OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Ya Der Hey Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Michele Bachmann’s Odd Views On Slavery And The Civil War

Michele Bachmann’s view of history is based in a world view that would be foreign to most Americans.

Super Tuesday Won’t Be So Super In 2012

The primary calendar is going to look very different next year.

Can Any Republican Beat Obama in 2012?

Does it matter which candidate the GOP nominates?

Can Jon Huntsman Revive the Party of Reagan?

Condi Rice’s speechwriter thinks Huntsman can appeal to the Tea Party.

The Tea Party’s Utopianism Is Making It Irrelevant

By insisting on perfection in the debt ceiling debate, the Tea Party has made itself irrelevant to the process.

Obama In Trouble In Battleground States

The electoral map should be making the Obama 2012 camp just a little bit nervous.

Mitt Romney’s Frontrunner Status In Danger If Rick Perry Enters The Race

If Mitt Romney looked in the rear view mirror he might just see Rick Perry gaining on him.

Pawlenty-Bachmann War Heats Up

The two Minnesotans in the Presidential race are starting to trade barbs.

Rick Perry On The Rise Before He Even Enters The Race

He’s not in the race (yet), but Rick Perry is already a top-tier 2012 candidate.

Tim Pawlenty In Hot Water Over Use Of “Miracle On Ice” Footage

A new Tim Pawlenty television ad is raising copyright issues rather than, as intended, bringing back memories of the 80s.

Will Michele Bachmann’s Migraines Become A Campaign Headache?

Speculation about Michele Bachmann’s health continues.

Michele Bachmann’s “Stress-Related” “Incapacitating” Headaches Are Fair Game

A Presidential candidate’s medical condition is entirely relevant to their fitness for office.

Can Republicans Govern?

David Brooks is mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore.

Erick Erickson Is Putting Party Before Country

How much of an American can you be if you are willing to wreck the economy for political gain.

Michele Bachmann’s Husband is Gay Meme

I’ve been hearing whispers that Michele Bachmann’s husband, Marcus, is gay for a while. It’s now exploding into a full-on meme.

Romney, Bachmann Lead GOP Field, Obama Leads All GOP Candidates

For the moment, the GOP race looks like a race between Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann, which should make Romney happy

Sarah Palin Newsweek Photo Shoot

Of the eight shots in the Sarah Palin cover shoot, all eight feature her in sweatshirts and similar togs. Not exactly presidential.

Obama Still Trying To Sell GOP On “Grand Bargain” Debt Deal

It was a largely fruitless weekend in the debt negotiations.

Tim Pawlenty: Michele Bachmann Hasn’t Really Accomplished Much In Congress

Tim Pawlenty took aim at Michele Bachmann yesterday but will he keep up the attack?

The GOP Is Now Controlled By Its Conservative Base

More than any other time in the past, the GOP is now firmly under the control of its most conservative members.

Casey Anthony Trial Got More News Coverage Than GOP Candidates

The biggest news story of the past six weeks was something completely trivial.

Sarah Palin: The Most Significant Woman Of The Past Decade? Hardly

Just how significant is Sarah Palin in the grand scheme of things?

The Balanced Budget Amendment Is A Bad Idea

House and Senate Republicans are pushing a Balanced Budget Amendment. It sounds like a good idea, but it isn’t.

Bachmann, the Constitution, and Slavery

Bachmann’s views on the Founders and slavery are more significant than simply a question of how to classify John Quincy Adams.

Tom Petty: Michele Bachmann Can’t Use ‘American Girl

When Tom Petty found out Michele Bachmann was using his “American Girl” to introduce campaign events, he issued a letter saying, in essence, “Don’t do me like that.”

Bachmann and John Quincy Adams

Bachmann doubles-down on a problematic historical claim.

Is A Three-Term Congresswoman Who’s Never Sponsored A Law Ready For The White House?

The odds of history are against Michele Bachmann.