Republican Field Not Weak As You Think

The GOP doesn’t have a charismatic superstar waiting in the wings. That’s okay.

Will One Election Decide The Fate Of The Ryan Plan?

Voters in New York State may help move the budget debate on Capitol Hill.

Fox News Frankenstein

Fox News chairman Roger Ailes has come to regret the direction he took the network after the 2008 election.

Will Republicans Get Sane On The Debt Ceiling?

Wall Street says raise the debt ceiling. The Tea Party says no. What will the GOP do?

When Fiction Presages Reality: Musings on Gingrich

Newt is looking a bit toasty to me (not that that is a surprising position to take).

Michele Bachmann Running

All signs are that Michele Bachmann is running for president. What impact will she have on the race?

Ron Paul’s Election Problem: The Issues he Supports

No, Ron Paul is not a viable candidate for president.

With Huckabee Out, Bachmann More Likely To Run For POTUS, And That Helps Romney

With Huckabee out, the right side of the GOP primary base may end up divided. And that will help Mitt Romney.

Gingrich: 2012 Biggest Election Since 1860

Newt Gingrich says the coming presidential election will be the most important since the Civil War.

Romney’s Federalism Dodge

Romney wants to make a federalism based argument for why his MA health care bill is good, while the PPACA is tyrannical. However, just saying that is not an argument.

Health Care, the GOP Field, and Tribal Politics

How much of public opinion is about tribal political identification and how much is about the actual policies themselves?

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Tea Party Mascot Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Majority Of Republicans Support A Third Party

For the first time, a majority of Republicans support creation of a third political party. Does it really mean anything?

Don’t Count the Tea Party Out of 2012

New rules for the 2012 primary open the door for a Tea Party candidate to take the GOP nomination.

Serious Candidates for Serious People

David Brooks declares Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, and Jon Huntsman the only serious candidates for the Republican nomination.

Beyond “Liberal” And “Conservative”: A New Political Typology

The Pew Center is out with a new political typology.

Republicans Ready To Punt On Ryan Plan’s Medicare Changes?

Republicans seem to have realized that the Ryan Plan’s Medicare reforms aren’t going anywhere.

Are Republicans Facing A Backlash Over Ryan Plan And Medicare Changes?

There are signs that the Ryan Plan isn’t playing well with the public.

Why Nobody’s Running Against Obama

Why are many of the top Republicans are sitting out the race despite a seemingly vulnerable incumbent?

Tea Party Politics At The State Level: Less Libertarian, More Authoritarian

If you look at the Tea Party’s impact on state politics, you see it really isn’t much different from the Religious Right.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Fickle Finger of Fate Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Sarah Palin Lambastes House GOP, Tells Republicans To “Fight Like Girls”

Sarah Palin was back speaking to a Tea Party crowd yesterday, but it just doesn’t seem like matters anymore.

Rand Paul: Both Sides Will Have To Compromise To Reach A Budget Deal

One of the Tea Party movement’s favorite Senators used the dreaded c-word.

The Ryan Plan’s Political Problem

Will the Ryan Plan ever be voted out of the House?

This Budget Cutting Thing is Hard

To borrow a phrase: budgeting is the science of muddling through (with an emphasis on the “muddling” far more than the “science.”

Are we Living in the Nightmare that Rand Predicted?

Is our current economic situation the result of massive government intervention? The Randians certainly think so.

Stupidly, House GOP Appears To Take Taxes Off The Table In Future Budget Talks

The GOP seems to be telling President Obama that revenue increases are off the table. That’s a huge mistake.

Donald Trump Tied For Lead In Meaningless Poll

Donald Trump has been surging in polls of Republican voters recently, but that doesn’t mean much of anything.

Political Derangement Syndrome

Whenever I despair at the current state of the Republican Party, I remind myself that things aren’t much better across the aisle.