Donald Trump Opposes Flag Burning, Supports Burning The Constitution

Donald Trump resurrects an old debate and desecrates the Constitution in the process.

After Election Losses, Democrats Battle For Some Top Leadership Positions

In what seems like a replay of the primary battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, some top Democratic Party leadership positions may be in jeopardy.

I’m A Political Junkie, But 2016 Has Burned Me Out

I’ve been something of a political news junkie for 40 years now. This year has burned me out.

Former Israeli Prime Minister And President Shimon Peres Dies At 93

One of the last survivors of Israel’s founding generation has passed away.

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor, Author, And Human Rights Advocate, Dies At 87

A man who survived great horrors to become a tireless witness for truth and advocate for human rights has passed away.

Post-Brexit, Both Of Great Britain’s Major Parties Are In Crisis Mode

One week after the Brexit vote, both the Conservative and Labour parties find themselves in chaos.

At Least 41 Dead In Terror Attack On Istanbul Airport

A massive attack hits Istanbul’s airport.

Turkey Apologizes To Russia For Downing Jet

Turkey has issued a formal apology to Russia over the November 2015 downing of a Russian jet that had briefly strayed into Turkish airspace.

Nobody Wants To Speak At Donald Trump’s Convention

Republican officials are running away from Donald Trump the way they’d run away from a horde of mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus.

What Does The Success Of Brexit Tell Us About Donald Trump’s Chances? Pretty Much Nothing

Many pundits are arguing that the victory for ‘Leave’ presages good news for Trump in November, but there’s no reason to believe that.

Bill Kristol Reportedly Floating National Review Writer As Independent Candidate For President

Bill Kristol’s plan to stop Donald Trump involves a long shot independent bid for the White House by someone most Americans have never heard of before.

Clinton And Sanders Clash In Advance Of High Stakes New York Primary

Just days before a high stakes primary in New York, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed over familiar themes in their latest debate.

The Paul Ryan Scenario: Unlikely To Succeed, And A Sign Of Total Desperation

With the Republican nomination fight down to two incredibly unappealing candidates, some Republican insiders are talking about looking elsewhere for a nominee.

Final Scheduled Republican Debate Canceled

It looks like we’ve reached the end of the debate schedule for Republicans in 2016 .

Fewer Insults, At Least Some Substance, At Twelfth Republican Debate

Given the stakes headed into the latest version of ‘Super Tuesday,’ last night’s Republican debate was surprisingly subdued.

Gloves Come Off Against Trump In Tenth Republican Debate, But Is It Too Little, Too Late?

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz landed some punches on Donald Trump last night, but it’s doubtful that they changed the nature of the race.

South Carolina Could Decide The Fate Of Several Republicans

Tonight’s results in South Carolina could have a significant impact on the race going forward. (Plus, a projection)

Boutros Boutros-Ghali Dead at 93

The godfather of the Responsibility to Protect doctrine has passed.

Quick Release Of American Sailors Shows The Value Of Diplomacy

Ten American sailors detained by Iranian forces late Tuesday were released early today, something that seems to clearly demonstrate the value of diplomacy.

Final Spending Bill Sails Through Congress, Giving Speaker Ryan Another Legislative Win

The final spending bill for the 2016 Fiscal Year sailed through Congress today, marking the end of a very successful first two months in office for Speaker Paul Ryan

Is Syria Already A Quagmire For Putin?

Some analysts are already suggesting that Russia’s two month old intervention in Syria is becoming a quagmire. That seems to be a premature judgment, but it’s not accomplishing much more than anything the West is doing.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Sarah Palin has joined such luminaries as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke in endorsing Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim immigration plan.

Another Day, Another Bizarre Donald Trump Speech

Donald Trump’s speech yesterday at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition was as bizarre as anything else we’ve seen from him.

Jonathan Pollard Released From Federal Prison After Thirty Years

After thirty years in Federal Prison, Jonathan Pollard is a free man. Make no mistake, though. Pollard is not, and never has been, a hero and he deserves to be remembered as nothing but the criminal that he is.

Obama Apparently Giving Up On Quixotic Bid For ‘Middle East Peace’

President Obama has apparently come to the same realization as many of his predecessors, that trying to craft a legacy by single-handedly bring about “Middle East Peace” is largely a waste of time.

Marco Rubio Gains Support Of Top Republican Fundraiser

Marco Rubio has won the support of a top Republican donor and bundler, giving a much needed boost to his campaign.

Canadian Voters Kick Stephen Harper Out Of Office After Nine Years

A political earthquake north of the border.

Conservative Party In Danger Of Losing Majority In Canada, But Outcome Still In Doubt

If pre-election polling is to be believed, Stephan Harper and Canada’s Conservative Party seem likely to lose power after Monday’s elections, but there are several reasons why this may not end up being the case.

Foreign Policy At The Republican Debate

With the exception of Rand Paul, the foreign policy discussion at last night’s debate was about as bad as you’d expect.

Joe Biden Drops A Hint That Suggests He Probably Won’t Run For President

In a speech in Florida, Joe Biden spoke about his possible run for the White House, and gave a very big hint that he’s leaning toward staying out of the race.

The Iran Nuclear Deal Debate Is Basically Over

President Obama now has enough votes in the Senate, and probably the House, to ensure that Congress cannot block the nuclear deal with Iran.

Iran Nuclear Deal Now Virtually Certain To Survive Congressional Attack

Senate Democrats are now just one vote away from being able to block a veto override, meaning that the effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal will most certainly fail.

As Far As Europe Is Concerned, The Debate Over The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Over

Congress is set to debate the Iran nuclear deal next month, but as far as Europe is concerned the debate is already over.

Chuck Schumer Comes Out Against The Iran Nuclear Deal

The Iran nuclear deal will probably survive it’s test in Congress in the end, but Chuck Schumer just made the Administration’s job a little more difficult.

Republicans Spar In Undercard Debate

The low-polling candidates met in an early debate. It was about what you’d expect.

Obama’s Rhetoric On The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Needlessly Confrontational

President Obama’s confrontational approach to opponents of the Iran Nuclear Deal ignores legitimate questions.

American Public Turning Against Iran Nuclear Deal According To New Polls

Recent polling has shown the American public to be highly skeptical, at beast, of the Iran Nuclear Deal. That may not be enough to kill it in Congress, though.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The “You Stupid American Pigdogs” Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Jonathan Pollard To Be Released November 21st

After 30 years in prison, Jonathan Pollard will be released later this year.

Mike Huckabee’s Offensive, Idiotic Holocaust Rhetoric On Iran

In bringing Holocaust imagery into the debate over the Iran nuclear deal, Mike Huckabee has displayed the intellectual bankruptcy of his position.

U.S. Considering Releasing Jonathan Pollard?

Reports are circulating that the Obama Administration is considering releasing Jonathan Pollard, and many are seeing it as an effort to placate Israel in the wake of the Iran deal.

United Nations Security Council Approves Iranian Nuclear Deal

The U.N. Security Council has approved the Iranian nuclear deal, and now the ball is in Congress’s court.

Can Congress Stop The Iran Nuclear Deal?

In the end, the odds that Congress can actually stop the new deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program are pretty low.

Iran Nuclear Deal Struck, Reactions Pretty Much What You’d Expect

Depending on who you listen to, it’s either peace in our time or an epic catastrophe.

George W. Bush Wants To Send Combat Troops To Iraq Again

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.