Bernie Sanders the Millionaire

There are many things to dislike about the Democratic socialist from Vermont. Hypocrisy isn’t among them.

Judge Orders Halt To Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Border Wall Funding

A Federal Judge has put at least a partial hold on President’s Trump’s effort to use a “national emergency” to fund his border wall.

Appearing On Fox Not Hurting Candidates With Democratic Voters

So far at least, appearing on Fox News Channel does not appear to be hurting the candidates who’ve done it with Democratic voters.

Trump Not Pleased With Fox News Reaching Out To Democratic Candidates

President Trump isn’t pleased that a news network that has generally been his own personal propaganda network is reaching out to Democrats.

Justin Amash Doubles Down Against Trump As GOP Aligns Against Him

Justin Amash doubled down on his criticism of the President and his call for impeachment even as he came under fire from fellow Republicans.

Conservatism Has Become A Haven For Grifters And Frauds. No Wonder We Got Trump

At some point, what we call conservatism turned into a racket. It’s not surprising that this led directly to Trump.

Justin Amash Stands Alone As GOP Slavishly Backs Trump

Justin Amash spoke out against the President and Attorney General. Unsurprisingly this is not being received well by his fellow Republicans.

Biden Solidifies His Lead Over The Democratic Field

Former Vice-President Joe Biden continues to hold a strong lead over his rivals for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.

Elizabeth Warren Turns Down Invitation To Appear On Fox News Town Hall

Passing up an opportunity that other Democrats are taking, Elizabeth Warren is declining to appear on Fox News Channel. This seems like an unwise decision.

Attorney General Opens Another Investigation Into Origins Of Russia Probe

Attorney General William Barr has opened a new investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation, a move that seems suspiciously political.

Trump’s Destructive Trade War Expands

China has retaliated for the tariffs that the President imposed late last week, and things look like they’re only going to get worse.

Trump Laying Impeachment Trap?

An absurd theory for an absurd time.

Is The American Public Persuadable On Impeachment? Maybe.

Right now, polling indicates that the American public is reluctant to support impeachment of the President but it’s possible that could change.

The Name-Caller-in-Chief

Trump’s penchant for behaving more like a talk radio host than a POTUS continues unabated.

Is America “Ready” For A Gay President?

Despite poll numbers suggesting otherwise, one political analyst suggests that the United States may not be “ready” for a gay President.

Democrats’ Progessive Wing Less Powerful Than Thought?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other firebrands aren’t steering the ship. Yet.

Joe Biden Gets Post-Announcement Poll Bounce

There’s some very good news for Joe Biden in the first polls taken after he entered the Presidential race.

Trump’s 10,000 Lies

The President has hit a dubious milestone barely two years into his administration.

Donald Trump Is The President Of Trumpland, Not The United States

Donald Trump speaks largely just to his base, ignoring the nation as a whole. Whether this will be enough to win re-election in 2020 is an open question.

An Observation on Trump’s Taxes

The story is shifting, which makes me even more suspicious.

Politics on Twitter vs IRL

The 2020 debate on Twitter does not represent ordinary Americans. Does that matter?

On Closing the US-Mexican Border

Trump’s threat will not make things better (and the notion of actually closing the border is insane).

Misogyny and Nano-Bubbles

It’s increasingly challenging to discuss media coverage because we’re all consuming a hand-selected bit of it.

Feeding The Trolls Only Makes Them Stronger

Deny them the pleasure of an angry reaction, and they’ll probably leave you alone.

Trump’s Intellectuals?

A WaPo writer takes a round-about path to demonstrate the obvious.

Media, Free Speech, and Violent Extremists

Free expression sometimes enables horrible crimes. How does a free society deal with that tension?

Terrorist Attack Kills 49 in Christchurch Mosques

Another white supremacist attack raises disturbing questions about our information environment.

Trump Wants Another $8.6 Billion For His Border Wall

President Trump will ask for $8.6 billion for his border wall in his Fiscal Year 2020 budget. He’s unlikely to get it.

Despite Donald Trump, America’s Institutions Are Prevailing

It’s been a rough two years under Trump, but America’s institutions are surviving.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

DNC Excludes Fox News From Hosting A 2020 Primary Debate

As it has since 2007, the Democratic National Committee is barring Fox News from hosting a debate featuring the party’s candidates for President.

Trump Continues To Lie, The Truth Continues To Die

The President continues to lie at an astounding rate that only seems to be getting worse. Does anyone care?

Fox News And The Trump Presidency: State Run Media, Or A Media Run State?

A new report demonstrates that the relationship between Fox News Channel and the Trump Administration is much closer and more pervasive than previously believed.

Senate Appears Poised To Block Trump’s National Emergency

There appear to be enough votes in the Senate to pass the resolution disapproving President Trump’s border wall “emergency,” but there’s not enough Republican support to override an expected veto.

Trump Delivers Bizarre, Incoherent, Red Meat Speech At CPAC

In a two-hour rant before an adoring crowd of CPAC sycophants. President Trump displayed everything wrong with him and his Presidency.

Republicans Face A Choice: Do They Support The Constitution, Or Trump?

Republicans face a choice in the coming days. Do they support the Constitution, or do they support Donald Trump? You can count on them making the wrong choice.

Trump And Kim Headed To Second Summit. It’s Unlikely To Accomplish Anything.

President Trump and Kim Jong Un hold their second summit in Hanoi later this week, but it’s unlikely anything significant will happen.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade

A new poll shows that most Americans believe the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision should remain the law on the land. Opinion on other abortion-related issues is more divided.

Columnist Calls for Taking John Wayne’s Name Off Orange County Airport

It turns out, The Duke wasn’t all that woke.

Jussie Smollett Charged With Faking “Hate Crime”

Actor Jussie Smollett is charged with staging an attack initially called a “hate crime.”

Authorities Arrest Coast Guard Officer Plotting To Kill Journalists, Democrats

A Coast Guard officer and aspiring domestic terrorist was arrested late yesterday for plotting to kill Democratic politicians and members of the media.

The Republican Game Plan For 2020: Demonization And Demagoguery

Following Donald Trump’s lead, the GOP is making clear that its game plan for 2020 is paint all Democrats as ‘socialists, baby killers, and anti-Semites.’

Can Coverage of Women Candidates Be Non-Sexist?

Gender bias is real. Most examples cited, though, aren’t.

Trump Freaks Out Over Latest SNL Cold Open

Saturday Night Live mocked the President’s declaration of a ‘national emergency,” which caused him to lash out on Twitter.

Patrick Caddell, Carter Political Adviser During 1976 Campaign, Dies At 68

Patrick Caddell, who helped Jimmy Carter win the Democratic nomination and White House in 1976, has died at the age of 68.

Heather Nauert Withdraws As U.N. Ambassador Nominee

Two months after being named, Heather Nauert withdrew her name as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations due to a ‘Nannygate’ problem.

Democrats Will Split Early Debates Over Two Nights

Faced with a field that could be more crowded than the Republican field in 2016, Democrats have come up with a different solution to the rather obvious problem of debate scheduling.

Bill Weld Prepares For Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld is preparing for a primary challenge against Donald Trump. He won’t win, but he could still have an impact.

Trump To Sign Funding Bill, Declare ‘National Emergency’ At Border

The President will sign the bill to fund the government and avert another government shutdown, but in doing so he’ll also lay the groundwork for another showdown with Congress.

Donald Trump: The Biggest Loser

When it comes to the shutdown and border wall showdown that started back in December, Donald Trump is the biggest loser.