The Day After in Gaza

The Israeli government has no plan. Its defense minister does.

Columbia Israel Divestment Protests Turn Ugly

On-campus classes have been suspended and Jewish students told to find safety.

Trump Salutes Insurrection ‘Hostages’

Creeping authoritarianism? Political suicide? Descent into madness?

“Politicizing” Sports

A reminder that all choices are political to one degree or the other.

‘Freedom Convoy’ Not What it Claims to Be

A protest against vaccine mandates is growing with a little help from our adversaries.

Jon Gruden ‘Resigns’ After Racist, Sexist, Homophobic Emails Revealed

A spectacular fall for a man who has been at the center of the football world for three decades.

China’s Olympic Machine

A massive investment falls just short. This time.

Certification Day in Michigan

At high noon.

Pro Athletes Boycotting Games

The NBA playoffs have been hit with a work stoppage.

NFL to Play ‘Black National Anthem’ Before Games

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” will reportedly precede the “Star-Spangled Banner” in the opening week.

Politics and Sports

It is foolish to think that we ever escape politics.

Violence Overshadowing Protests

The mayhem surrounding the demonstrations is drawing attention away from the grievance behind them.

NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo Finally Fired In Choking Death Of Eric Garner

More than five years after the fact, the NYPD officer who applied an illegal chokehold that resulted in the death of Eric Garner has finally been fired.

The Russia-Right Wing Talking Point Cycle

How insidious talking points spread in the modern media environment.

Explaining Trump’s Racist Attacks On ‘The Squad’

The President’s decision to base his re-election campaign on racism and stoking racial and ethnic divisions is quite simple to explain.

Anti-ICE Protestors Replace US Flag with Mexican Flag

A symbolic gesture sure to backfire

Happy Independence Day From Outside The Beltway!

In the spirit of the holiday, it’s time to eat to excess, drink adult beverages, and blow stuff up..

Nike Pulls Old Glory Flag After Kaepernick Complaint

The ex-athlete has picked a bizarre target.

From Our “I Am Not Making This Up” File

Totally respectful, am I right?

Fire the Commandant (if He Leaked the Memos)

There are even higher obligations than taking care of Marines.

Sexist Coverage of Beto O’Rourke?

Would a similarly-situated woman be getting such over-the-top coverage?

Florida Student Charged With Creating Disturbance Over Pledge Of Allegiance

A student in Florida has been charged with creating a disturbance after declining to recite the Pledge Of Allegiance in class.

NFL Settles Colin Kaepernick Collusion Suit

A confidential agreement has ended a collusion suit filed against the National Football League in 2017.

Venezuelan Crisis Enters A New Stage

The situation in Venezuela entered a new stage yesterday as opposition leader Juan Guaidó claimed the nation’s Presidency.

France To Investigate Reports Of Russian Instigation In “Yellow Vest” Protests

French authorities are investigating reports that Russian interference may be helping to exploit and expand the five-week-old “yellow vest” protests.

France’s Yellow Vest Riots Enter Fifth Week

Protests that have killed four and injured hundreds have been rewarded and show no sign of ending.

Russian Woman Charged With Interfering In 2018 Elections

The Russians are interfering in our electoral system again, and they’re using our own hyperpartisanship to accomplish their goals.

Texas Trying To Force Students To Stand For Pledge Of Allegiance

The State of Texas is arguing in Court that a school district can force a student to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment.

Russian Bots And Trolls Helping To Stir National Anthem Protest Controversy

New evidence indicates that the same Russian backed bots and trolls that sought to influence the 2016 election are now attempting to exploit the social divisions raised by the N.F.L. players kneeling during the National Anthem.

No, The Buffalo Bills Didn’t Cause The Oklahoma City Terrorist Attack

Author Sam Anderson puts forward a rather strange hypothesis in Politico.

ESPN Won’t Air Anthem Before Monday Night Football

ESPN won’t air the National Anthem before regular season games this year, but that probably won’t stop the President from ranting about it.

Most Americans Say Race Relations Have Gotten Worse Under Trump

A new poll shows that most Americans believe that race relations have gotten worse under President Trump.

A Year After Charlottesville, Trump Shows That He Doesn’t Get It Or Doesn’t Care

One year after Charlottesville, it’s clear that President Trump still doesn’t understand what happened there, or that he just doesn’t care.

National Anthem Protests Restart As N.F.L. Pre-Season Begins

The first night of games in the N.F.L. pre-season included some sporadic protests during the National Anthem, and prompted a predictable response from the President.

Koch Political Network Distancing Itself From Trump’s Republican Party

A powerful political network is distancing itself from the Trump-dominated Republican Party.

N.F.L. Puts New Anthem Policy On Hold

In the wake of a grievance filed by the union representing players, the N.F.L. has suspended the new National Anthem policy it announced earlier this year. This guarantees even more cynical political exploitation by the President.

Pennsylvania Cop Who Tased Compliant African-American Man Won’t Be Suspended

A police officer in Lancaster, Pennsylvania who tased an apparently compliant African-American man will not be disciplined by his department, and probably won’t face charges either.

Happy Independence Day From Outside The Beltway!

Yes, it’s still okay to celebrate America.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, A Virginia Restaurant, And The Politicization Of Everyday Life

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant in Virginia last night, and the incident raises questions of how far we should let politics infiltrate everyday life.

Trump Wants GOP To Make His Immigration Policies The Center Of The 2018 Campaign

Donald Trump wants Republicans to make his immigration policies the centerpiece of the midterm campaign. What could possibly go wrong?

Trump Dismisses Racial Injustice Concerns Of Kneeling N.F.L. Players

In a new interview, the President says that he doesn’t believe that N.F.L. players who kneel during the National Anthem have a real issue.

On the Appropriation of National Symbols

Trump’s withdrawal of his invitation to the Philadelphia Eagles is just another example of his populistic nationalism. (And it isn’t healthy).

Trump’s Trade Policies Have Nothing To Do With Economics Or Reality

Donald Trump’s approach to international trade has nothing to with economics and everything to do with politics and the culture war he loves to provoke.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Trump Position On N.F.L. Anthem Protests

Most Americans disagree with Trump on the N.F.L. National Anthem protests, but Republicans are behind him.

Reviving National Anthem Fires, Trump Revokes Eagles White House Invite

President Trump waded back into the National Anthem debate when he revoked the invitation of the Philadelphia Eagles to come to the White House today.

Conservatives Are On The Wrong Side Of The N.F.L. Anthem Debate

Conservatives claim to support freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but they’ve utterly failed that test when it comes to their reaction to players who peacefully and respectfully kneel during the National Anthem.

Trump: If You Don’t Stand For The Anthem, Maybe You Should Leave The Country

President Trump’s response to the N.F.L.’s new National Anthem policy is as narrow-minded and divisive as you’d expected it to be.

N.F.L. To Fine Teams If Players Fail To “Stand And Show Respect” During National Anthem

The N.F.L. has come up with a dumb “solution” to a non-existent problem.

Mike Pence Thinks A Year Is Long Enough For The Russia Investigation

Mike Pence’s obsequiousness to his master knows no limits.

The Rise Of The Trumpidian GOP Candidates

Whether Don Blankenship wins or loses in West Virginia, his success is yet another example of how Donald Trump has changed the GOP for the worse.