war with Fox News Channel up a notch, saying he won’t participate in Thursday’s Republican Presidential Debate.

Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Battle Going Down To The Wire

With less than a week to go before the Iowa Caucuses, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are fighting a closely-pitched battle that will depend largely on turnout.

Race For The GOP Nomination All About Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, And A Panicking GOP

With less than a week to go before voting starts, Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP race, with Ted Cruz the only candidate even close to looking like a viable challenger.

Donald Trump Has Completely Reversed Ted Cruz’s Lead In Iowa

After grabbing a lead at the end of last year, Ted Cruz has seen Donald Trump completely reverse fortunes in Iowa with just one week to go before voting starts.

RNC Replaces NBC News With CNN For February Debate

CNN is taking over a late February Republican debate from NBC News, meaning it will host more Republican debates this election cycle than any other single network.

Sixth Republican Debate Grabs 11 Million Viewers

The primary debates continue to draw in a lot of viewers.

Democratic Race Continues To Tighten, Democrats Still Believe Clinton Will Be Nominee

Polling is continuing to show a tightening in the race for the Democratic nomination, even though most Democrats continue to believe that Hillary Clinton will be their eventual nominee.

Has Ted Cruz Already Peaked In Iowa?

There are signs that Ted Cruz’s rise in the Hawkeye State will be short-lived.

Democratic Race Tightens In New Iowa And New Hampshire Polling

The Democratic race in Iowa and New Hampshire is tightening, according to new polling, but this still seems to be Clinton’s race.

First Post-Holiday Polls Show Few Changes In GOP Presidential Race

With under a month to go before voting starts, the race for the GOP nomination looks about the same as it did before Christmas.

Pastor of First Baptist Dallas’ View on Refugees and Carpet Bombings

A five minute segment on the O’Reilly Factor clearly underscores how intertwined he is in secular politics.

Nonexistent Culture Wars And The Nonexistent ‘War On Christmas’

The people who believe there is a ‘War On Christmas” tend to be the same ones who hold to the largely false idea that their religious beliefs are under assault due to a “culture war.”

Rand Paul Says He Won’t Participate In The Next Debate If He Doesn’t Make The Main Stage

Rand Paul is throwing a bit of a temper tantrum. It’s not very Presidential.

Big Trouble On Team Carson

As we head into Christmas, there doesn’t seem to be much peace on Earth or good will toward men among Ben Carson’s advisers.

Trump Tops Yet Another Poll

Donald Trump remains firmly at the top of of the GOP field in what is likely one of the last polls of the GOP race for 2015.

The Next Republican Debate Will Have A Lot Fewer Candidates On The Stage

Fox Business Network has announced its criteria for the next GOP Debate, and it looks like Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich will be kept off the prime time stage.

Marco Rubio Misses Senate Vote On Omnibus Budget Bill

After making a big deal about voting against the budget bill passed yesterday by Congress during the last debate, Marco Rubio ended up missing the vote altogether.

Trump Surges Ahead Again In Post-Debate Polling

The first post-debate polls of the GOP race have more good news for Donald Trump.

Rubio Campaign’s Early State Strategy, Or Lack Thereof, Is Confusing Many Republicans

Marco Rubio has been getting a lot of love lately from both conservatives and so-called ‘establishment’ Republicans, but his seemingly meager ground game in early states is raising doubts about his campaign.

Fifth Republican Debate Gets More Than 18 Million Viewers

Another set of solid ratings for the latest debate.

Cruz And Rubio Clash, Everyone But Cruz Clashes With Trump, In Fifth Republican Debate

The Fifth Republican Debate, and the last of 2015, was marked by expected clashes between the candidates, and one that never happened.

Previewing Tonight’s Fifth Republican Debate

Previewing the fifth Republican debate, and the last Republican debate of 2015.

Republican House Member Introduces Resolution To Fight The ‘War On Christmas’

A Colorado Republican Congressman has introduced a resolution meant to involve our nation’s representatives in the non-existent ‘War On Christmas.’

Heading Into Next Debate, It’s Still Trump On Top With Cruz And Rubio Fighting For Second Place

A pair of new national polls shows a new trend in the GOP race heading into the final debate of 2015.

Rand Paul Makes The Main Stage In Next GOP Debate Even Though He Probably Shouldn’t Have

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul got a break today when CNN included him in the prime time debate on Tuesday even though he fell short of meeting the criteria.