Fox’s Chris Wallace Takes Heat For Asking Michele Bachmann “Are You A Flake?”

A Tea Party favorite gets asked a tough question,and a Fox News host finds himself forced to apologize.

Is an Electoral College Sweep even Possible?

Sunday afternoon musings on an electoral college sweeps.

Romney, Bachmann Nearly Tied In New Iowa Poll

The first Des Moines Register poll is out.

Should Jon Huntsman Be Considered A Contender?

On paper, Jon Huntsman looks like a great General Election candidate. The problem is it seems impossible for him to win the GOP nomination.

Obama Punts On Same-Sex Marriage, Again

President Obama came close to endorsing same-sex marriage last night, but stopped short yet again

Texas Unconstitutionally Attempts To Nullify Federal Law On Incandescent Light Bulbs

How many Texas politicians does it take to screw in a non-communist light bulb?

Republican Party Politics And The Isolationist Canard

A few Republicans have picked up on John McCain’s criticism of critics of the Libya mission as being “isolationist.”

Strategic Picking and Choosing on the Route to the Nomination

The GOP contenders are starting the regular ritual of decided how to navigate our rather odd nomination process.

A Libertarian Moment?

Recent polls seem to indicate a shift in public opinion in a more libertarian direction.

Opposing Dumb, Unnecessary Wars Is Not “Isolationism”

Contrary to what Senator McCain, seeking realism in military policy does not make one an isolationist.

The “Unfavorite Sons” (GOP Candidates and their States)

When one runs for president, it is assumed that one has a shot at one’s home state. Some of the GOP hopefuls, however, look more like unfavorite sons (and daughters).

Post-Debate, Romney Is Clear GOP Frontrunner, Bachmann Surging

The race for the GOP nomination is taking shape.

Understanding Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann is not Sarah Palin.

Will Republicans Nominate a Dove?

WaPo’s Jackson Diehl asks, “Will the GOP nominate a dove?”

Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, And Post-Debate Calculus

Will last night’s debate have any influence on the potential candidates who weren’t there?

Romney & Bachmann Rise, Pawlenty & Cain Fizzle In Mostly Lackluster Debate

The debate format was the biggest loser last night, but there were a few memorable moments in New Hampshire.

Mitt Romney At The Top Of The GOP Field

Despite the disdain for him on the the hard right, Mitt Romney is the man to beat right now in the race for the GOP nomination.

Romney Leads Obama in Poll

President Obama comfortably leads all Republicans but one.

Gary Johnson Excluded From June 13th New Hampshire Debate

Is it appropriate for news organizations to decide that the people don’t need to hear from certain political candidates?

Romney Leads Among Iowa Republicans, Cain And Palin Tied For Second

The battle of Iowa is beginning with Mitt Romney in the lead, but Herman Cain and Sarah Palin aren’t far behind.

Herman Cain: Rising Star, Or Flash In The Pan?

Herman Cain is getting a lot of attention lately, but will he amount to anything?

Sarah Palin’s Bus Tour To Hit Iowa

Sarah Palin’s latest media spectacle will be heading west next month.

Rudy Giuliani Leads Republican Field: CNN Poll

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani tops the latest CNN poll of Republican presidential contenders.

After Shakeup, Romney And Palin Lead GOP Field

Gallup takes the first look at the GOP field after Huckabee, Trump, and Daniels dropped out.

Internet Commenters Are Us?

Amy Myers, the sophomore who challenged Michele Bachmann to a debate on the Constitution, has been the target of vile comments on the Internet.

Why 2012 Republican Field is So Weak

The Republican candidates of 2012 are so weak because of GOP losses in 2004 and 2006 Senate and gubernatorial races.