S&P Debt Downgrade Leads To Same Old Washington Blame Game

The immediate reaction among the political class to the debt downgrade was the play the same old stupid games.

Is There A Disconnect Between The Tea Party Agenda And Voter Priorities?

The agenda of the Tea Party movement doesn’t necessarily coincide with what voters say they want from Washington.

Most Hated Congress Ever

The job approval numbers for Congress are at historic lows, but will that matter in 2012?

Electoral College 2012 – Ridiculously Early Handicapping

Looking at the state-by-state map way too early.

An Observation about Rick Perry

Perry has a combo of Tea Party populism and establishment going for him.

A New Normal For Debt Ceiling Increases?

Has a precedent been set for future requests by the President to increase the debt ceiling?

Ridiculous, Disgusting, and Stupid: The Public Weighs In On The Debt Negotiations

The reviews are in on the debt negotiations, and the public isn’t happy.

Debt Deal Reveals GOP Split On Defense Spending

The cuts to Pentagon spending in the new debt deal are further revealing a split in the GOP over foreign policy and military spending.

Death of Politics is Greatly Exaggerated

Michael Cohen argues that our system is broken because Republicans will no longer compromise.

The Next Capitol Hill Battle: The Gas Tax

You thought you’d seen the worst of Congress in July? Oh, you silly American you.

Biden: Tea Party ‘Terrorists’

Vice President Biden has called Congressional Republicans and their Tea Party backers “terrorists.”

Obama And The Debt Deal: A Failure Of Leadership?

Once again, the debt ceiling deal is raising questions about the President’s leadership.

Is the System Broken?

Did the debt ceiling debate reveal dysfunctional government?

Debt Deal Winners and Losers

Now that America’s political leadership have probably averted a self-inflicted global economic calamity, it’s time to assess the winners and losers.

Congressional Leadership And Obama Reach Deal To Raise Debt Ceiling

We have a deal in Washington. Now, the leadership just has to make sure it can pass Congress.

The Debt Ceiling and the Imperial Presidency

Congress failing to raise the debt ceiling would involve abrogating an enormous amount of power to the Executive.

One of these guys is outsmarting the other one One of these guys is outsmarting the other one

Parliamentary Procedure and the Debt Ceiling Debate

How the reelection incentive and parliamentary procedure are affecting the debt ceiling debate in Congress.

The Tea Party’s Utopianism Is Making It Irrelevant

By insisting on perfection in the debt ceiling debate, the Tea Party has made itself irrelevant to the process.

Speaking of Fidelity to the Constitution….

The constitutional purists in the Tea Party apparently do not understand either bicameralism nor separation of powers.

Boehner Bill To Be Amended To Please Tea Party, Thus Making It Totally Irrelevant

John Boehner’s debt ceiling plan is being amended. And not in a good way.

The Debt Ceiling Debate: Social Democracy v. Limited Government?

Charles Krauthammer claims we are in the midst of a great debate. I am not so sure.

Tea Party Leader Tries to Explain Position on Debt Ceiling

He doesn’t do a very good job.

With Economic News Like This, Why Would Anyone Risk Crashing The Economy?

Economic figures released today demonstrate clearly why the irresponsible talk surrounding the debt ceiling must end.

The Impact of the U.S. Defaulting

Christine Lagarde believes the impact could be large and global.

Functional Apathy’s Opposite

Steven Metz muses, “Scholars argue that too much political mobilization can make democracies dysfunction. Is that where the US is today?”

In Dueling Speechs Obama And Boehner Talk Past Each Other, Accomplish Little

Their mouths were moving, but nothing of substance was coming out.

Why Leaders Won’t Lead

European leaders have put another Band Aid on the Greek sovereign debt crisis while America’s leaders are trying to stave off a self-inflicted financial default.

The GOP’s Debt Ceiling Gamble

By choosing to go it alone on a debt ceiling plan, the GOP is taking a big risk.

Pawlenty-Bachmann War Heats Up

The two Minnesotans in the Presidential race are starting to trade barbs.

Debt Ceiling Kabuki Theater Update

It hasn’t been a very productive weekend in Washington, D.C.

Tom Coburn: Lady Gaga of Fiscal Conservatives

If a crisis over the national debt is averted, Oklahoma’s Tom Coburn may be the unlikely hero.

Obama’s Negotiation Strategy, Such As It Is

I never would have negotiated in the first place.

Rick Perry On The Rise Before He Even Enters The Race

He’s not in the race (yet), but Rick Perry is already a top-tier 2012 candidate.

Republican Governors Remarkably Unpopular

Are the new crop of GOP governors too conservative?

The Debt Ceiling is a Housekeeping Procedure

The House Republicans are functionally insane.

On Debt Deal, Americans Want Compromise Not Grandstanding

Three new polls provide a warning to both sides of the debt negotiations, but mostly to Republicans.