Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan Accused Of Covering Up Sexual Abuse At Ohio State

Jim Jordan, who heads the powerful House Freedom Caucus, is being accused of ignoring reports of sexual abuse by a team doctor while he was a coach at The Ohio State University.

Will Ryan Be Forced Out Of The Speakership Before The Election?

Some Republicans are suggesting that Paul Ryan should be pushed out as Speaker before the November elections.

Senate Reaches Budget Deal That Busts Budget Caps And Massively Increases Spending

Congress seems likely to pass a budget deal today that will massively increase spending, putting to rest once and for all the rank hypocrisy of Republicans when it comes to claims that they are “fiscally conservative.”

Congress Moves Ahead On Budget Deal As Trump Threatens Shutdown

Congress appears to be moving closer to a budget deal even as the President tries to throw a monkey wrench into the whole thing.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Still Not Looking Good

Congress seems no closer to a DACA deal than they were in January.

Congress Heads Back To Work With Both The Budget Unresolved And A Shutdown Looming

After an extended break for the Republican retreat, Congress heads back to work today with just three days before a possible government shutdown.

Republicans Give Up On Repealing Obamacare

After spending much of 2017 trying to do it, Republicans are giving up on any effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act before the midterms.

Congress Heads Toward Another Budget Deadline With No Apparent Deal In Sight

The current budget deal expires in six days and Congress doesn’t seem to know what it’s going to do about it.

John Boehner, Without A Filter

It’s been two years since John Boehner stepped down as Speaker, and he’s got a few things to say about his former colleagues and the state of American politics.

Senators Say They Have Bipartisan Deal To Save Obamacare Subsidies

Republican Lamar Alexander and Democratic Senator Patty Murray say they’ve reached a bipartisan deal to fix an important part of the Affordable Care Act.

Republicans On Capitol Hill Admitting Defeat On Health Care Reform

At least for now, Republicans seem to be giving up on repealing and replacing the PPACA. That’s not going to make the base happy.

Donald Trump And The Art Of The Bad Deal

Donald Trump made a deal with Democrats on spending and the debt ceiling, but it was an exceedingly bad one.

Roy Moore Likely Next Alabama Senator

The twice-removed Chief Justice is likely getting a promotion.

George Will on Alabama and GOP Politics

On the special election for US Senate in Alabama

Americans Want Congress To Move On From Trying To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare

A new poll shows that most Americans want Republicans want to move on from their failed effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act.

Reince Priebus Is Out As White House Chief Of Staff, But The Chaos Is Likely To Continue

In another major change announced via Twitter, late yesterday President Trump announced he’d hired a new Chief of Staff, but changes at the staff level aren’t going to fix what’s really wrong with the Trump Administration.

Most Americans Oppose The Senate’s Obamacare Replacement Bill

The GOP’s effort to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare faces another roadblock, namely the fact that the American public doesn’t support their replacement plan.

Congress Facing Another Debt Ceiling Crisis

In addition to everything else on its plate, Congress will have to revisit raising the debt ceiling again sometime this summer.

It’s Looking More And More Like Congress Will Fail To “Repeal And Replace” Obamacare

Congress is running out of time in its effort to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Republican Health Care Bill According To New Poll

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose the American Health Care Act.

Momentum On GOP Health Care Reform Bill Set To Slow Down Significantly In The Senate

The American Health Care Act may have sailed through the House, but the Senate is another story.

House GOP Passes American Health Care Act On Party Line Vote

By the barest of margins, the House passed its bill repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, but the future of that bill is highly uncertain.

House To Vote On Obamacare Repeal Bill Today

After failing twice in a month, House Republicans apparently think they have the votes to pass their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

House Republicans Making Yet Another Push To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

House Republicans are making yet another push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but they once again may not have the votes.

Evaluating Trump’s First 100 Days

After 100 days in office, President Trump has very little to show for his work except to show that there’s no reason to trust his judgment going forward.

Passage Of Republican Health Care Bill Looking Less Likely

The Freedom Caucus may be mollified, but moderate Republicans and the Senate aren’t. Meaning that repeal and replacement of Obamacare is becoming less likely.

House Freedom Caucus Backs Health Care Reform Bill That Republicans Haven’t Revealed Yet

The House Freedom Caucus is apparently getting behind a revised version of the GOP’s plan to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act, but the GOP hasn’t revealed what the new plan entails.

White House Pushing Congress To Revisit Failed Effort To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

Faced with the fact that it has little to show for its first 100 days in office, the Trump Administration is pressuring Congress to come up with a new health care reform bill before the end of next week.

Trump Declares War On House Freedom Caucus

Donald Trump has basically declared war on the people who blocked the AHCA from passing last week.

Trump Fails The Leadership Test

The failure of the AHCA shows that Donald Trump doesn’t know the slightest thing about leadership or how to be President.

Republican Obamacare Replacement Bill Pulled From House Floor

A major legislative defeat for Paul Ryan, the House GOP, and President Trump.

Republican Obamacare Replacement Heads To An Apparent Final Showdown

The Trump Administration has issued an ultimatum, but the fate of the American Health Care Act is still very much up in the air.

House Republicans Struggling To Get Votes To Pass Obamacare Replacement Bill

With a vote tentatively scheduled for this evening, House Republicans appear to lack the votes to pass the American Health Care Act.

Republicans Introduce Obamacare Replacement That Leaves Much To Be Desired

Whether you call it TrumpCare, RyanCare, or GOPCare, the Republican replacement for the PPACA isn’t very impressive.

Term Limits Only A Partial Solution To The Problems Plaguing Congress

Congressional term limits are a good idea, but they are only a partial solution at best and may not be the best solution to the problems facing our political system.

The End Of Paul Ryan’s Honeymoon?

Five months after becoming Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan seems to be running into some of the same difficulties that John Boehner did.

Final Spending Bill Sails Through Congress, Giving Speaker Ryan Another Legislative Win

The final spending bill for the 2016 Fiscal Year sailed through Congress today, marking the end of a very successful first two months in office for Speaker Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan’s Comments On The Likelihood Of Immigration Reform Simply Reflect Political Realty

Paul Ryan’s admission that immigration reform will not happen as long as Barack Obama is President simply reflects the reality of immigration politics in Congress.

Paul Ryan Easily Elected Speaker Of The House

With only a handful of opposition, Paul Ryan was easily elected the 62nd Speaker of the House.

Rand Paul Promises To Filibuster Budget Deal, But He Won’t Be Able To Stop It

Rand Paul is promising to filibuster the budget deal when it gets to the Senate, but it’s extremely unlikely he’ll be able to do anything but delay the inevitable.

After Opposing Procedure Under Which It Was Negotiated, Paul Ryan Will Support Budget Deal

Yesterday, Paul Ryan spoke out against the procedure under which the new budget deal was negotiated. Today, he announced that he’ll vote for it anyway.

Paul Ryan Blasts Budget Deal Process, But He’s Likely Very Pleased It Happened

Paul Ryan is blasting the process that led to the new budget deal between the GOP and the White House, but one suspects he’s secretly quite pleased with the fact that it makes his job-to-be a lot easier.

With Last Obstacles To Becoming Speaker Clear, Paul Ryan Is “All In”

With the voting now seemingly a mere formality, the question becomes what kind of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will become.

Paul Ryan Now Has A Clear Path To Become Speaker Of The House

With the top conservative caucus in Congress acquiescing to his candidacy, Paul Ryan is largely certain to become the next Speaker of the House.

Paul Ryan Willing To Be Speaker, If All His Conditions Are Met

Paul Ryan has never really wanted to be Speaker Of The House, but he’s take the job if House Republicans meet the conditions he’s set out.

Will He Or Won’t He? Washington Waits On Paul Ryan’s Decision On Running For Speaker

With Congress set to come back from its recess, attention is once again turning to the race for Speaker and one Paul Ryan, Congressman from Wisconsin.

Conservative Groups Opposing Paul Ryan For Speaker Before He Even Announces

Paul Ryan has yet to say if he will run for Speaker of the House, but that hasn’t stopped the opposition on the hard right from forming already.

Despite Saying No, Paul Ryan Is Being Heavily Lobbied To Run For Speaker

Paul Ryan is getting pressure from all sides to get into the race for Speaker Of The House.

House Conservatives Fail To Unite Behind A Candidate For Speaker

With just a day to go before House Republicans pick their candidate for Speaker, conservatives don’t seem to be able to unify behind a candidate.

The Latest Conservative Rebellion Against John Boehner Is Fizzling Out

The latest effort by conservative Republicans to oust John Boehner appears to be coming to an unsurprising end.