Of Blizzards And Political Firestorms

Cory Booker, Michael Bloomberg, and Chris Christie have been in the news this week due to the political fallout over their handling of the East Coast blizzard.

Jon Stewart As Edward R. Murrow?

Is Jon Stewart the next Edward R. Murrow? No.

Giuliani in 2012?

Might Rudy do better in 2012 than he did in 2008?

ROTC Returning to Ivies

The repeal of DADT may open the doors for ROTC to return to many elite institutions, if cost doesn’t get in the way.

Random Bag Searches Coming To D.C. Metro System

Washington D.C.’s 34 year-old Metro system is about to become the latest stage for Security Theater.

Michael Bloomberg Says He Isn’t Running For President

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he isn’t running for President, but he’s sure acting like a guy who’s at least thinking about it.

Ethics Committee Recommends Censure For Charlie Rangel

Less than expulsion, but more than a slap on the wrist. The House Ethics Committee recommends that New York Congressman be censured for cheating on his taxes and breaking the rules of Congress.

Strip Joe Biden of His Motorcade?

Vice-President Joe Biden’s motorcade has been involved in at least five crashes.

San Francisco Bans Happy Meals

In yet another move designed to take the fun out of being a kid, San Francisco has banned the Happy Meal.

Bloomberg: Independent President “A Good Idea”

New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg thinks a President independent of either political party would be a good idea. Is he right?


Jim Treacher has coined a new term, Oprahturfing, to describe wealthy celebrities funding attendance at political rallies. While clever, the concept of “Astroturfing” is being misused by both sides.

Do Jews Really Control the Media?

Responding to the rant that got Rick Sanchez fired, Slate’s Brian Palmer investigates the question, “Do Jews Really Control the Media?” His short answer, “Maybe the movies, but not the news.”

If John Lennon Had Lived

A Vanity Fair piece imagines what John Lennon’s life would have been like had he survived an assassin’s bullet.

From The Office Of Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R., GA): “All Faggots Must Die”

A staffer for U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss left a threatening slur on an Internet discussion of the right of gays and lesbians to serve openly in the U.S. military.

Geography and the American Military

The Army and its officer corps are becoming increasingly Southern and rural. Is this a bad thing? If so, what can we do about it?

Again with the Saudi Arabia Comparisons…

Ok, Saudi Arabia has less freedom than the US. Why do some people think that should form the basis of an argument about appropriate behavior in the US?

Ken Mehlman is Gay and I Don’t Care

The guy who ran George W. Bush’s campaign and the Republican National Committee has realized after only 43 years that he likes dudes.

“Ground Zero Mosque” Debate: Distraction, Or Fundamentally Important ?

Glenn Greenwald argues that the “Ground Zero Mosque” debate is about more than just a “mosque” near Ground Zero. He’s right, but that also means the debate is likely to get uglier.

Cordoba House Imam “Extremist” in “Sheep’s Clothing”?

Steve Emerson has reportedly found 13 hours of tape of Cordoba Initiative chairman Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and found him to be a “radical extremist cleric who cloaks himself in sheep’s clothing.” Does it matter?

Unease On The Right Over “Ground Zero Mosque” Rhetoric

Some Republicans are start to wonder if it’s such a good idea for their party to be so closely associated with the heated rhetoric surrounding the future of this former Burlington Coat Factory.

Pelosi: Investigate Mosque Opponents

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, appearing on San Francisco’s KCBS radio, called for an investigation in the efforts to stop the building of a Muslim cultural center at the hallowed Burlington Coat Factory location blocks from Ground Zero.

Polling on Cordoba House

Given public opinion on the proposed Islamic community center that is currently cominating the news, we would expect that opposition to the project would be strongest in Manhattan itself.

The Manufactured “Ground Zero Mosque” Controversy

How did the future of this former Burlington Coat Factory turn into a national political issue ? Well, it’s a rather interesting story.

Ray Bradbury: Too Much Government, Let’s Colonize Mars

Renowned author Ray Bradbury hates big government but wants it to fund the colonization of Mars. That a man of his intelligence and insight can hold such diametrically opposed thoughts is an amusing reminder of the limits of human rationality.

Is The GOP Anti-Islamic ? No, But They Are Playing With Fire

The GOP is playing a dangerous game with the anti-Islamic rhetoric that it seems to be courting these days.

Politics And The “Ground Zero Mosque”

President Obama’s decision to speak out on the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” has turned what was a hot-button cable news item into a political issue that even his fellow Democrats don’t want to deal with.

JetBlue Flight Attendant Wants Job Back

Steve Slater, the JetBlue sky waiter whose recent meltdown became a viral sensation, wants his old job back.

Hiring Workers Too Expensive!

Are government imposed mandates making it impossible for businesses to justify hiring new workers?

Congressmen, or Six Year Olds ?

The United States Congress is starting to resemble a grade-school playground.

Charles Rangel Facing Ethics Charges

Charles Rangel, who recently stepped aside as Chairman of House Ways And Means Committee, is facing ethics charges.

Newt Gingrich: America Should Be More Like Saudi Arabia

Newt Gingrich says that because there are no churches in Riyadh, we shouldn’t allow a mosque in New York.

Malapropisms, Manhattan Mosques, And Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin tweeted, and took the wrong side in a story that doesn’t even deserve to be a controversy.

Blue Fin Tuna, Genetically Altered Salmon and Environmental Progress

“It’s illogical to hunt a species to extinction.” – Spock