President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden deliver remarks at the White House Easter Egg Roll from the Blue Room Balcony, Monday, April 18, 2022 President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden deliver remarks at the White House Easter Egg Roll from the Blue Room Balcony, Monday, April 18, 2022

Biden Declares Easter Trans

Calendars, How Do They Work?

Pope Urges Ukraine to Surrender, er, Negotiate

The “courage of the white flag” is a horrible idea.

Pope Calls Israel-Hamas War ‘Terrorism’

A bizarre statement by the head of the Roman Catholic church.

Putin’s Failed Gambit

He’s turned Russia from a G-8 member to an international pariah.

Why the Catholic Church Sides with Putin and Orban

The Pope is siding with evil.

Joseph Ratzinger, 1927-2022

The Pope Emeritus has died at 95.

Craziness, Disconnectedness, and a Toxic Political Climate Equals Violence

The attack at the Pelosi house should surprise no one.

President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room. President Joe Biden takes notes doing a G7 Leaders’ Virtual Meeting Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, in the White House Situation Room.

Biden: Democrats Have Reached a Deal

$1.75 trillion ain’t $3.5 trillion but it’s something.

Vaccine Mandates are Popular and (Often) Legal

Despite a rising groundswell of support, the obvious solution to our crisis has not been implemented.

The Problematic Acting DNI

Only the best people.

Missouri Attorney General Refers 12 Catholic Priests For Prosecution For Child Abuse

The effort to bring Catholic Church officials to justice for their decades of criminal conspiracy and child abuse continues to move forward.

Five Former Priests Arrested In Michigan Child Sex Abuse Investigation

In the latest development in the child sex abuse investigations in the Catholic Church in the United States, five former Priests in Michigan have been arrested on sex abuse charges.

Australia’s Top Cardinal Convicted Of Abusing Children

Cardinal George Pell, the top Catholic Cleric in Australia, has been convicted of sexually abusing boys in the 1990s.

Pope Francis Defrocks Cardinal Theodore McCarrick After Decades Of Abuse

Pope Francis defrocked former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick after decades of allegations of abuse of young boys and seminarians.

U.S. Catholic Bishops Identify Hundreds Of Abusive Priests

Two new reports identify hundreds of Catholic Priests who have been credibly accused of abusing children over the past decades.

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Formally Splits Away From Moscow

In a move that is likely to have political and international consequences, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has officially severed ties with Moscow.

As Democrats Take Control, A Solution To The Shutdown Still Seems Unlikely

With Democrats set to take control of Congress today, a resolution to the shutdown doesn’t appear to be any closer.

500 Catholic Priests In Illinois Found To Have Abused Children, Report Says

A preliminary report from Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan found at least 500 Catholic Priests whose abuse of children had been covered up by Church officials.

Australia’s Top Cardinal Was Convicted Of Sex Abuse, The Australian Press Can’t Report It

A particularly appalling case of press censorship from Australia.

Vatican Vetoes U.S. Bishop’s Plan To Deal With Sex Abuse Crisis

In what seems like another effort at a cover-up, the Vatican vetoed a plan by American Bishops to address the Catholic Church’s abuse scandal.

Eleven States Now Investigating Catholic Church Abuse Scandal

The vise is tightening on the Catholic Church.

Eastern Orthodox Schism Grows Wider

The dispute over Ukraine between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Patriarch is widening and nearing the point of a complete break.

Justice Department Stepping In To Investigate Catholic Church Abuse Scandal

The Catholic Church’s problems may have just gotten a lot more serious.

Another Shoe Drops In The Catholic Church Abuse Scandal

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of the Archbishop of Washington, D.C this week, but his letter reveals that he still has a blind spot when it comes to the Catholic abuse scandal.

Several States Opening Investigations Into Catholic Church Abuse Scandal

Several states are opening new investigations of the Catholic Church abuse scandal. It’s about time.

Archbishop Alleges Popes Benedict And Francis Covered Up Sexual Abuse Reports

A top Vatican official is alleging that Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI were both aware of previously unknown allegations of sexual abuse and chose to allow them to be covered up rather than bringing them to light.

Pope Francis’s Empty Rhetoric On The Abuse Scandal

Pope Francis took the rare step of sending a letter addressed to all of the world’s Catholics on the sexual abuse scandal. Words are fine, but they need action to back them up.

Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report Reveals Widespread Abuse In Catholic Church

A Pennsylvania Grand Jury report reveals decades of abuse by some 300 Catholic Priests impacting more than 1,000 children and 26 of the state’s Roman Catholic Diocese.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

Pope Francis Declares Capital Punishment Unacceptable In All Circumstances

In what amounts to a significant, albeit not surprising, change in Catholic doctrine, Pope Francis has declared that the death penalty is unacceptable in all circumstances.

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick Resigns As Sexual Abuse Allegations Mount

One of the most prominent members of the American Catholic hierarchy has been removed from office in the face of mounting allegations of sexual abuse that stretch back decades.

Pope Francis Says There is No Hell

The Vatican has stopped short of calling the reports “Fake news.”

Trump Fires VA Secretary, Replacing Him with Navy Admiral

Descriptions of Robby Jackson as “Trump’s personal physician” mischaracterize his qualifications for the job.

Donald Trump’s European Vacation

Donald Trump’s first overseas trip went about as badly as you’d expect it would.

Trump’s Muslim Speech Was A Change In Tone, But It’s Unlikely To Accomplish Anything

President Trump’s speech on Islam was a change of tone. However, as critics noted, it was short on substance and is unlikely to accomplish anything.

Senior White House Official Is ‘Person Of Interest’ In Russia Investigation

The Russia investigation seems to be getting closer to the Oval Office.

Joe Lieberman For F.B.I Director?

For some reason, Joe Lieberman is apparently the front-runner to replace James Comey at the F.B.I.

What’s Taking So Long For Trump To Name U.S. Ambassadors?

Donald Trump has been President for nearly four months, but has yet to name Ambassadorial picks for many slots including several important posts.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Nothing Up My Sleave Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Justice Antonin Scalia Dead At 79

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has died at the age of 79.

Pope Francis Writes On The Environment, And Many People Miss The Point

Pope Francis’s new encyclical isn’t exactly being received positively by American conservatives, because they seem to be missing the point.

Minnesota Archbishop Resigns In Wake Of Criminal Charges Over Sex Abuse

The head of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has resigned in the wake of criminal charges for covering up sexual abuse of children.

Vatican To Recognize Palestinian State

The Vatican has announced that it will recognize Palestinian statehood, but this is not going to resolve the underlying issues that prevent a Palestinian state from actually coming into existence.

Pope Francis Speaks The Truth About The Armenian Genocide, Turks Get Predictably Upset

Unlike most world leaders, Pope Francis is wiling to call a genocide a genocide.

Francis to Follow Benedict, Predicts Short Papacy

Pope Francis says he expects to serve only a short period and plans to follow his predecessor’s example of retiring rather than waiting to die in office.

Pope: Don’t Breed Like Rabbits. Or Use Birth Control.

Pope Francis continues his world tour and has issued a paradox from his private jet.

Obama Has Made An Historic Change In U.S. Cuban Relations, It’s A Good First Step

The resumption of diplomatic relations between U.S. and Cuba, and expansion of some commercial trade ties, is historic but it’s only the first step toward the goal of ending an outdated embargo.

American Cardinal Critical Of Pope Francis Demoted

Vatican politics is older than American politics, and can be just as entertaining.

Pope Francis’s Remarks On The Big Bang Are Nothing New For The Catholic Church

Pope Francis restates something the Catholic Church has taught for a long time and, again, the American media thinks its something new and revolutionary.