Loud Commercials Outlawed

They might not be able to fix the economy or the healthcare system or agree on an efficient tax policy but Congress has managed to reach accord on one of the most serious problems facing America: loud television commercials.

MacArthur Genius Grants

Some old guy and the man who created “The Wire” are among this year’s recipients.

The Unfortunate Return Of Dick Morris

After several years in the wilderness, Dick Morris has returned as a Fox News analyst and, bizarrely, adviser to several Republican candidates for Congress.

Death Of The Salesmen

Thanks to the Internet, there are a lot more Willy Lomans out there.

Too Hot For Sesame Street ?

Apparently, Katy Perry’s dress was deemed too revealing for public television.

Obama: “We Can Absorb A Terrorist Attack”

What’s so wrong with saying that America will survive even if al Qaeda manages to hit us again ?

Jon Stewart vs. Stephen Colbert

Jon Stewart has made the transition into the post-Bush era much more effectively than his protege, Stephen Colbert.

Howard Fineman to HuffPo

In yet another sign of how rapidly the media landscape is changing, longtime Newsweek stalwart is leaving for the Huffington Post.

Inequality and Opportunity

Is our problem that the very rich have too much money? Or that the rest of us don’t have enough?

A Tea Party Upset In New York ?

In addition to Delaware, the Tea Party movement appears to have a shot to upset an establishment candidate in New York.

Boehner Willing To Let Bush Tax Cuts Expire For Wealthiest Americans

The political fight over the extension of the Bush tax cuts took a very interesting turn today.

Those Overeducated Ethiopians

Bryan Caplan argues that the fact so many kids in the developing world don’t go to school proves that education isn’t very valuable.

Is TV Too Complicated?

Has the digitization of entertainment — DVRs, iPods, iPods, digital cameras, Netflix, and so forth — transformed it from fun into work?

‘Happy Days’ Didn’t Jump The Shark After Fonzie Jumped The Shark

The writer of the infamous “Fonzie Jumps The Shark” episode of Happy Days breaks his silence.

Hillary Clinton 2012 Ad Running

The first ad of the 2012 presidential cycle has aired, by some dentist touting Hillary Clinton. She’s not running. Could she?

Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus!

FOX reports that the entire combat phase of the Iraq War will cost less than President Obama’s stimulus. That’s not a useful comparison.

China in the News

Four news items and articles about China that have caught my eye.

Glenn Beck Launches Blaze, HuffPo Style Magazine

Capitalizing on the buzz from his weekend rally, talk host Glenn Beck launched a new online magazine called The Blaze overnight.

The Politics of Crowd Estimates

Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally raises, yet again, the tiresome fight over crowd estimates and their political significance.

Get Ready For The Subpoenas If The GOP Wins In November

If Republicans regain control of Congress, you could be seeing a lot of scenes like this on your television for the next two years.

College Athletics Losing Money

Despite raking in billions of dollars in television, ticket, and licensing revenues, all but 14 of the 106 schools in the NCAA’s top athletic division lost money in 2009. The median loss was over $10 million.

President’s “Back To School Speech” Scheduled For Sept 14th

President Obama will be giving an address to schoolkids again this year. Stay tuned for the cries of “indoctrination !”

18-Game NFL Schedule Moves Into The Red Zone

A shorter preseason and more meaningful games may come to fruition as soon as 2012.

Rubio Leads Despite Not Running Ads

Marco Rubio is currently leading the three way race for the open Florida Senate seat, despite not spending a dime on television advertising in recent months.

Social Network Omissions Reveal More Than You Think

Your Tweets, Facebook wall posts, and FourSquare announcements obviously provide a lot of insights into your life. But so does what you’re not posting.

Mad Men Debate

Has MAD MEN jumped the shark? Or is it getting better?

Tea Party, Sarah Palin Endorsed Candidate Headed For Defeat In Alaska

Sarah Palin’s decision to back a long-shot candidate in the GOP Senate primary in Alaska didn’t exactly work out as planned.

86% Skip Commercials (14% Can’t Find Remote)

Most people who record television shows skip the commercials. Despite that, TV remains by far the most effective form of advertising.

“Ground Zero Mosque” Debate: Distraction, Or Fundamentally Important ?

Glenn Greenwald argues that the “Ground Zero Mosque” debate is about more than just a “mosque” near Ground Zero. He’s right, but that also means the debate is likely to get uglier.

NY GOP Candidate Exploiting “Ground Zero Mosque” Issue, But Getting No Traction

Rick Lazio is running for Governor of New York and he’s found an issue in the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque,” but it doesn’t seem to be helping him in the polls.

Bloggers For Hire

Political campaigns are engaging in a new form of “new media outreach” — paying bloggers for favorable coverage.

Silly Story Of The Weekend: Rand Paul Gets Donation From Porn Queen

Rand Paul is apparently taking heat from some of his more socially conservative supporters after FEC reports indicate he received a donation from the owner of an Adult web site. People need to get a life.

American Views On Islam: Ignorance Is Bliss

Why are people’s views about Islam so screwed up ? Mostly because the only things they know about it tend to be the worst possible aspects of all.

Mitch Daniels for President?

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is superbly qualified for the presidency. But our system virtually assures that he won’t be a serious contender for the job.

Ending The N-Word

Should black people quit using the N-word to set an example for white folk?

Ray Bradbury: Too Much Government, Let’s Colonize Mars

Renowned author Ray Bradbury hates big government but wants it to fund the colonization of Mars. That a man of his intelligence and insight can hold such diametrically opposed thoughts is an amusing reminder of the limits of human rationality.

Harry Reid’s Campaign Against Sharron Angle Having An Impact

Harry Reid has spent the summer trying to portray is opponent as a kook. So far, it’s working.

West Wingization of the West Wing

Senior staffers are already leaving the Obama administration due to burn-out. But are 18-hour days really necessary for running the White House?

Federal Workers Earn Twice Private Sector Counterparts?

The average federal government employee earns twice as much as the average private sector worker. An outrage? Not so much.