F.C.C. Set To Ban The Word “Redskins” From The Airwaves?

The F.C.C. will be considering a petition to ban the word “Redskins” from the airwaves.

‘Tom and Jerry’ Cartoons Get ‘Racial Prejudice’ Warning

The classic “Tom and Jerry” cartoons of the 1940s and 1950s come with a “racial prejudice” warning from Amazon.

F.C.C. Eliminates Sports Blackout Rule Over N.F.L Objections

A long standing rule is finally repealed, but it’s not likely to change your viewing choices.

Weekly Standard Columnist Ends Up On TSA Watch List For No Rational Reason

The TSA is up to its usual shenanigans.

Mitt Romney 2016? Maybe More Likely Than We’ve Been Thinking

While it still seems unlikely that he’ll run, Mitt Romney does seem to be leaving the door open to a third run at the White House.

Forest Service Requires Media To Pay Fees To Take Pictures On Government Land

Freedom Of The Press, if you can afford to pay the fee.

Yemeni Rebels Seize Portion Of Capital

While the world pays attention to Syria and Iraq, Yemen is once against lurching into chaos.

U.S. Launches Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria

President Obama has opened a new front in his “war” against ISIS

The TMZification of Sports

Today’s sports media more closely resemble Court TV and TMZ than the SportsCenter of yore.

Before We Go To War Against ISIS, We Need To Answer Some Questions

If the President is going to increase American involvement in the Middle East, he needs to address some fundamental questions first.

Joan Rivers Dies At 81

DNA Evidence Clears Two Men After 31 Years, Including One Who Was Sentenced To Die

Two men in North Carolina are free after spending 31 years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.

Democrat Drops Out Of Kansas Senate Race, Which May Help Democrats

A political earthquake in the Sunflower State that could have a big impact on the battle for control of the Senate.

Star Trek Beginner’s Guide

AV Club produces an impressive overview of the entire Trek franchise.

King Abdullah Warns the West

Is the West next in ISIS’s crosshairs?

Russia Has Invaded Ukraine

A major escalation.

Robin Williams Commits Suicide

A man who brought joy and laughter to millions has ended his own life because he was too depressed to go on.

Watergate Forty Years Later

Even with the passage of time, Watergate remains a singularly important event in American history

Gaza Truce Ends As Hamas Refuses To Extend Humanitarian Ceasefire

Well, it was nice while it lasted.

New Sanctions Announced Against Russia, But It’s Unclear Russia Will Care

The U.S. and Europe have announced a new round of sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis, but it’s not clear that the Russians will be motivated to change course.

Republicans Dismiss Impeachment As A Democratic Ploy, But May Still Face A Dilemma

Republicans are dismissing talk of impeachment as a Democratic fundraising ploy, but it may be they are protesting just a bit too much.

The Failures Of Obama’s Leadership

Fairly or not, the President has created the impression that he is not a good leader, and there’s not much he can do about it at this point.

Israel Rejects Temporary Cease Fire Plan As Gaza Conflict Continues To Rage

Hopes for a temporary respite in the Gaza conflict faded away today.

Russians Are Getting A Very Different Version Of The Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Story

If you live in Russia, you’re getting a different version of the story of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

Rupert Murdoch Rebuffed In Initial Bid To Buy Time Warner, But It’s Not Over Yet

Big news, and potentially a big merger, in the entertainment industry.

Thank God For Negative Campaigning

Rather than being a bad thing, negative campaigning is an essential part of our political system.

Paying Attention To Politics? You’re Probably Really Stressed Out

In a new survey, Americans cite politics and the news as the biggest sources of stress in their lives.

Todd Akin Has No Regrets About His Comments About ‘Legitimate Rape’

Just in time for the midterms, Todd Akin is back to remind voters of the GOP’s problems with female voters.

Cochran Certified Winner Of Mississippi Runoff, But McDaniel Continues His Quixotic Campaign

Thad Cochran has been officially certified as the winner of the Mississippi GOP Primary Runoff Election, but it’s not over yet.