China’s Gray Zone Activities

It’s more than competition but less than war.

China Trade Wars the New Normal

The elite consensus that free trade would bring them around is gone.

Policies in Conflict

The Biden Administration wants clean energy but only for some.

Biden Wants Credit for Economy Worse Than the One He Inherited

Prices are coming down but they’re way higher than they were.

American Ideological Self-Identification

“Moderate” is up, “Liberal” is down, and “Conservative” is static. What does it mean?

Trump Floats National Quarantine, Backs Off

The Constitution in times of extreme crisis.

Americans Disagree With Trump On Trade

New polling shows that the American public does not support the President and his trade war.

Trade Deficit Increases Under Trump’s Watch

After more than a year of Trump’s trade war, the trade deficit, which he promised to reduce, has increased.

Trump Goes Full Dictator

Donald Trump isn’t just admiring dictators now, he’s acting like one.

Should NeverTrumpers Become Democrats?

A considerable number of Republican have effectively left our party over Donald Trump. Should we go all the way?

Supreme Court Strikes Down Residency Requirement For Liquor Sales License

The Supreme Court issued a significant ruling on Monday that could make it easier to buy and sell alcoholic beverages across state lines.

World Economic Leaders Worry About Impact Of Trump’s Misguided Trade War

President Trump’s tariffs are having a noticeable, and negative, impact on global economies. The President doesn’t seem to care.

The Biden Backlash

The early frontrunner for the Democratic nomination is drawing fire from multiple fronts. It may destroy his candidacy before it begins.

Trump’s Intellectuals?

A WaPo writer takes a round-about path to demonstrate the obvious.

Tales from the Trade War

Not good, not easy to win.

Trade Deficit Hits Record Levels Despite Trump’s Tariffs

Notwithstanding President Trump’s tariffs, America’s trade deficit hit a record level last year.

After Trump’s Tariffs, American Steel Industry Faces Downturn

Despite the President’s claims, the American steel industry isn’t doing well at all.

Justices Appear Skeptical Of Residency Requirements In Alcohol Sales Laws

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in a case that could make it easier for consumers to buy and ship wine and other adult beverages across state lines.

Trump, Nationalism, And The Lessons Of World War One

One hundred years after the end of World War One, the forces that led to it are waking up from a long slumber.

Trump’s Trade Chickens Coming Home To Roost

After nearly a year, Trump’s trade policies are having their inevitable negative impact inside the United States.

Trump Slams Another $200 Billion In Ill-Advised Tariffs On Chinese Goods

As expected, President Trump announced a new round of tariffs against Chinese goods yesterday, and China quickly retaliated.

August Jobs Report Slightly Stronger Than Expected

Jobs growth in August was slightly better than expected, but still nothing overly impressive.

Koch Political Network Distancing Itself From Trump’s Republican Party

A powerful political network is distancing itself from the Trump-dominated Republican Party.

The Perils of a One-Man Political Party

The GOP and Donald Trump are indistinguishable now. But it’s not clear what that means.

Hours After Praising A Brutal Dictator, Trump Attacked Justin Trudeau Again

Trump spent much of Tuesday praising a dictator who has murdered and imprisoned millions of people. Then he returned to attacking the democratically elected leader of one of our closest allies.

Donald Trump Expands Idiotic Trade War, Takes Aim At America’s Allies

President Trump is setting off another trade war, this time with some of America’s closest and most important allies.

The GOP Is Donald Trump’s Party Now

The transformation is complete. The GOP is now the party of Donald Trump. If you’re sticking around and not speaking out against what the President represents, you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Trump Announces New Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum

President Trump has announced that he’ll be imposing significant tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. This is an unwise decision.

As Trump Withdraws Into Fortress America, The World Moves On

President Trump has alienated America’s allies and friends, and they are acting accordingly.

John McCain Is Taking On Donald Trump Without Regret

John McCain has been standing out from his fellow Republicans largely by unleashing on President Trump, and it is unlikely to end anytime soon.

Without Mentioning Trump, George W. Bush Rebukes Trumpism

Without mentioning his successor by name, former President Bush delivered a stinging rebuke to Trump and Trumpism.

Donald Trump’s European Vacation

Donald Trump’s first overseas trip went about as badly as you’d expect it would.

GOP Holds On To House Seat In Heavily Contested Kansas Special Election

Republicans held on to Mike Pompeo’s seat in the House, but the outcome was closer than many expected.

The Trump Administration and the G20

More stepping back from free trade and the established global economic order.

The New Trump Tax

Yet more incoherent economic policy from the Tweeter in Chief. A border tax will mean that Americans will undoubtedly pay for at least part of the Great Wall of Trump™.

Paul Ryan Breaks With Trump On International Trade Policies

In a break with President-Elect Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said Congress would block any effort to increase tariffs.

Libertarians Are to Blame for Donald Trump’s Racialized Rhetoric?

The idea that Donald Trump has gotten his racialized rhetoric from libertarians is simply errant nonsense. The libertarian view, broadly speaking, is not defined by Murray Rothbard, Llewellyn Rockwell, and Ron Paul and those who share their views. This is but a small and even fringe group of what could be called the libertarian community.

Donald Trump’s Bad Reasoning on NAFTA

Donald Trump engages in some nice post hoc ergo propter hoc by implying that the decline in manufacturing jobs in North Carolina is due to NAFTA. Ignoring that other factors are more likely playing a far greater role in the loss of manufacturing jobs.

Ross Kaminsky: Protectionism is Political Pandering

It is a misguided and foolish attempt to try and buy votes without appearing to buy votes.

“Compassionate” Protectionism

There’s nothing compasssionate about protectionism.

The Resurgence of Mercantilism

On the left and the right, there’s been a resurgence of a long-ago discredited economy theory.

Republican Mega-Donors Not Exactly Warming Up To Donald Trump

Some of the GOP’s top donors still aren’t sold on Donald Trump.

Barriers to US-Europe Trade Deal Remain

A US-EU free trade zone is a no-brainer. But the devil is in the details.

Obama’s Solar Panel Tariffs Threaten To Destroy An American Business

Bill Keith built a successful business making solar-powered ceiling fans. The President’s trade policies are in the process of destroying it.

America’s Jobs Crisis

Everyone’s talking about jobs again. And it’s not a pretty picture.

Republicans At A Foreign Policy Crossroads

For the first time since the end of World War II, the GOP is wrestling with two diametrically opposed visions of foreign affairs.