Governor Brewer Retracts Beheading Claim (Kinda)

Governor Brewer walks back he beheadings claims.

So Much For The Illegal Immigration “Crisis”

The idea that we are in the middle of an illegal immigration crisis is not supported by the evidence.

Maybe The Gulf Oil Didn’t Go Away After All

It’s beginning to look like initial reports that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill had been “cleaned up” may not be true after all.

More Border Enforcement

Again, despite the rhetoric of some, the US does continue to enforce laws relevant to the border and, indeed, enforcement has been on the rise.

Poll Show Border Residents Feel Safe

According to a new poll, 87% of border residents feel safe.

Calderón and Legalization

While it is true, as Jacob Sullum puts it, On Drug Policy, Mexico’s President Has a Bigger Vocabulary Than Ours, it is also true as the headline at Gancho puts it he has Problems with the Legalization Debate (specifically in terms of popular opinion in Mexico).

Hitchens on ‘Topic of Cancer’

Christopher Hitchens takes us through this initial weeks with cancer with brutal introspection and wry humor.

A Tale of Two Cities: El Paso and Ciudad Juárez

Despite assertions that the violence in Mexico is spilling over the border, we find a rather stark comparison of two key border cities.

Comparing Border Counties

Not surprisingly, there is a great deal of disparity in terms of development on the two sides of the US-Mexican border.

Birthright Citizenship Review

Senate Republicans want to rethink the 14th Amendment’s automatic citizenship for people born in the U.S.

Bleg: Slide and Film Scanners, 8mm conversion

Does anybody here know anything about slide or film scanners or 8mm conversion?

Immigration And Crime: Facts Are Stubborn Things

The link between immigration and crime rates that many immigration opponents point to simply does not exist

Lindsey Graham Takes Aim At “Anchor Babies”

Immigration “moderate” Lindsey Graham is suddenly sounding not so moderate.

Death and the Arizona Border

Yes, a lot of people are dying on the Arizona border, but the cause is not the drug war. Rather, it is simple fact that crossing the desert on foot is a dangerous proposition. (And this is not a new phenomenon).

BP Spill Damage Exaggerated?

Now that the flood of oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico from BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig has been staunched, some are arguing that the prophesied environmental catastrophe was greatly overblown.

Rubio Does not Want Proliferation of SB1070s

Marco Rubio doesn’t want to see the proliferation of SB1070s to other states.

Biden Promises November Surprise From Democrats

Vice-President Biden glances into the future and sees a relatively good year for Democrats. Is he right ?

DC Elites Different!

Affluent, educated people in the DC policy community hold different views than the larger American public.

Did BP Help Get Lockerbie Bomber Released From Prison ?

As if the Gulf Oil Spill weren’t enough, there are now allegations that BP played a role in the release of the only man convicted in the murder of 190 Americans.

Returning, Again, to Crime and the AZ Border

More decapitation talk.

Offshore Drilling Moratorium Reimposed

The Department of the Interior has, unwisely and unnecessarily, reimposed the ban on deep water offshore drilling.

Democratic Governors Warn White House On Immigration

The White House is making some very odd political choices in its response to the Arizona immigration law.

A Return to AZ Crime Levels

Let’s revisit the question of crime levels in Arizona.

Sarah Palin, One Year Later

One year ago today, Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska after only 2 1/2 years in office.

25% Of Americans Don’t Know What Independence Day Is All About

Another depressing poll demonstrating American historical ignorance.

Charlie Cook: “Hurricane GOP” Bearing Down On Democrats

The latest poll trends have pollster Charlie Cook thinking that the Democrats could be in for a very bad trouncing on Election Day.

African Solidarity in the World Cup

Africans are rallying around the Ghanaian World Cup team, putting aside stark differences. Should we be surprised?

Kevin Costner Oil Cleanup Centrifuge

How effective is Kevin Costner’s oil separator? It depends who you ask.

Jon Kyl Walks Back Claim That Obama Is Holding Border Security “Hostage”

Senator Jon Kyl is distancing himself from earlier comments that he made accusing the President of holding border security “hostage.”

Radically Misdiagnosing the Problem (Jan Brewer and Illegal Immigration)

Are the majority of illegal immigrants drug-runners? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks so.

New Poll Shows Americans Don’t Know Much About The Judiciary

When it comes to the Supreme Court, most Americans have no idea what they’re talking about.

Gulf Oil Spill To Hit Atlantic in October

A group of oceanographers suggest that the oil from the Deepwater Horizon explosion will leave the Gulf in a few months. What happens then?

Federal Judge Blocks Obama Administration’s Oil Drilling Moratorium

A Federal Judge in Louisiana has told the Obama Administration that it can’t ban offshore drilling in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Obama Gets Failing Grade On Oil Spill Response

President Obama continues to suffer politically as a result of the oil spill crisis.

Obama and the Road to Tyranny

President Obama is following the example of his predecessors in abusing his power to enact his preferred policies. Has he gone too far?