Jamaal Bowman Defeated in Primary

The Gaza conflict has ousted a member of “the Squad.”

Another Example of the Role of Primaries

A potential GOP self-own in south Texas.

Johnson Risks Speakership for Foreign Aid

A set of bills would fund Ukraine, Israel, and other bipartisan priorities while ticking of the MAGA crowd.

House Passes Bipartisan Tax Bill

Will wonders never cease?

[Speaker of the House Mike Johnson] [Speaker of the House Mike Johnson]

House Passes Laddered CR with Democratic Support

A second Republican Speaker has reached across the aisle to avert a government shutdown.

Two GOPs

A policy-leaning wing and a political-leaning wing make for an unworkable coalition.

Jim Jordan Wrestling His Way to Speaker [Updated]

The crazies are this close to a complete takeover.

“David Duke Without the Baggage”

Some thoughts on the Speaker contest.

Gaetz’ Gambit

What’s behind the sure-to-fail bid to oust his own party’s Speaker?

The Coming Government Shutdown

Why it’s inevitable and what it means.

In Revolutions, The Worst Often Rise To The Top

The Robespierres in the House of Representatives are driving American politics in a predictably horrible direction.

The Chaos is the Point

The anti-McCarthy holdouts have no end game.

GOP Clown Show Continues

After two days of futility, a deal is coming together to make futility permanent.

The GOP Clown Show

Just when you thought they couldn’t get more incompetent.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

What’s Politics For, Anyway?

Capitol Hill Republicans are turning the concept on its head.

Republican Efforts to Steal Election Were Widespread

Did we not already know this?

Rolling Stone Implies Congressmen Abetted 6 January Violence

A vague but inflammatory report sheds little light on the situation.

Coronavirus Could Kill Trump Presidency

We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

Trump Fires Chief of Staff via Tweet

This is no way to run a railroad.

Republicans Afraid To Speak Out Against Trump Are As Bad The Trump Cultists

Those Republicans who recognize how bad President Trump is for he nation but are afraid to speak out against him are as bad as the true believers of Cult45.

Liz Cheney For Senate?

It’s not clear if Congresswoman Liz Cheney wants to run for the open Senate seat in Wyoming. If she did, though, she’d be the prohibitive favorite.

Raise The Debt Ceiling? Let’s Eliminate It Instead

The Trump Administration is warning Congress that we will need to raise the debt ceiling by September. Congress should take this as an opportunity to eliminate it entirely.

Justin Amash Quits House ‘Freedom’ Caucus

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash has quit a group he helped found nine years ago after they voted to condemn him for advocating for the President’s impeachment.

Roy Moore Hits Back At Trump’s Call For Him To Stay Out Of Senate Race

Republicans nationwide are trying to discourage Roy Moore from running for Senate again. Roy Moore doesn’t care.

Roy Moore Expected To Run For Senate Again

Some reports are saying that Roy Moore will run for the GOP nomination for Senate again in 2020.

The Reaction To Justin Amash Reveals Just How Far Gone The GOP Is Today

Justin Amash’s call for impeachment of the President, and the Republican Party’s reaction to it, is telling us a lot about the current state of the GOP.

Justin Amash Further Bolsters His Call For Impeachment

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash is the lone Republican voice speaking out against the President, and he’s making a strong case for his position in favor of impeachment.

Justin Amash Doubles Down Against Trump As GOP Aligns Against Him

Justin Amash doubled down on his criticism of the President and his call for impeachment even as he came under fire from fellow Republicans.

Roy Moore Leads GOP Field To Challenge Doug Jones In 2020

Roy Moore has not said that he’s running for Senate again in Alabama, but he’s already threatening to up-end the race for the GOP nomination.

‘I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump’

The President’s latest ravings are “very bad, very bad.”

Roy Moore “Seriously Considering” Running For Senate Again

Disgraced former Chief Justice of Alabama Roy Moore is apparently “seriously considering” running for Senate in 2020.

Roy Moore Not Ruling Out Another Senate Run

Roy Moore, who lost a Special Election to replace Jeff Sessions in 2017 after being hit with allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault, isn’t ruling another bid for the same seat.

Republicans Face A Choice: Do They Support The Constitution, Or Trump?

Republicans face a choice in the coming days. Do they support the Constitution, or do they support Donald Trump? You can count on them making the wrong choice.

Donald Trump: The Biggest Loser

When it comes to the shutdown and border wall showdown that started back in December, Donald Trump is the biggest loser.

Another Shutdown? White House Says Maybe, Senate Republicans Aren’t So Sure

The White House isn’t ruling out the idea of a second government shutdown, but Senate Republicans have other ideas.

The #TrumpShutdown Could Last For Weeks

Christmas is behind us, but don’t expect any progress when it comes to the government shutdown, which is in its fifth day.

White House Expects Shutdown To Last Into January

With Congress out of town until at least Thursday and negotiations apparently deadlocked, the White House is saying it’s likely the shutdown will last into 2019.

Government Shutdown Set To Last Until At Least After Christmas

There was no progress on resolving the government shutdown today, and little hope that anything will happen before late next week.

Federal Government Enters Third Partial Shutdown Of 2018

The government entered its third shutdown of the year with little sign of an immediate resolution.

House Passes Doomed Spending Bill With Border Wall Funding As Deadline Looms

With just hours to go, a partial government shutdown is becoming more and more likely.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Pulls The Rug Out From Under Congress On Spending Bill

Hours before the House was set to vote on a temporary funding bill for the government, President Trump has apparently changed his mind.

Senate Passes Short-Term Spending Bill To Avoid Shutdown

The Senate passed a bill that keeps the government funded through the beginning of February, but fails to provide any funding for the President’s border wall.

Trump Names Budget Director Mick Mulvaney “Acting” Chief Of Staff

Trump has selected current Budget Director Mick Mulvaney to replace John Kelly as Chief of Staff, but that’s unlikely to change how the West Wing operates.

Top Contender To Replace John Kelly Takes His Name Out Of Contention

President Trump’s first choice to replace John Kelly as Chief of Staff turned the job down, leading one to wonder why anyone would want the job.

Nancy Pelosi Facing Opposition In Bid To Return As Speaker Of The House

With their House majority secure, Democrats must now select their leadership team for the next two years. It’s not going smoothly.

Republicans Likely To Move Hard Right If They Lose Tonight

With most forecasts assuming that Republicans will at least lose control of the House, the odds are that the GOP will react to that by moving further to the right.

Congress Painting Trump Into A Corner On Budget

In the past, President Trump has threatened to shut down the government if the doesn’t get what he wants in the budget. The latest budget deal effectively dares him to do it.

Florida Sets Up Governor’s Race Between Trump Republican And Black Progressive Democrat

Florida voters in the Republican and Democratic parties have set up a Gubernatorial race that provides a stark choice on the table for Sunshine State voters in a race that will likely have national implications moving forward.

Ohio Special Election In National Spotlight

A Special Election tomorrow in suburban Columbus, Ohio could tell us a lot about where the midterm elections might be headed.