Donald Trump Continues His Despicable War On The News Media

President Trump continues his war on one of the most important guardians of American democracy.

Trump Goes To Phoenix And Returns To Old Form

Donald Trump gave a campaign-style speech in Phoenix last night and reminded us of everything that’s wrong with him.

The Limits of Free Speech

The dangers of the tyranny of the majority have only magnified.

The ACLU is Right to Defend Free Speech for Awful People

Yes, even Nazis must have their rights to peaceful speech and assembly protected.

Did Police Do Too Little to Stop Charlottesville Violence?

Authorities are being second-guessed over their handling of Saturday’s protests. Virginia gun laws are the more obvious problem.

Trump Suggests ‘Military Option’ In Venezuela

More stupid, irresponsible rhetoric from the President of the United States.

The Incoherent Nature of Nancy MacLean’s Narrative

A Duke history professor uncovers “stealth plan” by “fifth columnists” who are seeking to overthrow democracy in the U.S. for their plutocrat masters.

Challenges and Threats to Representative Government in the United States

Thoughts on the quality of our democracy.

Progress towards Peace in Colombia

The FARC have disarmed. Now to the hard part.

Trump Reverses Parts Of Obama’s Opening To Cuba

Foolishly, President Trump is rolling back part of President Obama’s opening to Cuba.

Maryland and Washington, D.C. Sue Trump Over Alleged Emoluments Clause Violations

Maryland and the District of Columbia are suing President Trump based on alleged violations of two provisions of the Constitution that have never been litigated before.

Trump Considering Reversing Obama Policy On Cuba

President Trump is reportedly considering at least partly reversing one of the great foreign policy successes of the Obama Presidency.

The Politics of Presidential Removal

Some thoughts on presidential interruptions.

Trump’s Muslim Speech Was A Change In Tone, But It’s Unlikely To Accomplish Anything

President Trump’s speech on Islam was a change of tone. However, as critics noted, it was short on substance and is unlikely to accomplish anything.

David Clarke’s Plagiarized Masters Thesis

The infamous former sheriff and current Trump Homeland Security official committed academic fraud.

No, The 25th Amendment Isn’t The Way To Solve The Donald Trump Problem

A Constitutional coup d’etat is not the way to solve the Donald Trump problem.

South Korea Elects New President Who Favors Dialogue With North Korea

South Korea has elected a new President who breaks with his impeached predecessor in favoring dialogue with the North.

Today in “Asked and Answered” (NPV Edition)

How close to success is the National Popular Vote initiative? (Spoiler alert: not close).

The Power of Primaries

As usual, an attempt to explain congressional behavior brings us back to the issue of our basic institutions. The way we elect congress matters.

“America’s Greatest Domestic Threats”

Wayne LaPierre’s perverted view of the world in two sentences.

The First 100

An assessment of the 45th President’s first 100 days.

Changes in Turkey

By a narrow margin, Turks voted for some significant changes.

Montenegro To Become Member Of NATO For No Good Reason

The tiny Balkan nation of Montenegro is set to become the latest member of the NATO alliance despite the fact that there is seemingly no good reason for it.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Former Trump Campaign Manager Worked To Help Putin

More evidence of ties between the Trump campaign and Russian interests.

Trump’s Revised Muslim Travel Ban Blocked By Two Federal Judges

Two more losses for the Trump Administration.

South Korean President Removed From Office After Impeachment

South Korea removes a corrupt leader by peaceful means.

George W. Bush Speaks Out Against President Trump

Well, at least someone has a backbone.

There’s Only One Right Side In Trump’s Unjustified War On The News Media

There are two sides in this war between Trump and the media, but only one of them is the right side.

Appeals Court Upholds Restraining Order Barring Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Another judicial slap at the Trump Administration.

Trump Names Judge Neil Gorsuch To Supreme Court

With a relatively smooth announcement, Donald Trump has named a solid and qualified conservative who will likely be confirmed to the nation’s highest court.

The Deep Significance and Importance of NAFTA

As with so many things, the President is demonstrating that he really doesn’t know what he is doing.

Women’s March Draws Record Crowds: So Now What?

A movement motivated by hurt and fear turned into a political force eight years ago. Can another follow suit?

The Most Dreadful Inaugural Address in History

A speech traditionally used to unite was instead a continuation of a divisive campaign.

Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

A potentially controversial commutation from President Obama today.

A “Republic v. Democracy” Lexicon

Concepts, basic applications, and even a bibliography! Merry Festivus, everyone.

Some Additional Thoughts on the Faithless

The number of faithless electors was both historical and trivial.

An Entry for “Dictatorship for Dummies”

Trump will maintain some level of private security once in office.

No, The Electoral College Is Not Unconstitutional

Wherein a law professor makes the absurd argument that the Electoral College, which exists pursuant to the Constitution, is unconstitutional.

More EC Fun

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Tweet on “Illegal Voting” Encapsulates Serious Problems

Those who voted for him thinking he would be guided or controlled by more sober individuals or that he would start acting presidential once elected: you were wrong.

Fidel Castro Dead At 90

One of the Cold War era’s last dictators has finally died.