No, the US is not on the Verge of a Multi-Party System

We will have a two party system for the foreseeable future.

France’s National Front Suffers Setbacks In 2nd Round Voting, But Still Seems Likely To Rise

Marine Le Pen suffered setbacks in the second round of regional voting on Sunday, but the party still seems likely to become more popular in the coming years.

Trump and Fascism

Should Donald Trump be classified as a fascist?

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument On Meaning Of ‘One Person, One Vote’ In Redistricting

The Supreme Court heard oral argument today in a case that could have big implications for redistricting, and the make-up of state legislatures and the House of Representatives.

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

ISIS is Winning

The United States and Europe are giving everything the perpetrators of the Paris attacks hoped for.

Jonathan Pollard Released From Federal Prison After Thirty Years

After thirty years in Federal Prison, Jonathan Pollard is a free man. Make no mistake, though. Pollard is not, and never has been, a hero and he deserves to be remembered as nothing but the criminal that he is.

John Kasich Wants To Create A Government Agency To Spread Religious Propaganda

John Kasich wants the United States Government to create an agency to spread ‘so-called ‘Judeo-Christian values.’

Ben Carson’s Incoherence And Ignorance On Foreign Policy Should Be Disqualifying

Ben Carson displays incoherence and ignorance on foreign policy issues that disqualify him from being considered a serious candidate for President of the United States.

Both Sides Do It: Voter Suppression Edition

Today, many states and municipalities are having elections that will mostly attract Democrats.

Joe Biden Announces He’s Not Running For President

To the surprise of nobody who was actually paying attention to political reality, Vice-President Biden announced today that he will not be a candidate for President.

Conservative Party In Danger Of Losing Majority In Canada, But Outcome Still In Doubt

If pre-election polling is to be believed, Stephan Harper and Canada’s Conservative Party seem likely to lose power after Monday’s elections, but there are several reasons why this may not end up being the case.

Clinton Wins, And Ends Any Reason For Joe Biden To Enter The Race

In addition to doing everything she needed to do last night, Hillary Clinton also destroyed whatever logic remained for a Joe Biden candidacy.

California Adopts Automatic Voter Registration

California has become the second state to provide for automatic voter registration for all eligible voters when they obtain or renew a driver’s license.

Background on the FARC (and Remembering the FARC’s Terrible, Horrible, no Good, very Bad Year+)

The seeds of the current peace deal date back to 2007-2008 (plus some longer-term background notes).

Elizabeth Warren’s Supporters Aren’t Thrilled About Joe Biden, But Who Is Really?

Joe Biden may want to run for President, but does anyone else? It doesn’t really seem like it.

Jeb Bush Is Willfully Blind To The Truth About The Iraq War

Like many Republicans, Jeb Bush continues to be willfully blind to the truth about the Iraq War.

Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

A Federal Appeals Court has dealt a setback to Texas in the battle over its Voter ID Law.

Driven Largely By Republicans, Public Opinion On The Supreme Court Hits A Low

Public opinion on the Supreme Court has declined significantly, largely because Republicans don’t like the Supreme Court very much right now.

Greek Voters Reject Bailout Deal, Greece Still Largely Screwed

Greek voters rejected the latest bailout package, but that only seems likely to make things even worse for them.

From Bork, To Kennedy, To Obergefell

He definitely wouldn’t appreciate it, but in some sense you can thank Robert Bork for the Supreme Court’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Supreme Court Approves States Outsourcing Redistricting to Commissions

SCOTUS has upheld the use of election commissions to draw Congressional district lines.

The Supreme Court as Sitting Constitutional Convention

Debating the proper role of the judiciary.

On Constitutional Language

Wherein I take the view that as our understanding of language changes, so too does our application of the Constiution.

Supreme Court Rules Constitution Guarantees Gay Marriage

The US Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that the U.S. Constitution contains a right to same-sex marriage.

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Subsidies In 6-3 Vote

The era of legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act is over.

Supreme Court Says Texas Can Ban Confederate License Plates, Endangering Freedom Of Speech

The Supreme Court ruled that states don’t have to grant license plates that display the Confederate flag. Their decision has the potential to seriously harm the First Amendment.

The Treasury Department Wants To Put A Woman On The $10 Bill

Surely it’s time to put a woman on American currency again, but why go after Alexander Hamilton?

Turkish Governing Party Loses Parliamentary Majority In Elections

Turkey’s governing party suffered big setbacks at the ballot box yesterday.

Group Trying To Draft Elizabeth Warren To Run For President To Close Doors

The “Draft Warren” movement is basically dead.

Supreme Court To Decide Meaning Of “One Person, One Vote”

The Supreme Court accepted a case that will require the Justices to decide just what it meant when it established the “one person, one vote” rule for drawing legislative districts.

Obama Administration To Take Steps To Cut Back On Police Militarization

President Obama is taking steps to reduce police militarization, but there’s much more that needs to be done.

David Cameron To Propose Broad Expansion Of Powers To Crackdown On ‘Extremism’

Fresh off an election victory, British Prime Minister David Cameron is set to propose a series of new measures to crackdown on extremism that raise serious civil liberties concerns.

Hillary Misrepresents Citizen’s United, Says She’ll Demand Promises To Overturn From Nominees

Hillary Clinton told supporters she’d require Supreme Court nominees to pledge to overturn Citizens United, a decision she completely misrepresented.

Political Experts Who Don’t Understand Politics

49 “experts in governance and democracy” to call for nonsensical reforms to the presidential debates.

Two Hostages, Including One American, Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda Targets

An attack on al Qaeda outposts in January resulted in the death of two hostages, but also resulted in the death of two high value al Qaeda targets.

US-Latin American Relations

Some thoughts on a column by Roger Noriega on the Obama administration and Latin America,

Harry Reid Doesn’t Regret Spreading False Charges About Mitt Romney’s Taxes

Harry Reid made outlandish claims about Mitt Romney during the 2012 election. He probably knew they were lies when he made them. And he doesn’t care.

Lee Kuan Yew’s Legacy

Modern Singapore’s founder passed away at age 91 earlier this week.

President Obama Supports Mandatory Voting, And He’s Wrong To Do So

President Obama thinks that it would be a good idea if everyone were forced to vote. He’s wrong, and his idea is most likely unconstitutional.

Should We Boycott Moron Clothing Designers?

Elton John is leading a boycott against Dolce & Gabbana.

Florida State Employees Ordered Not To Refer To “Climate Change” Or “Global Warming”

Don’t say “climate change” or “global warming” if you work for Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection.

Supreme Court Justices Skeptical Of Non-Legislative Redistricting

The Supreme Court seems likely to strike down state laws that take redistricting completely out of the hands of state legislatures.

ISIS is What it Says it Is

The Atlantic has a fascinating cover story by Graeme Wood titled “What ISIS Really Wants.”