Iran And The U.S. On The Same Side Against ISIS?

Iran and the United States are on the same side in the fight against ISIS, whether they like it or not.

President Obama’s Misplaced Trust In The “Moderate” Syrian Rebels

After keeping his distance from them for three years, President Obama is placing much misplaced hope in the “moderate” Syrian rebels,

Obama’s Anti-ISIS Coalition Seems To Exist Only In His Mind

Despite the President’s assurances of an international coalition, the rest of the world doesn’t seem all that interested in joining the fight.

Obama’s Flimsy Legal Case For War

The Obama Administration’s legal justification for war against ISIS is laughably flimsy.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Strategy

Obama’s current policy—tactical level strikes with no obvious long-term strategic aim—may well be the best we can hope for.

Congress Must Vote Before We Expand The Attacks On ISIS

As talk begins of expanding the war against ISIS into Syria, it is becoming long past time for Congress to exercise its Constitutional function.

GAO: Obama Broke The Law In Bergdahl Release Deal

The General Accounting Office confirmed what seems clear to anyone who can read a statute.

Watergate Forty Years Later

Even with the passage of time, Watergate remains a singularly important event in American history

Obama’s Iraq Policy Is Open-Ended, Directionless, And Likely To Fail

President Obama doesn’t seem to have any idea what he wants to do in Iraq.

Public Trust In Government Hits New Lows

Americans have become deeply cynical about government. To some extent that is a good thing, but it’s reaching unhealthy levels.

72 Hour Gaza Ceasefire Collapses In Less Than Two Hours

A glimmer of hope in Gaza is quickly snuffed out.

New Sanctions Announced Against Russia, But It’s Unclear Russia Will Care

The U.S. and Europe have announced a new round of sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis, but it’s not clear that the Russians will be motivated to change course.

On Foreign Policy, Conservatives Should Leave Ronald Reagan Behind

Relying on the policies of a man who was President in a very different time is not a substitute for a rational foreign policy.

Iran’s Nuclear Program And The Incentives Created By U.S. Policy

George Will has come under criticism for pointing out what seems to be an undeniable fact.

Despite A Plethora Of World Crises, Americans Oppose Greater Foreign Intervention

Crisis seems to be brewing all over the world, but the American people aren’t persuaded that it’s necessary for the United States to act.

Why Were Commercial Jets Flying Over Eastern Ukraine To Begin With?

Basically, the answer is that nobody really thought there was much of a risk that a plane could be shot down.

Rand Paul, Rick Perry Spar Over Foreign Policy

Rick Perry and Rand Paul are highlighting what looks to be a coming battle inside the GOP over foreign policy.

ISIS Declares Caliphate, Renames Itself ‘Islamic State’

Is ISIS’s reach about to exceed its grasp?

ISIS Threatening To Open A New Front In Lebanon

Is ISIS about to make the situation in the Levant even worse?

Former Senator Howard Baker Dies At 88

One of Washington’s giants has passed away.

Rand Paul, Dick Cheney, And The Foreign Policy Battle Inside The GOP

The Kentucky Senator and former Vice-President are at the front of a battle that will unfold inside the GOP as we head toward 2016.

George Will Has A Question For Republicans About Iraq, And So Do I

Some questions for the Republicans who would be President about the actions of the last Republican President.

Is The Iraq War To Blame For Iraq’s Current Crisis?

Recent events in Iraq have opened up old domestic political arguments in the United States.

President Obama Must Not Act In Iraq Without Congressional Authorization

If President Obama does decide to use military force in Iraq, he should be required to seek Congressional approval beforehand.

Maliki Responding To Iraq Crisis In Worst Possible Way

Iraq’s Prime Minister seems to be responding to the uprising in his country in a way guaranteed to make it worse.

The End of History, Continued

Twenty-five years after his seminal “End of History” article, Francis Fukuyama reflects on its legacy.

Insurgents Continue Advance Toward Baghdad

It’s sure beginning to look like a civil war in Iraq, albeit a rather one sided one at the moment.

Insurgents Linked To Al Qaeda Capture Iraq’s Second City

Things only seem to be getting worse in Iraq.

Yes, We Do Negotiate With Terrorists

Contrary to the oft-repeated slogan, the United States has negotiated with terrorists before. And we will do it again.

Does The World Really Think Less Of The U.S. Due To Obama’s Foreign Policy?

There’s little evidence for the conservative contention that the President has damaged America’s position in the world.

Republicans Criticize Deal That Led To American P.O.W.’s Release

Petty politics, or valid concerns?

Hillary Clinton Wasn’t a Horrible Secretary of State

Yet another autiobiography invites public discussion about her accomplishments.

Obama’s Cloudy Foreign Policy Vision

Once again, President Obama’s attempt to communicate a foreign policy vision falls short.

Ideological Purism Is Making American Politics Stupid

The latest chapter in an all too familiar story.

Good News For Supporters Of Journalist Shield Laws

Two news items yesterday advanced in some small measure the protection of journalists from having to reveal sources under Court Order.

All U.S. Troops Will Be Out Of Afghanistan After 2016, Most Will Be Out By December

An imperfect timetable, but better than nothing.

How America Stopped Thinking Strategically

Today’s foreign-policy disputes rarely consider the way America’s response to one crisis might affect another.

Should We Destroy The Smallpox Virus, Or Save It?

The last known case of smallpox happened in 1977. Is it time to destroy the virus?

New Russian Law Requires Bloggers To Register With The Kremlin

Vladimir Putin wants to put the Internet genie back in the bottle.

Carterization of Obama

Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter.