Wall Street Journal: The House GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment Is A Bad Idea

One of the GOP’s staunchest media allies isn’t too impressed with their Balanced Budget Amendment.

Who Wins If There’s No Debt Deal?

The idea that the GOP can block a debt ceiling vote and benefit politically is, quite simply, absurd.

The Bush Tax Hikes

On this day in 1990, President H.W. Bush broke his “No new taxes” pledge.

Romney, Bachmann Lead GOP Field, Obama Leads All GOP Candidates

For the moment, the GOP race looks like a race between Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann, which should make Romney happy

Where Are The Rational People In The Debt Ceiling Debate?

The participants in the debt negotiations are being led by constituencies that have little interest in compromise.

Obama Still Trying To Sell GOP On “Grand Bargain” Debt Deal

It was a largely fruitless weekend in the debt negotiations.

Chances Of Long Term Debt Deal Collapse Amid Mutual Recrimination

It’s still politics as usual in Washington.

Congressman: Lower the Debt Ceiling

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun has a radical suggestion: While we’re playing chicken with the nation’s debt, let’s cut $1.3 trillion from the debt ceiling!

So Much For “Repeal And Replace”

Whatever happened to the GOP’s promise to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act?

Responsible Governing v. Ideological Purity

What exactly is the GOP trying to accomplish in the debt ceiling negotiations?

America At 235

Some thoughts on the American experiment at 235 years and counting.

In Today’s GOP, Reagan Is A RINO

The Ronald Reagan that Republicans lionize is very different from the one who actually served as 40th President of the United States.

Sarah Palin: The Most Significant Woman Of The Past Decade? Hardly

Just how significant is Sarah Palin in the grand scheme of things?

Bachmann, the Constitution, and Slavery

Bachmann’s views on the Founders and slavery are more significant than simply a question of how to classify John Quincy Adams.

Is The Debt Ceiling Unconstitutional?

Does a little known provision in the 14th Amendment make the entire debt ceiling debate irrelevant?

Fox’s Chris Wallace Takes Heat For Asking Michele Bachmann “Are You A Flake?”

A Tea Party favorite gets asked a tough question,and a Fox News host finds himself forced to apologize.

Romney, Bachmann Nearly Tied In New Iowa Poll

The first Des Moines Register poll is out.

Eric Cantor, Jon Kyl Drop Out Of Biden Deficit Talks

Talks about a deal to raise the debt ceiling seem pretty close to collapse now that there are no Republicans involved.

A Libertarian Moment?

Recent polls seem to indicate a shift in public opinion in a more libertarian direction.

Republicans At A Foreign Policy Crossroads

For the first time since the end of World War II, the GOP is wrestling with two diametrically opposed visions of foreign affairs.

Post-Debate, Romney Is Clear GOP Frontrunner, Bachmann Surging

The race for the GOP nomination is taking shape.

Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, And Post-Debate Calculus

Will last night’s debate have any influence on the potential candidates who weren’t there?

Mitt Romney At The Top Of The GOP Field

Despite the disdain for him on the the hard right, Mitt Romney is the man to beat right now in the race for the GOP nomination.

Another Problem for Romney: Climate Change

Here’s another way that Romney will be called a RINO.

Tim Pawlenty’s Fiscal Plan: Too Good To Be True

Tim Pawlenty’s new fiscal plan isn’t very grounded in reality.

Reagan’s Question Looms For Obama

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

One More on Palin and Revere’s Ride (and Back to the Politics of History)

Two things: 1) one of the best things I have seen on this topic and 2) and a re-iteration on what I think is the broader issue here.

Palin and History

Palin has some odd things to say about US history.

Unemployment and Presidential Elections

Unemployment was high when Barack Obama took office and it’s gotten substantially higher. Does that mean he won’t get re-elected?

Herman Cain: Rising Star, Or Flash In The Pan?

Herman Cain is getting a lot of attention lately, but will he amount to anything?

After Shakeup, Romney And Palin Lead GOP Field

Gallup takes the first look at the GOP field after Huckabee, Trump, and Daniels dropped out.

Republican Field Not Weak As You Think

The GOP doesn’t have a charismatic superstar waiting in the wings. That’s okay.