The Tea Party’s Nebraska Battleground

A Tea Party battle in the Cornhusker State

Virginia County Considers Banning People From Meeting In Their Own Homes

One Virginia county wants to regulate how many people you can have in your home for a visit.

Donald Sterling: Sympathy for a Devil

I’m uneasy about a world in which a private conversation, illegally recorded, can be used in this fashion.

Cliven Bundy on Race

Not only does the headline-making rancher have unique views on the nature of both grazing fees and the federal government, he has some positively retro (to use a kind word) views on race.

Sunday Morning Talk Shows Are The Dinosaurs Of Political Media

Who watches Sunday morning talk shows anymore?

Aereo And Broadcast Networks Battle Over The Future Of Television

Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear argument in a case that will likely be this era’s version of the Betamax case.

Hollywood’s Changing Male Ideal

On screen body objectification is now equal opportunity.

Jeremiah Denton, Vietnam War Hero, Dies

Jeremiah Denton, a Vietnam War hero and one-term US Senator from Alabama, has died. He was 89.

Boy Allowed to Wear ‘My Little Pony’ Backpack to School

After national attention, a North Carolina school has rescinded its ban on a 9-year-old boy’s wearing of a “girl’s” backpack.

You Probably Aren’t Going To Read Anything Beyond This Headline

Politics, media, and the attention span of the average American haven’t really changed as much as we think.

Garrick Utley Dead at 74

Veteran newsman Garrick Utley has died from prostate cancer at the age of 74.

When Will It Not Be News That Someone Is Gay?

Ellen Page is gay. So is Michael Sam. Shouldn’t we be aiming for the day when the response to news like this is “So what?”

New San Diego Mayor Is A Republican, But Not Exactly A Ted Cruz Republican

Kevin Faulconer proves that Republicans can win in California, but not if they follow the path laid out by the party’s far right wing.

The Best Super Bowl Commercial Ever

Apple’s “1984” Super Bowl commercial ran only once, but it remains in a class by itself.

The State Of The Union Is Pointless

Tonight, the American political system stops to engage in the biggest waste of time ever invented.

The Conservative Case For Legalizing Marijuana

Marijuana legalization is an issue that unites people across the political aisle.

Republicans Ready To Deal On Unemployment Benefits Extension?

There are some signs that there may be room to strike a deal on the extension of unemployment benefits, but it’s likely to require some drama on Capitol Hill before it happens.

Three NFL Cities May Be Impacted By NFL Blackout Rule This Weekend

One of the dumbest rules in sports may mean that people in three cities can’t see their teams play this weekend.

New York Times Benghazi Story Gets Some Political And Journalistic Push Back

The New York Times Benghazi report raises as many questions as it purports to answer.

North Carolina Man Charged With Violating Law Already Held To Be Unconstitutional

Watch your language in Wilson County, North Carolina.

Afghanistan Most Unpopular War Ever?

The “good war” no more.